
最后更新于:2021-11-26 04:03:39

apply_filters( ‘customize_changeset_save_data’, array $data, array $context )

Filters the settings’ data that will be persisted into the changeset.



Updated changeset data, mapping setting IDs to arrays containing a $value item and optionally other metadata.


Filter context.

  • ‘uuid’
    (string) Changeset UUID.
  • ‘title’
    (string) Requested title for the changeset post.
  • ‘status’
    (string) Requested status for the changeset post.
  • ‘date_gmt’
    (string) Requested date for the changeset post in MySQL format and GMT timezone.
  • ‘post_id’
    (int|false) Post ID for the changeset, or false if it doesn’t exist yet.
  • ‘previous_data’
    (array) Previous data contained in the changeset.
  • ‘manager’
    (GC_Customize_Manager) Manager instance.


文件: gc-includes/class-gc-customize-manager.php

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