
最后更新于:2021-11-27 02:02:22

do_action( “in_plugin_update_message-{$file}”, array $plugin_data, array $response )

Fires at the end of the update message container in each row of the plugins list table.



An array of plugin metadata.

  • ‘name’
    (string) The human-readable name of the plugin.
  • ‘plugin_uri’
    (string) Plugin URI.
  • ‘version’
    (string) Plugin version.
  • ‘description’
    (string) Plugin description.
  • ‘author’
    (string) Plugin author.
  • ‘author_uri’
    (string) Plugin author URI.
  • ‘text_domain’
    (string) Plugin text domain.
  • ‘domain_path’
    (string) Relative path to the plugin’s .mo file(s).
  • ‘network’
    (bool) Whether the plugin can only be activated network wide.
  • ‘title’
    (string) The human-readable title of the plugin.
  • ‘author_name’
    (string) Plugin author’s name.
  • ‘update’
    (bool) Whether there’s an available update. Default null.


An array of metadata about the available plugin update.

  • ‘id’
    (int) Plugin ID.
  • ‘slug’
    (string) Plugin slug.
  • ‘new_version’
    (string) New plugin version.
  • ‘url’
    (string) Plugin URL.
  • ‘package’
    (string) Plugin update package URL.


文件: gc-admin/includes/update.php

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