
最后更新于:2021-11-27 00:51:36


Print JavaScript settings for parent window.


文件: gc-includes/class-gc-customize-manager.php

	public function customize_pane_settings() {

		$login_url = add_query_arg(
				'interim-login'   => 1,
				'customize-login' => 1,

		// Ensure dirty flags are set for modified settings.
		foreach ( array_keys( $this->unsanitized_post_values() ) as $setting_id ) {
			$setting = $this->get_setting( $setting_id );
			if ( $setting ) {
				$setting->dirty = true;

		$autosave_revision_post  = null;
		$autosave_autodraft_post = null;
		$changeset_post_id       = $this->changeset_post_id();
		if ( ! $this->saved_starter_content_changeset && ! $this->autosaved() ) {
			if ( $changeset_post_id ) {
				if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
					$autosave_revision_post = gc_get_post_autosave( $changeset_post_id, get_current_user_id() );
			} else {
				$autosave_autodraft_posts = $this->get_changeset_posts(
						'posts_per_page'            => 1,
						'post_status'               => 'auto-draft',
						'exclude_restore_dismissed' => true,
				if ( ! empty( $autosave_autodraft_posts ) ) {
					$autosave_autodraft_post = array_shift( $autosave_autodraft_posts );

		$current_user_can_publish = current_user_can( get_post_type_object( 'customize_changeset' )->cap->publish_posts );

		// @todo Include all of the status labels here from script-loader.php, and then allow it to be filtered.
		$status_choices = array();
		if ( $current_user_can_publish ) {
			$status_choices[] = array(
				'status' => 'publish',
				'label'  => __( 'Publish' ),
		$status_choices[] = array(
			'status' => 'draft',
			'label'  => __( 'Save Draft' ),
		if ( $current_user_can_publish ) {
			$status_choices[] = array(
				'status' => 'future',
				'label'  => _x( 'Schedule', 'customizer changeset action/button label' ),

		// Prepare Customizer settings to pass to JavaScript.
		$changeset_post = null;
		if ( $changeset_post_id ) {
			$changeset_post = get_post( $changeset_post_id );

		// Determine initial date to be at present or future, not past.
		$current_time = current_time( 'mysql', false );
		$initial_date = $current_time;
		if ( $changeset_post ) {
			$initial_date = get_the_time( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $changeset_post->ID );
			if ( $initial_date < $current_time ) {
				$initial_date = $current_time;

		$lock_user_id = false;
		if ( $this->changeset_post_id() ) {
			$lock_user_id = gc_check_post_lock( $this->changeset_post_id() );

		$settings = array(
			'changeset'              => array(
				'uuid'                  => $this->changeset_uuid(),
				'branching'             => $this->branching(),
				'autosaved'             => $this->autosaved(),
				'hasAutosaveRevision'   => ! empty( $autosave_revision_post ),
				'latestAutoDraftUuid'   => $autosave_autodraft_post ? $autosave_autodraft_post->post_name : null,
				'status'                => $changeset_post ? $changeset_post->post_status : '',
				'currentUserCanPublish' => $current_user_can_publish,
				'publishDate'           => $initial_date,
				'statusChoices'         => $status_choices,
				'lockUser'              => $lock_user_id ? $this->get_lock_user_data( $lock_user_id ) : null,
			'initialServerDate'      => $current_time,
			'dateFormat'             => get_option( 'date_format' ),
			'timeFormat'             => get_option( 'time_format' ),
			'initialServerTimestamp' => floor( microtime( true ) * 1000 ),
			'initialClientTimestamp' => -1, // To be set with JS below.
			'timeouts'               => array(
				'windowRefresh'           => 250,
				'changesetAutoSave'       => AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL * 1000,
				'keepAliveCheck'          => 2500,
				'reflowPaneContents'      => 100,
				'previewFrameSensitivity' => 2000,
			'theme'                  => array(
				'stylesheet'  => $this->get_stylesheet(),
				'active'      => $this->is_theme_active(),
				'_canInstall' => current_user_can( 'install_themes' ),
			'url'                    => array(
				'preview'       => esc_url_raw( $this->get_preview_url() ),
				'return'        => esc_url_raw( $this->get_return_url() ),
				'parent'        => esc_url_raw( admin_url() ),
				'activated'     => esc_url_raw( home_url( '/' ) ),
				'ajax'          => esc_url_raw( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php', 'relative' ) ),
				'allowed'       => array_map( 'esc_url_raw', $this->get_allowed_urls() ),
				'isCrossDomain' => $this->is_cross_domain(),
				'home'          => esc_url_raw( home_url( '/' ) ),
				'login'         => esc_url_raw( $login_url ),
			'browser'                => array(
				'mobile' => gc_is_mobile(),
				'ios'    => $this->is_ios(),
			'panels'                 => array(),
			'sections'               => array(),
			'nonce'                  => $this->get_nonces(),
			'autofocus'              => $this->get_autofocus(),
			'documentTitleTmpl'      => $this->get_document_title_template(),
			'previewableDevices'     => $this->get_previewable_devices(),
			'l10n'                   => array(
				'confirmDeleteTheme'   => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?' ),
				/* translators: %d: Number of theme search results, which cannot currently consider singular vs. plural forms. */
				'themeSearchResults'   => __( '%d themes found' ),
				/* translators: %d: Number of themes being displayed, which cannot currently consider singular vs. plural forms. */
				'announceThemeCount'   => __( 'Displaying %d themes' ),
				/* translators: %s: Theme name. */
				'announceThemeDetails' => __( 'Showing details for theme: %s' ),

		// Temporarily disable installation in Customizer. See #42184.
		$filesystem_method = get_filesystem_method();
		$filesystem_credentials_are_stored = request_filesystem_credentials( self_admin_url() );
		if ( 'direct' !== $filesystem_method && ! $filesystem_credentials_are_stored ) {
			$settings['theme']['_filesystemCredentialsNeeded'] = true;

		// Prepare Customize Section objects to pass to JavaScript.
		foreach ( $this->sections() as $id => $section ) {
			if ( $section->check_capabilities() ) {
				$settings['sections'][ $id ] = $section->json();

		// Prepare Customize Panel objects to pass to JavaScript.
		foreach ( $this->panels() as $panel_id => $panel ) {
			if ( $panel->check_capabilities() ) {
				$settings['panels'][ $panel_id ] = $panel->json();
				foreach ( $panel->sections as $section_id => $section ) {
					if ( $section->check_capabilities() ) {
						$settings['sections'][ $section_id ] = $section->json();

		<script type="text/javascript">
			var _gcCustomizeSettings = <?php echo gc_json_encode( $settings ); ?>;
			_gcCustomizeSettings.initialClientTimestamp = _.now();
			_gcCustomizeSettings.controls = {};
			_gcCustomizeSettings.settings = {};

			// Serialize settings one by one to improve memory usage.
			echo "(function ( s ){n";
			foreach ( $this->settings() as $setting ) {
				if ( $setting->check_capabilities() ) {
						"s[%s] = %s;n",
						gc_json_encode( $setting->id ),
						gc_json_encode( $setting->json() )
			echo "})( _gcCustomizeSettings.settings );n";

			// Serialize controls one by one to improve memory usage.
			echo "(function ( c ){n";
			foreach ( $this->controls() as $control ) {
				if ( $control->check_capabilities() ) {
						"c[%s] = %s;n",
						gc_json_encode( $control->id ),
						gc_json_encode( $control->json() )
			echo "})( _gcCustomizeSettings.controls );n";