
最后更新于:2021-12-01 10:22:44

GC_( stream$stream, string$host)

Verifies the received SSL certificate against its Common Names and subjectAltName fields.



(stream) (Required) The PHP Stream which the SSL request is being made over


(string) (Required) The hostname being requested


(bool) If the cerficiate presented in $stream is valid for $host


文件: gc-includes/class-gc-http-streams.php

	public static function verify_ssl_certificate( $stream, $host ) {
		$context_options = stream_context_get_options( $stream );

		if ( empty( $context_options['ssl']['peer_certificate'] ) ) {
			return false;

		$cert = openssl_x509_parse( $context_options['ssl']['peer_certificate'] );
		if ( ! $cert ) {
			return false;

		 * If the request is being made to an IP address, we'll validate against IP fields
		 * in the cert (if they exist)
		$host_type = ( GC_Http::is_ip_address( $host ) ? 'ip' : 'dns' );

		$certificate_hostnames = array();
		if ( ! empty( $cert['extensions']['subjectAltName'] ) ) {
			$match_against = preg_split( '/,s*/', $cert['extensions']['subjectAltName'] );
			foreach ( $match_against as $match ) {
				list( $match_type, $match_host ) = explode( ':', $match );
				if ( strtolower( trim( $match_type ) ) === $host_type ) { // IP: or DNS:
					$certificate_hostnames[] = strtolower( trim( $match_host ) );
		} elseif ( ! empty( $cert['subject']['CN'] ) ) {
			// Only use the CN when the certificate includes no subjectAltName extension.
			$certificate_hostnames[] = strtolower( $cert['subject']['CN'] );

		// Exact hostname/IP matches.
		if ( in_array( strtolower( $host ), $certificate_hostnames, true ) ) {
			return true;

		// IP's can't be wildcards, Stop processing.
		if ( 'ip' === $host_type ) {
			return false;

		// Test to see if the domain is at least 2 deep for wildcard support.
		if ( substr_count( $host, '.' ) < 2 ) {
			return false;

		// Wildcard subdomains certs (*.example.com) are valid for a.example.com but not a.b.example.com.
		$wildcard_host = preg_replace( '/^[^.]+./', '*.', $host );

		return in_array( strtolower( $wildcard_host ), $certificate_hostnames, true );