
最后更新于:2022-04-01 05:59:57

### 返回值:undefinedcallbacks.disable() ### *V1.7*概述 禁用回调列表中的回调 ### 示例 #### 描述: 使用 callbacks.disable() 禁用回调列表: ##### jQuery 代码: ~~~ // a sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list var foo = function( value ){ console.log( value ); } var callbacks = $.Callbacks(); // add the above function to the list callbacks.add( foo ); // fire the items on the list 'foo' ); // outputs: foo // disable further calls being possible callbacks.disable(); // attempt to fire with 'foobar' as an argument 'foobar' ); // foobar isn't output ~~~