
最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:52:18

这篇文档描述如何快速启动和运行Shipyard。 Shipyard主要有两个组件:RethinkDB和接口。 ## RethinkDB 启动一个RethinkDB实例: ~~~ docker run -it -d --name shipyard-rethinkdb-data --entrypoint /bin/bash shipyard/rethinkdb -l ~~~ 启动一个数据挂载的RethinkDB容器实例: ~~~ docker run -it -P -d --name shipyard-rethinkdb --volumes-from shipyard-rethinkdb-data shipyard/rethinkdb ~~~ ## 接口 启动Shipyard容器: ~~~ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -d --name shipyard \ --link shipyard-rethinkdb:rethinkdb shipyard/shipyard ~~~ Shipyard将会创建一个用户名为`admin`密码为`shipyard`的默认账户。接下来你可以打开浏览器访问`http://:8080`并登陆查看。 ## 引擎 接下来你可以使用web UI或者控制台接口来添加引擎。 ## 设置 注意:基本本地socket(译者注:即unix:/var/run/docker.socket)是有限制的,并且不推荐使用。例如,端口暴露在web UI中不起作用,因为它并不知道引擎的IP。并且拓展镜像也不能基于引擎的IP。推荐的配置是使用TCP。如果你想使用socket设置来调试,请在IRC中访问我们。 为了配置一台主机,你需要使用TCP将Docker经常暴露出来。在Dcoker中配置TCP,你可以查看[Docker文档](https://docs.docker.com/articles/basics/)。你可以使用`http://:`作为`addr`在命令控制接口或者web UI增加一个引擎。 要了解更多信息请查看[引擎](http://dockerpool.com/engines.html)


