
最后更新于:2021-11-26 09:22:02


Kicks off the background update process, looping through all pending updates.


文件: gc-admin/includes/class-gc-automatic-updater.php

	public function run() {
		if ( $this->is_disabled() ) {

		if ( ! is_main_network() || ! is_main_site() ) {

		if ( ! GC_Upgrader::create_lock( 'auto_updater' ) ) {

		// Don't automatically run these things, as we'll handle it ourselves.
		remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', array( 'Language_Pack_Upgrader', 'async_upgrade' ), 20 );
		remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'gc_version_check' );
		remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'gc_update_plugins' );
		remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'gc_update_themes' );

		// Next, plugins.
		gc_update_plugins(); // Check for plugin updates.
		$plugin_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' );
		if ( $plugin_updates && ! empty( $plugin_updates->response ) ) {
			foreach ( $plugin_updates->response as $plugin ) {
				$this->update( 'plugin', $plugin );
			// Force refresh of plugin update information.

		// Next, those themes we all love.
		gc_update_themes();  // Check for theme updates.
		$theme_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_themes' );
		if ( $theme_updates && ! empty( $theme_updates->response ) ) {
			foreach ( $theme_updates->response as $theme ) {
				$this->update( 'theme', (object) $theme );
			// Force refresh of theme update information.

		// Next, process any core update.
		gc_version_check(); // Check for core updates.
		$core_update = find_core_auto_update();

		if ( $core_update ) {
			$this->update( 'core', $core_update );

		// Clean up, and check for any pending translations.
		// (Core_Upgrader checks for core updates.)
		$theme_stats = array();
		if ( isset( $this->update_results['theme'] ) ) {
			foreach ( $this->update_results['theme'] as $upgrade ) {
				$theme_stats[ $upgrade->item->theme ] = ( true === $upgrade->result );
		gc_update_themes( $theme_stats ); // Check for theme updates.

		$plugin_stats = array();
		if ( isset( $this->update_results['plugin'] ) ) {
			foreach ( $this->update_results['plugin'] as $upgrade ) {
				$plugin_stats[ $upgrade->item->plugin ] = ( true === $upgrade->result );
		gc_update_plugins( $plugin_stats ); // Check for plugin updates.

		// Finally, process any new translations.
		$language_updates = gc_get_translation_updates();
		if ( $language_updates ) {
			foreach ( $language_updates as $update ) {
				$this->update( 'translation', $update );

			// Clear existing caches.

			gc_version_check();  // Check for core updates.
			gc_update_themes();  // Check for theme updates.
			gc_update_plugins(); // Check for plugin updates.

		// Send debugging email to admin for all development installations.
		if ( ! empty( $this->update_results ) ) {
			$development_version = false !== strpos( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '-' );

			 * Filters whether to send a debugging email for each automatic background update.
			 * @since 3.7.0
			 * @param bool $development_version By default, emails are sent if the
			 *                                  install is a development version.
			 *                                  响应 false to avoid the email.
			if ( apply_filters( 'automatic_updates_send_debug_email', $development_version ) ) {

			if ( ! empty( $this->update_results['core'] ) ) {
				$this->after_core_update( $this->update_results['core'][0] );
			} elseif ( ! empty( $this->update_results['plugin'] ) || ! empty( $this->update_results['theme'] ) ) {
				$this->after_plugin_theme_update( $this->update_results );

			 * Fires after all automatic updates have run.
			 * @since 3.8.0
			 * @param array $update_results The results of all attempted updates.
			do_action( 'automatic_updates_complete', $this->update_results );

		GC_Upgrader::release_lock( 'auto_updater' );