
最后更新于:2021-11-26 09:01:06

gcdb::get_var( string|null$query=null, int$x, int$y)

Retrieves one variable from the database.



(string|null) (Optional) SQL query. Defaults to null, use the result from the previous query.

Default value: null


(int) (Optional) Column of value to return. Indexed from 0.


(int) (Optional) Row of value to return. Indexed from 0.


(string|null) Database query result (as string), or null on failure.


文件: gc-includes/gc-db.php

	public function get_var( $query = null, $x = 0, $y = 0 ) {
		$this->func_call = "$db->get_var("$query", $x, $y)";

		if ( $this->check_current_query && $this->check_safe_collation( $query ) ) {
			$this->check_current_query = false;

		if ( $query ) {
			$this->query( $query );

		// Extract var out of cached results based on x,y vals.
		if ( ! empty( $this->last_result[ $y ] ) ) {
			$values = array_values( get_object_vars( $this->last_result[ $y ] ) );

		// If there is a value return it, else return null.
		return ( isset( $values[ $x ] ) && '' !== $values[ $x ] ) ? $values[ $x ] : null;