最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:52:16

hipyard的核心接口。这个接口可以管理集群中的所有操作。 ## 账户 * [账户列表](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-accounts) * [创建账户](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#post-accounts) * [删除账户](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#delete-account) ## 角色 * [角色列表](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-roles) * [角色详情](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-roles) * [创建角色](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#post-roles) * [删除角色](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#delete-role) ## 容器 * [容器列表](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-containers) * [发布容器](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#post-containers) * [容器详情](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-container) * [删除容器](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#delete-container) * [停止容器](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#stop-container) * [重启容器](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#restart-container) * [拓展容器](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#scale-container) * [获取容器日志](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-container-logs) ## 引擎 * [引擎列表](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-engines) * [引擎详情](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-engine) * [增加引擎](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#post-engine) * [删除引擎](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#delete-engine) ## Service Keys * [Service Keys列表](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-service-keys) * [增加Service Key](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#post-service-keys) * [删除Service Key](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#delete-service-key) ## Webhook Keys * [Webhook Keys列表](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-webhook-keys) * [增加Webhook Key](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#post-webhook-key) * [删除Webhook Key](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#delete-webhook-key) ## 事件 * [事件列表](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-events) ## 集群 * [集群详情](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#get-cluster-info) ## Docker中心 * [发布](http://dockerpool.com/static/books/shipyard_doc/api.html#deloyment) ## 身份验证 要使用Shipyard接口就必要要身份验证。要使用接口,需要创建一个[Service Key](http://dockerpool.com/service_keys.html)。所有的请求都必须在请求头里添加`X-Service-Key`。 ~~~ curl -s -H "X-Service-Key: Lpc.usH1skelCuqwvjAtF.lJsWGwaKiwey2K" \ http://localhost:8080/api/cluster/info { "reserved_memory": 1024, "reserved_cpus": 0.32, "image_count": 17, "engine_count": 1, "container_count": 4, "memory": 4096, "cpus": 4 } ~~~ ## 账户 ### GET /api/accounts 获取账户列表 Request `GET /api/accounts HTTP/1.1` Response ~~~ [ { "role": { "name": "admin", "id": "8c10fe3d-bf10-4bb9-ab4c-002502b71f13" }, "password": "$2a$10$UvzJ8tssyF0Uvpaxmr06QOVbyJn5gTS4gDLapwo", "username": "admin", "id": "5f8e6567-9244-4fb2-bde9-24fb5e630b63" }, { "role": { "name": "user", "id": "ddc9a1b1-771b-4a07-807a-42cd027922a5" }, "password": "$2a$10$EEkqHiOjC.018pnqr1giDe0ODVcGaDUC/2lXg", "username": "test", "id": "44a22dd3-ae74-4fe3-bdf6-58bbd0094f98" } ] ~~~ ### POST /api/accounts 创建账户 Request ~~~ POST /api/accounts HTTP/1.1 Content-Type application/json { "username": "foo", "password": "bar", "role": { "name": "user" } } ~~~ Response `HTTP/1.1 204 No Content` ### DELETE /api/accounts 删除账户 Request ~~~ DELETE /api/accounts HTTP/1.1 Content-Type application/json { "username": "foo" } ~~~ Response `HTTP/1.1 204 No Content` ## 角色 ### GET /api/roles 获取角色列表 Request `GET /api/roles HTTP/1.1` Response ~~~ [ { "name": "admin", "id": "448ebe2d-89d9-412c-aab9-ad774d1ec78f" }, { "name": "user", "id": "2243edf5-55f1-43ad-9ebb-c36c5233f007" } ] ~~~ ### GET /api/roles/ 查看角色详情 Request `GET /api/roles/admin HTTP/1.1` Response ~~~ { "name": "admin", "id": "448ebe2d-89d9-412c-aab9-ad774d1ec78f" } ~~~ ### POST /api/roles 创建角色 Request ~~~ POST /api/roles HTTP/1.1 Content-Type application/json { "name": "test" } ~~~ Response `HTTP/1.1 204 No Content` ### DELETE /api/roles 删除角色 Request ~~~ DELETE /api/roles HTTP/1.1 Content-Type application/json { "name": "test" } ~~~ Response `HTTP/1.1 204 No Content` ## 容器 ### GET /api/containers 容器列表 Response ~~~ GET /api/containers HTTP/1.1 [ { "state": { "started_at": "2014-09-12T00:48:23.824260519Z", "pid": 5845, "running": true }, "ports": [ { "container_port": 8080, "port": 49159, "proto": "tcp" } ], "engine": { "labels": [ "local", "dev" ], "memory": 4096, "cpus": 4, "addr": "", "id": "local" }, "image": { "restart_policy": {}, "labels": [ "" ], "type": "service", "hostname": "cbe68bf32f1a", "environment": { "GOROOT": "/goroot", "GOPATH": "/gopath" }, "memory": 256, "cpus": 0.08, "name": "ehazlett/go-demo:latest" }, "id": "cbe68bf32f1a08218693dbee9c66ea018c1a99c75c463a76b" }, { "state": { "started_at": "2014-09-12T00:48:23.824260519Z", "pid": 5846, "running": true }, "ports": [ { "container_port": 8080, "port": 49158, "proto": "tcp" } ], "engine": { "labels": [ "local", "dev" ], "memory": 4096, "cpus": 4, "addr": "", "id": "local" }, "image": { "restart_policy": {}, "labels": [ "" ], "type": "service", "hostname": "eca254ecd76e", "environment": { "GOROOT": "/goroot", "GOPATH": "/gopath" }, "memory": 256, "cpus": 0.08, "name": "ehazlett/go-demo:latest" }, "id": "eca254ecd76eb9d887995114ff811cc5b7c14fe13630" } ] ~~~ ### POST /api/containers 发布容器 Request ~~~ POST /api/containers HTTP/1.1 Content-Type application/json { "name": "ehazlett/go-demo", "cpus": 0.1, "memory": 32, "type": "service", "hostname": "", "domain": "", "labels": ["local"], "args": [], "environment": { "FOO": "bar" }, "restart_policy": { "name": "always" }, "bind_ports": [ { "host_ip": "", "proto": "tcp", "container_port": 8080 }, { "proto": "tcp", "port": 80, "container_port": 8080 } ], "links": { "redis": "db" } } ~~~ Response ~~~ HTTP/1.1 201 Created [ { "state": { "started_at": "2014-09-12T00:48:23.824260519Z", "pid": 5890, "running": true }, "ports": [ { "container_port": 8080, "host_ip": "", "port": 49172, "proto": "tcp" } ], "engine": { "labels": [ "local", "dev" ], "memory": 4096, "cpus": 4, "addr": "", "id": "local" }, "image": { "restart_policy": { "name": "always" }, "labels": [ "local" ], "bind_ports": [ { "proto": "tcp", "port": 49153, "container_port": 8080 }, { "proto": "tcp", "port": 80, "container_port": 8080 } ], "links": { "redis": "db" }, "type": "service", "memory": 32, "cpus": 0.1, "name": "ehazlett/go-demo" }, "id": "4a5da04b8428e7241a9d9993699513d11b89948399dedfa12" } ] ~~~ ### GET /api/containers/ 容器详情 Request `GET /api/containers/3e532b HTTP/1.1` Response ~~~ { "state": { "started_at": "2014-09-12T00:48:23.824260519Z", "pid": 5891, "running": true }, "ports": [ { "container_port": 8080, "port": 49155, "proto": "tcp" } ], "engine": { "labels": [ "local", "dev" ], "memory": 4096, "cpus": 4, "addr": "", "id": "local" }, "image": { "restart_policy": {}, "labels": [ "local" ], "type": "service", "hostname": "demo-1", "environment": { "GOROOT": "/goroot", "GOPATH": "/gopath" }, "memory": 256, "cpus": 0.08, "name": "ehazlett/go-demo:latest" }, "id": "3e532b000891e90e93ca3781031e7c1ddb76d8378dfdfd3" } ~~~ ### DELETE /api/containers/ 删除容器 Request `DELETE /api/containers/3e532 HTTP/1.1` Response `HTTP/1.1 204 No Content` ## GET /api/containers//stop 停止容器 Request `GET /api/containers/3e532/stop HTTP/1.1` Response `HTTP/1.1 204 No Content` ## GET /api/containers//restart 重启容器 Request `GET /api/containers/3e532/restart HTTP/1.1` Response `HTTP/1.1 204 No Content` ## GET /api/containers//scale?count= 拓展容器到指定数目 Request `GET /api/containers/3e532/scale?count=10 HTTP/1.1` Response `HTTP/1.1 204 No Content` ## GET /api/containers//logs 容器日志 Request `GET /api/containers/3e532b/logs HTTP/1.1` Response ~~~ listening on :8080 ~~~ ## 引擎 ### GET /api/engines 引擎列表 Request `GET /api/engines HTTP/1.1` Response ~~~ GET /api/engines HTTP/1.1 [ { "engine": { "labels": [ "local", "dev" ], "memory": 4096, "cpus": 4, "addr": "", "id": "local" }, "id": "99095f5f-7579-4a70-9369-04ad73c21312" } ] ~~~ ### GET /api/engines/ 引擎详情 Request `GET /api/engines/local HTTP/1.1` Response ~~~ GET /api/engines/local HTTP/1.1 { "engine": { "labels": [ "local", "dev" ], "memory": 4096, "cpus": 4, "addr": "", "id": "local" }, "id": "99095f5f-7579-4a70-9369-04ad73c21312" } ~~~ ### POST /api/engines 向集群中增加引擎 Request ~~~ POST /api/engines HTTP/1.1 Content-Type application/json { "id": "local", "ssl_cert": "", "ssl_key": "", "ca_cert": "", "engine": { "id": "local", "addr": "", "cpus": 4.0, "memory": 8192, "labels": [ "local", "dev" ] } } ~~~ Response `HTTP/1.1 201 Created` ### DELETE /api/engines/ 删除引擎 Request `DELETE /api/engines/99095f5f-7579-4a70-9369-04ad73c21312 HTTP/1.1` Response `HTTP/1.1 204 No Content` ## Service Keys ### GET /api/servicekeys service keys列表 Request `GET /api/servicekeys HTTP/1.1` Response ~~~ GET /api/servicekeys HTTP/1.1 [ { "description": "test", "key": "3pYgOl4K7vlkymoi1TMLIAQIJqcYhkGWY04." }, { "description": "demo", "key": "Lpc.usH1skelCuqwvjAtF.lJsWGwaKiwey2K" } ] ~~~ ### POST /api/servicekeys 创建service key Request ~~~ POST /api/servicekeys HTTP/1.1 Content-Type application/json { "description": "test key" } ~~~ Response ~~~ { "description": "test key", "key": "zuoWetDKDRhPyUNRZro5cLo7yaFLKgzcqijW" } ~~~ ### DELETE /api/servicekeys 删除service key Request ~~~ DELETE /api/servicekeys HTTP/1.1 Content-Type application/json { "key": "zuoWetDKDRhPyUNRZro5cLo7yaFLKgzcqijW" } ~~~ Response `HTTP/1.1 204 No Content` ## Webhook Keys Webhook keys被用来发布镜像到Docker中心。 ### GET /api/webhookkeys webhook keys列表 Request `GET /api/webhookkeys HTTP/1.1` Response ~~~ GET /api/servicekeys HTTP/1.1 [ { "key": "fc563339166b3c69", "image": "ehazlett/go-demo", "id": "d7c68d6f-65bc-4e0c-8134-8e281a6b4d9b" } ] ~~~ ### POST /api/webhookkeys 增加webhook key Request ~~~ POST /api/webhookkeys HTTP/1.1 Content-Type application/json { "image": "ehazlett/redis" } ~~~ Response ~~~ { "image": "ehazlett/redis", "key":"8d710a03c7d965aa" } ~~~ ### DELETE /api/webhooks/ 删除webhook key Request `DELETE /api/webhooks/8d710a03c7d965aa HTTP/1.1` Response `HTTP/1.1 204 No Content` # Info ### GET /api/cluster/info 查看集群信息 Request `GET /api/cluster/info HTTP/1.1` Response ~~~ GET /api/cluster/info HTTP/1.1 { "reserved_memory": 768, "reserved_cpus": 0.24, "image_count": 6, "engine_count": 1, "container_count": 3, "memory": 4096, "cpus": 4 } ~~~ ## Docker中心 ### POST /hub/webhook/ 通过Docker中心webhook自动部署。 将会在从Docker中心获取最新镜像并且重启集群中的所有镜像名称容器。查看如下例子: 要使自动部署生效,你可以在Docker中心的库设置中添加一个Webbook指向`http:///hub/webhook/` Request `POST /hub/webhook HTTP/1.1` ~~~ POST /hub/webhook HTTP/1.1 Content-Type application/json { "push_data":{ "pushed_at":1385141110, "images":[ "imagehash1", "imagehash2", "imagehash3" ], "pusher":"username" }, "repository":{ "status":"Active", "description":"my docker repo that does cool things", "is_trusted":false, "full_description":"This is my full description", "repo_url":"https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/username/reponame/", "owner":"username", "is_official":false, "is_private":false, "name":"reponame", "namespace":"username", "star_count":1, "comment_count":1, "date_created":1370174400, "dockerfile":"my full dockerfile is listed here", "repo_name":"username/reponame" } } ~~~ Response `HTTP/1.1 200 OK`


