
最后更新于:2022-04-01 04:47:25

> 原文: # Mastering Django: Core ### AKA the NEW Django Book! *Mastering Django: Core* is a completely revised and updated version of the Django Book – first published by Apress in 2007 as *“The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right”* and then republished as *‘The Django Book’* by the original authors in 2009\. The latter publication was released as an Open Source project under the Gnu Free Documentation License (GFDL). *Mastering Django: Core* could be considered an unofficial 3rd edition of the Django Book, although I will leave it up to Jacob and the Django community to decide whether it deserves that honor. Personally, I just wanted to see it back out there because, like many Django programmers, the Django Book is where I got started. My goal with the update is the same as the original Django Book – to provide a freely available, definitive resource that takes a budding Django programmer from knowing nothing about Django, to being able to build well written, high performance websites. I will also be adding a screencast to each chapter over time so you can follow the videos along with the text. In many places, this book is similar to the Django documentation, mostly because that’s what the original Django Book was – a more conversational, linear version of the docs that took you through building a books app to help you learn Django. What this project lacks at the moment is your input. For it to become a great resource, your feedback and suggestions will assist greatly in improving clarity, readability and most important of all, make it fun to use! Here’s where you can help: * Sections that need additional explanation, screenshots or code for clarity * Sections that are too wordy or heavy on theory and are hard to follow * Typos and grammar errors * I could also do with an expert eye for the chapter on deployment as I am not experienced in scaling (have always left that to my host) > I am happy for anyone with constructive feedback to email me directly via the contact page. The project is also hosted on [GitHub](, so feel free to send me your requests. > All the best, and I look forward to hearing from you. > *Big Nige’* > August 2015.