
最后更新于:2021-11-25 22:29:44

apply_filters( ‘body_class’, string[] $classes, string[] $class )

Filters the list of CSS body class names for the current post or page.



An array of body class names.


An array of additional class names added to the body.


文件: gc-includes/post-template.php

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function my_body_class( $classes )
	$include = array
		// browsers/devices (
		'is-iphone'            => $GLOBALS['is_iphone'],
		'is-chrome'            => $GLOBALS['is_chrome'],
		'is-safari'            => $GLOBALS['is_safari'],
		'is-ns4'               => $GLOBALS['is_NS4'],
		'is-opera'             => $GLOBALS['is_opera'],
		'is-mac-ie'            => $GLOBALS['is_macIE'],
		'is-win-ie'            => $GLOBALS['is_winIE'],
		'is-gecko'             => $GLOBALS['is_gecko'],
		'is-lynx'              => $GLOBALS['is_lynx'],
		'is-ie'                => $GLOBALS['is_IE'],
		'is-edge'              => $GLOBALS['is_edge'],
		// GC Query (already included by default, but nice to have same format)
		'is-archive'           => is_archive(),
		'is-post_type_archive' => is_post_type_archive(),
		'is-attachment'        => is_attachment(),
		'is-author'            => is_author(),
		'is-category'          => is_category(),
		'is-tag'               => is_tag(),
		'is-tax'               => is_tax(),
		'is-date'              => is_date(),
		'is-day'               => is_day(),
		'is-feed'              => is_feed(),
		'is-comment-feed'      => is_comment_feed(),
		'is-front-page'        => is_front_page(),
		'is-home'              => is_home(),
		'is-privacy-policy'    => is_privacy_policy(),
		'is-month'             => is_month(),
		'is-page'              => is_page(),
		'is-paged'             => is_paged(),
		'is-preview'           => is_preview(),
		'is-robots'            => is_robots(),
		'is-search'            => is_search(),
		'is-single'            => is_single(),
		'is-singular'          => is_singular(),
		'is-time'              => is_time(),
		'is-trackback'         => is_trackback(),
		'is-year'              => is_year(),
		'is-404'               => is_404(),
		'is-embed'             => is_embed(),
		// Mobile
		'is-mobile'            => gc_is_mobile(),
		'is-desktop' 		   => ! gc_is_mobile(),
		// Common
		'has-blocks'           => function_exists( 'has_blocks' ) && has_blocks(),

	// Sidebars
	foreach ( $GLOBALS['gc_registered_sidebars'] as $sidebar ) 
		$include[ "is-sidebar-{$sidebar['id']}" ] = is_active_sidebar( $sidebar['id'] );

	// Add classes

	foreach ( $include as $class => $do_include ) 
		if ( $do_include ) $classes[ $class ] = $class;

	// 响应

	return $classes;

add_filter( 'body_class', 'my_body_class' );