最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:52:13

这篇文档描述如何使用Shipyard的控制器。下面的示例假设你正在使用`shipyard/shipyard`的Docker镜像。 ## 查看帮助 ~~~ $> docker run shipyard/shipyard -h Usage of /app/controller: -listen=":8080": listen address -rethinkdb-addr="": rethinkdb address -rethinkdb-auth-key="": rethinkdb auth key -rethinkdb-database="shipyard": rethinkdb database ~~~ ## 侦听 允许改变侦听地址。不应该在运行容器中来改变。 ## RethinkDB地址 连接RethinkDB的地址。使用`:`。 ## RethinkDB数据库 Shipyard使用哪个RethinkDB数据库。 ## RethinkDB验证密钥 连接RethinkDB时使用的验证密钥。


最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:52:11

这篇文档描述怎样使用Shipyard CLI(command line interface)来工作。 ## 查看帮助 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard help NAME: shipyard - manage a shipyard cluster USAGE: shipyard [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 2.0.3 COMMANDS: login login to a shipyard cluster change-password update your password accounts show accounts add-account add account delete-account delete account containers list containers inspect inspect container run run a container stop stop a container restart restart a container scale scale a container logs show container logs destroy destroy a container engines list engines add-engine add shipyard engine remove-engine removes an engine inspect-engine inspect an engine service-keys list service keys add-service-key adds a service key remove-service-key removes a service key extensions show extensions add-extension add extension remove-extension remove an extension webhook-keys list webhook keys add-webhook-key adds a webhook key remove-webhook-key removes a webhook key info show cluster info events show cluster events help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command GLOBAL OPTIONS: --help, -h show help --generate-bash-completion --version, -v print the version ~~~ ## 登录 登录Shipyard集群。将会保存授权信息到`~/.shipyardrc`。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard login URL: http://localhost:8080 Username: admin Password: ********** ~~~ ## 修改密码 只要登录了系统,你就可以使用 `change-password`来修改账户的密码。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard change-password Password: ********** Confirm: ********** ~~~ ## 账户列表 列出所有Shipyard账户 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard accounts Username Role admin admin demo user ~~~ ## 增加账户 使用命令 `add-account`。 ### 可选项 * `--username,-u`:账户名称 * `--password,-p`:账户密码 * `--role,-r`:账户角色(admin/user) ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard add-account -u demo -p demo123 -r user ~~~ ## 删除账户 使用命令`delete-account`。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard delete-account demo ~~~ ## 查看容器列表 查看集群所有容器列表使用 `containers`。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard containers ID Name Host Ports 7b55a8eb9f57 redis:2.8.11 local tcp/49167:6379 3e532b000891 ehazlett/go-demo:latest local tcp/49155:8080 ~~~ ## 查看容器详情 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard inspect 3e53 { "id": "3e532b000891e90e93ca3781031e7c1ddb76d8378dfdfd3a34f", "image": { "name": "ehazlett/go-demo:latest", "cpus": 0.08, "memory": 256, "environment": { "GOPATH": "/gopath", "GOROOT": "/goroot" }, "hostname": "demo-1", "type": "service", "labels": [ "local" ], "restart_policy": {} }, "engine": { "id": "local", "addr": "", "cpus": 4, "memory": 8192, "labels": [ "dev", "local" ] }, "ports": [ { "proto": "tcp", "port": 49155, "container_port": 8080 } ] } ~~~ ## 发布容器 使用命令 `run`。 ### 可选项 * `--name`:Docker镜像名称 * `--container-name`:容器名称 * `--cpus`:可使用的cpus * `--memory`:可使用的内存单位MB * `--type`:容器类型(service,host,unique) * `--hostname`:容器主机名 * `--domain`:容器域名 * `--env`:设置容器环境变量 * `--link`:连接其他容器 * `--arg`:容器命令行参数 * `--vol`:容器挂载点(`/host/path:/container/path`或者`/container/path`) * `--label`:用来调度的标签 * `--port`:容器暴露的端口(`/::`) * `--publish`:暴露所有端口 * `--pull`:启动之前获取最新镜像 * `--count`:容器启动数量 * `--restart`:重启策略(失败时,总是,失败次数:5等等) ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard run --name ehazlett/go-demo \ --cpus 0.1 \ --memory 32 \ --type service \ --hostname demo-test \ --domain local \ --link redis:db \ --port tcp/ \ --port tcp/::8000 \ --restart "on-failure:5" \ --env FOO=bar \ --label dev \ --pull started 407e39dc1ccc on local ~~~ ## 容器扩展 将扩展容器到想要的数量。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard scale --id 407e --count 10 scaled 407e39dc1ccc to 10 ~~~ ## 查看容器日志 显示容器的日志。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard logs 407e39 listening on :8080 ~~~ ## 销毁容器 杀掉和删除容器。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard destroy 407e destroyed 407e39dc1ccc ~~~ ## 查看引擎列表 显示集群上的引擎列表。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard engines ID Cpus Memory Host Labels local 4.00 8192.00 dev,local ~~~ ## 增加引擎 使用`add-engine`。 ### 可选项 * `--id`:引擎id * `--addr`:引擎地址(例如:[]( * `--cpus`:引擎cpus * `--memory`:引擎内存 * `--label`:调度使用的标签 * `--ssl-cert`:(可选)ssl证书地址 * `--ssl-key`:(可选)ssl key * `--ca-cert`:(可选)ca证书地址 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard add-engine --id demo --add --cpus 4.0 --memory 4096 --label local --label dev ~~~ ## 查看引擎详情 使用`inspect-engine`查看引擎详情。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard inspect-engine local { "engine": { "labels": [ "local", "dev" ], "memory": 2048, "cpus": 4, "addr": "", "id": "local" }, "id": "a08b8518-e963-4eb5-959a-566bd270cd28" } ~~~ ## 删除引擎 使用 `remove-engine`从集群中删除引擎 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard remove-engine demo ~~~ ## 创建Service key 使用 `add-service-key`。 ## 可选项 * `--description,-d`:key的描述 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard add-service-key -d "test key" created key: Z2uwezQGoaIcfiRSQBRbktrzdbFRWKlVTEry ~~~ ## 查看Service key列表 使用 `service-keys`查看集群的service key 列表 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard service-keys Key Description Z2uwezQGoaIcfiRSQBRbktrzdbFRWKlVTEry test key ~~~ ## 查看集群信息 使用 `info`。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard info Cpus: 4.00 Memory: 8192.00 MB Containers: 2 Images: 5 Engines: 1 Reserved Cpus: 4.00% (0.16) Reserved Memory: 3.52% (288.00 MB) ~~~ ## 查看事件列表 使用`events`。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard events Time Message Engine Type Tags Sep 09 06:58:13 2014 container:6c07 local start docker Sep 09 06:58:13 2014 container:6c07 local create docker ~~~


