
最后更新于:2021-11-27 16:21:25

GC_Filesystem_Base::gethchmod( string$file)

响应s the *nix-style file permissions for a file.



(string) (Required) String filename.


(string) The *nix-style representation of permissions.


文件: gc-admin/includes/class-gc-filesystem-base.php

	public function gethchmod( $file ) {
		$perms = intval( $this->getchmod( $file ), 8 );

		if ( ( $perms & 0xC000 ) === 0xC000 ) { // Socket.
			$info = 's';
		} elseif ( ( $perms & 0xA000 ) === 0xA000 ) { // Symbolic Link.
			$info = 'l';
		} elseif ( ( $perms & 0x8000 ) === 0x8000 ) { // Regular.
			$info = '-';
		} elseif ( ( $perms & 0x6000 ) === 0x6000 ) { // Block special.
			$info = 'b';
		} elseif ( ( $perms & 0x4000 ) === 0x4000 ) { // Directory.
			$info = 'd';
		} elseif ( ( $perms & 0x2000 ) === 0x2000 ) { // Character special.
			$info = 'c';
		} elseif ( ( $perms & 0x1000 ) === 0x1000 ) { // FIFO pipe.
			$info = 'p';
		} else { // Unknown.
			$info = 'u';

		// Owner.
		$info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0100 ) ? 'r' : '-' );
		$info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0080 ) ? 'w' : '-' );
		$info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0040 ) ?
					( ( $perms & 0x0800 ) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
					( ( $perms & 0x0800 ) ? 'S' : '-' ) );

		// Group.
		$info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0020 ) ? 'r' : '-' );
		$info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0010 ) ? 'w' : '-' );
		$info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0008 ) ?
					( ( $perms & 0x0400 ) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
					( ( $perms & 0x0400 ) ? 'S' : '-' ) );

		// World.
		$info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0004 ) ? 'r' : '-' );
		$info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0002 ) ? 'w' : '-' );
		$info .= ( ( $perms & 0x0001 ) ?
					( ( $perms & 0x0200 ) ? 't' : 'x' ) :
					( ( $perms & 0x0200 ) ? 'T' : '-' ) );

		return $info;