Advanced Operators
最后更新于:2022-04-01 02:48:26
## Advanced Operators
let initialBits: UInt8 = 0b00001111
let invertedBits = ~initialBits // equals 11110000
let firstSixBits: UInt8 = 0b11111100
let lastSixBits: UInt8 = 0b00111111
let middleFourBits = firstSixBits & lastSixBits // equals 00111100
let someBits: UInt8 = 0b10110010
let moreBits: UInt8 = 0b01011110
let combinedbits = someBits | moreBits // equals 11111110
let firstBits: UInt8 = 0b00010100
let otherBits: UInt8 = 0b00000101
let outputBits = firstBits ^ otherBits // equals 00010001
let shiftBits: UInt8 = 4 // 00000100 in binary
shiftBits << 1 // 00001000
shiftBits << 2 // 00010000
shiftBits << 5 // 10000000
shiftBits << 6 // 00000000
shiftBits >> 2 // 00000001
let pink: UInt32 = 0xCC6699
let redComponent = (pink & 0xFF0000) >> 16 // redComponent is 0xCC, or 204
let greenComponent = (pink & 0x00FF00) >> 8 // greenComponent is 0x66, or 102
let blueComponent = pink & 0x0000FF // blueComponent is 0x99, or 153
// 如果允许溢出,在运算符前加&
var willOverflow = UInt8.max
// willOverflow equals 255, which is the largest value a UInt8 can hold
willOverflow = willOverflow &+ 1
// willOverflow is now equal to 0
var willUnderflow = UInt8.min
// willUnderflow equals 0, which is the smallest value a UInt8 can hold
willUnderflow = willUnderflow &- 1
// willUnderflow is now equal to 255
var signedUnderflow = Int8.min
// signedUnderflow equals -128, which is the smallest value an Int8 can hold
signedUnderflow = signedUnderflow &- 1
// signedUnderflow is now equal to 127
struct Vector2D {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
// It is said to be infix because it appears in between those two targets.
@infix func + (left: Vector2D, right: Vector2D) -> Vector2D {
return Vector2D(x: left.x + right.x, y: left.y + right.y)
let vector = Vector2D(x: 3.0, y: 1.0)
let anotherVector = Vector2D(x: 2.0, y: 4.0)
let combinedVector = vector + anotherVector
// combinedVector is a Vector2D instance with values of (5.0, 5.0)
@prefix func - (vector: Vector2D) -> Vector2D {
return Vector2D(x: -vector.x, y: -vector.y)
let positive = Vector2D(x: 3.0, y: 4.0)
let negative = -positive
// negative is a Vector2D instance with values of (-3.0, -4.0)
let alsoPositive = -negative
// alsoPositive is a Vector2D instance with values of (3.0, 4.0)
// 复合赋值运算符
@assignment func += (inout left: Vector2D, right: Vector2D) {
left = left + right
var original = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 2.0)
let vectorToAdd = Vector2D(x: 3.0, y: 4.0)
original += vectorToAdd
// original now has values of (4.0, 6.0)
@prefix @assignment func ++ (inout vector: Vector2D) -> Vector2D {
vector += Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 1.0)
return vector
var toIncrement = Vector2D(x: 3.0, y: 4.0)
let afterIncrement = ++toIncrement
// toIncrement now has values of (4.0, 5.0)
// afterIncrement also has values of (4.0, 5.0)
It is not possible to overload the default assignment operator (=). Only the compound assignment operators can be overloaded. Similarly, the ternary conditional operator (a ? b : c) cannot be overloaded.
// Equivalence Operators
@infix func == (left: Vector2D, right: Vector2D) -> Bool {
return (left.x == right.x) && (left.y == right.y)
@infix func != (left: Vector2D, right: Vector2D) -> Bool {
return !(left == right)
let twoThree = Vector2D(x: 2.0, y: 3.0)
let anotherTwoThree = Vector2D(x: 2.0, y: 3.0)
if twoThree == anotherTwoThree {
println("These two vectors are equivalent.")
// prints "These two vectors are equivalent."
Custom operators can be defined only with the characters / = - + * % ! & | ^ . ~.
New operators are declared at a global level using the operator keyword, and can be declared as prefix, infix or postfix:
operator prefix +++ {}
@prefix @assignment func +++ (inout vector: Vector2D) -> Vector2D {
vector += vector
return vector
var toBeDoubled = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 4.0)
let afterDoubling = +++toBeDoubled
// toBeDoubled now has values of (2.0, 8.0)
// afterDoubling also has values of (2.0, 8.0)
Precedence and Associativity for Custom Infix Operators
operator infix +- { associativity left precedence 140 }
func +- (left: Vector2D, right: Vector2D) -> Vector2D {
return Vector2D(x: left.x + right.x, y: left.y - right.y)
let firstVector = Vector2D(x: 1.0, y: 2.0)
let secondVector = Vector2D(x: 3.0, y: 4.0)
let plusMinusVector = firstVector +- secondVector
// plusMinusVector is a Vector2D instance with values of (4.0, -2.0)