最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:52:09

Shipyard提供查看集群状态信息。将会汇报所有集群的资源如CPUs和内存,容器数,镜像数,引擎数,以及CPUs和内存的使用率。 ## 例子 ### 查看集群信息 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard info Cpus: 4.00 Memory: 8192.00 MB Containers: 2 Images: 5 Engines: 1 Reserved Cpus: 4.00% (0.16) Reserved Memory: 3.52% (288.00 MB) ~~~


最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:52:07

Shipyard记录所有的集群操作,例如容器的创建,启动,停止,service key的管理,引擎的管理等等。 ## 例子 ### 查看事件列表 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard events Time Message Engine Type Tags Sep 09 06:58:13 2014 container:6c07 local start docker Sep 09 06:58:13 2014 container:6c07 local create docker ~~~

Webhook keys

最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:52:04

Webhook keys用来连接Docker Hub。Webhooks主要作用是在Docker中心触发生成新的镜像和在Shipyard中重新部署。 ## 工作流程 * Docker中心被触发构建新的Docker镜像 * Docker中心发送一个webhook提醒到Shipyard * Shipy检查webhook key的授权 * Shipyard从Docker中心获取最新的镜像 * Shipyard停止和删除当前容器并且发布新的容器 ## 使用webhook key 要使用webhook key,只需为Docker中心的镜像在如下地址添加一个webhook:`http:///hub/webhook/` 例如:`http://controller.example.com/hub/webhook/010f2af9db29f43a`。 ## 例子 ### 创建一个webhook key ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard add-webhook-key --image ehazlett/go-demo created key: 010f2af9db29f43a ~~~ ### 查看webhook key列表 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard webhook-keys Image Key ehazlett/go-demo 010f2af9db29f43a ~~~ ### 删除webhook key ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard remove-webhook-key 010f2af9db29f43a removed 010f2af9db29f43a ~~~

Service Keys

最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:52:02

Service keys被用来接口调用。Service keys有全部的权限来操作Shipyard接口。 ## 例子 ### 创建Service key ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard add-service-key -d "test key" created key: Z2uwezQGoaIcfiRSQBRbktrzdbFRWKlVTEry ~~~ ### 查看Service key列表 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard service-keys Key Description Z2uwezQGoaIcfiRSQBRbktrzdbFRWKlVTEry test key ~~~ ### 使用Service key ~~~ curl -s -H 'X-Service-Key: Z2uwezQGoaIcfiRSQBRbktrzdbFRWKlVTEry' http://localhost:8080/api/engines [ { "engine": { "labels": [ "local", "dev" ], "memory": 2048, "cpus": 4, "addr": "", "id": "local" }, "id": "a08b8518-e963-4eb5-959a-566bd270cd28" } ] ~~~ ### 删除Service key ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard remove-service-key Z2uwezQGoaIcfiRSQBRbktrzdbFRWKlVTEry removed Z2uwezQGoaIcfiRSQBRbktrzdbFRWKlVTEry ~~~


