查找OGG trail file中是否存在相关记录的命令

最后更新于:2022-04-01 14:47:04

查找OGG trail file中是否存在相关记录的命令 如下是查找一个insert into USERA.TABLE1是否存在于OGG源头的trail file中, 同时,本文也可以视为OGG 目的端rep进程报 SQL error 1403 mapping USERA.TABLE1 to USERA.TABLE1的问题诊断思路。 如下诊断用到了ogg自带的logdump工具 拿USERA.TABLE1表来说,我们通过查询 rep进程的丢弃文件(dsc文件,也就是discard文件,位于$OGG_HOME/dirrpt下)中该表的报错信息,如下: 确认有如下记录(仅仅拿一个记录为例)肯定是没有insert到数据库中的, USERA.TABLE1 表中id=53874605的记录, 然后在源头数据库上查出ID,之所以查询出ID是因为在logdump的输出中,这个值比较直观: ~~~ select ID from USERA.TABLE1 where id=53874605 ~~~ 获得id的值: ~~~ WW151124160530101510740104947088A ~~~ 以此值到源头trailfile 中进行搜索,注意如下的搜索方法: ~~~ oracle@host2:/gg/ggs$ logudump Oracle GoldenGate Log File Dump Utility for Oracle Version 19591627 20148126 Copyright (C) 1995, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Logdump 644 >open /gg/ggs/dirdat/sd021739 ghdr on detail on detail data ggstoken on usertoken on ggstokens detail filter include FILENAME USERA.TABLE1 filter include STRING 'WW1511241605301015107401049470856A' filter match all show filter---->此处是命令的结尾,然后敲回车即可 Current LogTrail is /gg/ggs/dirdat/sd021739 Logdump 645 >Logdump 646 >Logdump 647 >Logdump 648 >Logdump 649 >Logdump 650 >Logdump 651 >Logdump 652 >Logdump 653 >Logdump 654 > Data filters are ENABLED Include Match ALL Filename-0 : USERA.TABLE1 String-0 : (34), CaseSensitive 4648 3135 3131 3234 3136 3035 3330 3130 3135 3130 | WW151124160530101510 3734 3031 3034 3934 3730 3835 3641 | 7401049470888A Exclude Match ANY Logdump 655 >n Scanned 10000 records, RBA 5742984, 2015/11/14 03:43:16.000.000 Scanned 20000 records, RBA 11498403, 2015/11/14 03:48:10.000.000 Scanned 30000 records, RBA 17287262, 2015/11/14 03:53:32.000.000 Scanned 40000 records, RBA 22759004, 2015/11/14 03:58:06.000.000 Scanned 50000 records, RBA 28498882, 2015/11/14 04:03:16.000.000 Scanned 60000 records, RBA 34247854, 2015/11/14 04:07:40.000.000 Scanned 70000 records, RBA 40072024, 2015/11/14 04:12:40.000.000 Scanned 80000 records, RBA 45960655, 2015/11/14 04:16:56.000.000 Filtering suppressed 87002 records Logdump 656 >nt LogTrail /gg/ggs/dirdat/sd021739 closed Current LogTrail is /gg/ggs/dirdat/sd021740 Logdump 657 >n Scanned 10000 records, RBA 5833212, 2015/11/14 04:24:45.000.000 Scanned 20000 records, RBA 11584249, 2015/11/14 04:29:13.000.000 Scanned 30000 records, RBA 17067992, 2015/11/14 04:32:52.000.000 Scanned 40000 records, RBA 22918136, 2015/11/14 04:36:57.000.000 Scanned 50000 records, RBA 28712547, 2015/11/14 04:41:22.000.000 Scanned 60000 records, RBA 34567058, 2015/11/14 04:46:24.000.000 Scanned 70000 records, RBA 40357769, 2015/11/14 04:51:08.000.000 Scanned 80000 records, RBA 46148680, 2015/11/14 04:55:49.000.000 Filtering suppressed 86515 records Logdump 658 >exit ~~~ 如上的结果显示:USERA.TABLE1 中  id=53874605的记录不在源头的trail file中,也就是说: 问题得到定性:ogg源头的抽取进程漏抽数据。 插曲: 凭什么就定位到/gg/ggs/dirdat/sd021739这个源头的trail file?要知道rep进程的丢弃文件中只会显示目的端的trailfile号。熟悉ogg的人都知道,源头trail file 号与目的端trail file号没有任何的等价关系,也没有加1 或者减1的关系。 这里就需要去看源头dp(datapump进程)的rpt文件,根据大体的时间,获得如下信息: ~~~ 2015-11-14 03:09:57 INFO OGG-01026 Rolling over remote file /ogg/ggs/dirdat/pa059719. Switching to next trail file /gg/ggs/dirdat/sd021739 at 2015-11-14 03:37:59 due to EOF, with current RBA 49999824 Opened trail file /gg/ggs/dirdat/sd021739 at 2015-11-14 03:37:59 2015-11-14 03:56:52 INFO OGG-01026 Rolling over remote file /ogg/ggs/dirdat/pa059720. Switching to next trail file /gg/ggs/dirdat/sd021740 at 2015-11-14 04:20:08 due to EOF, with current RBA 49999149 Opened trail file /gg/ggs/dirdat/sd021740 at 2015-11-14 04:20:08 ~~~ 上面的/gg/ggs/dirdat/sd021739就是源头的trail文件号。  