最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:52:00

在Shipyard中的一个容器就是一个简单的Docker容器。容器可以部署在一个或多个引擎。 部署一个容器的时候,有下列选项可用: ## Name 这是Docker镜像的名称,例如,`shipyard/shipyard` ## CPUs 给容器分配的CPU数量 ## Memory 给容器分配的内存(单位MB) ## Type 在Shipyard中,一个容器可以是这些类型:`service`,`unique`,或者 `host`。 `service`类型会使用主机标签来调度容器。Shipyard只会在有这个标签的引擎上运行容器。 `unique`类型的容器只会在所有引擎上运行一个实例。这有助于调度的高可用性。 `host`类型将会运行在特定的主机上。对于特定的主机,可以使用下列的语法来启动:`--label host:`例如:`--label host:local`。这个容器就只会运行在引擎ID为:`local`的主机上。 ## Hostname 容器的主机名 ## Domain 容器的域名 ## ENV 你可以指定多个 `--env`参数来给容器增加多个环境变量。使用`key=value`的格式。 ## Arg 传递给容器的参数,使用`--arg`。同样的可以多次使用。 ## Label 调用要使用到的标签 ## Port 要暴露端口,使用下列语法:`--port /:`例如:`--port tcp/:8080 --port tcp/80:8080`。同样的可以多次使用。 ## Pull 将会从registry中获取最新的镜像。 ## Count 可以指定容器实例在集群中的启动数量。默认为1. ## 例子 ### 发布一个容器 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard run --name ehazlett/go-demo \ --cpus 0.1 \ --memory 32 \ --type service \ --hostname demo-test \ --domain local \ --env FOO=bar \ --label dev \ --pull started 407e39dc1ccc on local ~~~ ### 查看容器列表 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard containers ID Name Host Ports 407e39dc1ccc ehazlett/go-demo:latest local tcp/49166:8080 ~~~ ### 查看容器详情 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard inspect 407e3 { "ports": [ { "container_port": 8080, "port": 49166, "proto": "tcp" } ], "engine": { "labels": [ "local", "dev" ], "memory": 2048, "cpus": 4, "addr": "", "id": "local" }, "image": { "restart_policy": {}, "labels": [ "local" ], "type": "service", "hostname": "407e39dc1ccc", "environment": { "GOROOT": "/goroot", "GOPATH": "/gopath" }, "memory": 256, "cpus": 0.08, "name": "ehazlett/go-demo:latest" }, "id": "407e39dc1cccc675591c86306563e78be6de085745427656ad1" } ~~~ ### 销毁容器 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard destroy 407e39 destroyed 407e39dc1ccc ~~~


最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:51:57

一个Shipyard集群包含一个或者多个“引擎”。一个引擎就是一个Docker后台程序,它提供socket(本地使用)或者供其他机器使用的TCP端口。除此之外再没有其他任何的代理或者安装远程程序来激活管理;仅仅只是通过Docker的接口。 Docker后台程序侦听TCP端口请参看[Docker文档](https://docs.docker.com/articles/basics/)在“Bind Docker to another host/port or a Unix socket”。 当一个引擎被添加到Shipyard中,你就可以为一个特殊的引擎定义资源限制了。在调度容器时会使用这些限制来确保引擎适应所有的请求。你可以使用SSL证书来保证安全通信。 ## ID 每个引擎都必须有一个可以识别的标示符。 ## 地址 这个地址是用来和引擎交互的。对于本地用户,你可以使用`unix:///path/to/docker.sock`。对于多机配置,使用非SSL端口`http://`或者基于SSL协议的`https://` ## 资源 每个引擎都应该定义对资源的限制。它们可以是CPU和内存(单位MB)。 ## 标签 一个引擎可以有一个或多个标签。这些都是用来调度和决策容器的。 ## SSL 一个引擎可以配置成使用SSL。参看[Docker文档](https://docs.docker.com/articles/https/)来运行SSL。 ## 例子 ### 增加引擎 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard add-engine --id local \ --addr \ --cpus 4.0 \ --memory 8192 \ --label dev \ --label local ~~~ 你也可以使用Docker socket来添加引擎,这样的话就只能运行单机环境了。你也可以在Shipyard控制器运行时添加一个挂载项(`-v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock`) ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard add-engine --id local-socket \ --addr unix:///docker.sock \ --cpus 4.0 \ --memory 8192 \ --label dev \ --label local ~~~ ### 查看引擎列表 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard engines ID Cpus Memory Host Labels local 4.00 8192.00 local,dev ~~~ ### 查看引擎详情 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard inspect-engine local { "engine": { "labels": [ "local", "dev" ], "memory": 2048, "cpus": 4, "addr": "", "id": "local" }, "id": "a08b8518-e963-4eb5-959a-566bd270cd28" } ~~~ ### 删除引擎 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard remove-engine a08b8518-e963-4eb5-959a-566bd270cd28 removed local ~~~


最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:51:55

Shipyard支持多用户。你必须登录才能使用Shipyard集群。 注意:Shipyard将会在初次启动时自动创建一个管理用户。在登录之后你可以查看控制器的登录log。 ## 账户 你可以通过管理员身份来创建多个用户以控制访问权限。 ## 角色 在Shipyard中有两种角色:`admin`和`user`。 `admin`角色拥有全部的权限。`user` 角色除了不能管理账户和service keys之外其他都可以。 ## 例子 ### 创建一个账户 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard add-account -u demo -p demo123 -r user ~~~ ### 查看所有账户 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard accounts Username Role admin admin test user ~~~ ### 删除账户 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard delete-account demo ~~~


最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:51:53

这份文档描述Shipyard是如何工作的。你可以使用[快速入门](http://dockerpool.com/quickstart.html)来部署Shipyard。 注意:这份文档展示的例子都是通过Shipyard命令控制接口面完成。你可以通过`shipyard/shipyard-cli`来运行一个Docker容器实例。例如: ~~~ docker run -it shipyard/shipyard-cli ~~~ ## RethinkDB RethinkDB用来保存账户,引擎,service key和拓展元信息。它不会保存任何Docker容器和镜像的信息。在`shipyard/rethinkdb`镜像中`/data`是数据挂载目录。 ## 相关概念 查看下面的文档以了解详情。 * [权限控制](authentication) * [引擎](engines) * [容器](containers) * [Service Keys](service_keys) * [Webhook Kyes](webhook_keys) * [事件](events) * [集群信息](cluster_info) ## 使用 * [命令控制接口](cli) * [控制器](controller) ## 接口 Shipyard提供功能强大的API来管理集群。 * [接口文档](api) ## 使用说明 默认情况下,控制器将在后台定期报告使用信息。包括引擎数量等等。它是后台运行的(包括ip和镜像名称的记录)。你可以在启动控制器时通过使用`-disable-usage-info`参数来禁用该特性。


最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:51:51

# Docker集群管理 基于Docker集群管理工具[Citadel](https://github.com/citadel/citadel),Shipeyard使我们能够管理Docker的资源,包括容器,主机等等。 Shipyard与其他docker管理工具不同之处在于,它偏向于组件的组合性。Shipyard的核心部分是管理Dokcker(容器等)。但是它也可以通过拓展镜像的方式来添加诸如容器路由和负载均衡,中心化日志,更好的部署以及其他。你可以使用任何组件来适应你的需求。  ![2015-06-25/558bc3ba59841](https://docs.gechiui.com/gc-content/uploads/sites/kancloud/2015-06-25_558bc3ba59841.png) ## Web UI web接口提供了一些简单的基于Docker集群的管理。你可以通过简单的接口查看Docker集群和宿主引擎的使用率,创建和销毁容器,查看Docker集群通用事件和其他更多的。 ## 命令行接口 Shipyard提供了一个强大的命令行接口。利用API,你完全可以管理所有的Docker集群。  ![2015-06-25/558bc3c37e6d5](https://docs.gechiui.com/gc-content/uploads/sites/kancloud/2015-06-25_558bc3c37e6d5.png) ## 接口 Shipyard的核心是API。Shipyard构建于中心化的API。CLI和web UI都是使用API来提供所有的功能。通过使用service key,你可以直接通过Shipyard API来和Docker集群交互和自定义构建集群。  ![2015-06-25/558bc3cbeb894](https://docs.gechiui.com/gc-content/uploads/sites/kancloud/2015-06-25_558bc3cbeb894.png) ## 更多信息 查看[文档](http://dockerpool.com/doc.html)来了解更多关于Shipyard是如何工作的。 查看[快速入门](quickstart)来获取Shipyard实例来开发。 ## 帮助 如果你遇到任何问题,请毫不犹豫地在聊天室(#shipyard on Freenode)或者[GitHub](https://github.com/shipyard/shipyard)工程来获得帮助。


最后更新于:2022-04-01 00:51:48

我很荣幸来翻译和写一些关于shipyard的文档。 shipyard是docker集群ui,可以添加engine和常规操作docker,包括增删和伸缩。 我是[dockerpool](http://www.dockerpool.com/)的一员,有任何问题都可以通过我们的平台来获得帮助,或者邮件联系我,weilaihui@126.com。 Thinks # Summary * [写在最前面](index) * [简介](introduction) * [文档](doc) * [权限控制](authentication) * [引擎](engines) * [容器](containers) * [Service Keys](service_keys) * [Webhook keys](webhook_keys) * [事件](events) * [集群信息](cluster_info) * [CLI使用](cli) * [控制器](controller) * [接口](api) * [快速入门](quickstart)