MainWP White Label Extension v4.1
最后更新于:2022-03-27 01:04:41
You can quickly change the branding of the MainWP Child plugin, remove and disable functionalities on child sites, and provide your clients with an on-site help option with this extension!
MainWP Branding Extension renamed to MainWP White Label Extension
- 1 Promote your Brand
- 2 Branding Options:
- 3 Remove or Disable Functions
- 4 WordPress Branding Options
- 5 Here are a few examples of what you can do with our add-on:
- 6 Provide First Class Support
- 7 Maintain control of your company’s image.
- 8 Hide the remote control.
- 9 Maintain contact with clients.
- 10 Functions can be removed or disabled.
- 11 变更日志: MainWP Branding Extension
- 12 下载 MainWP White Label Extension v4.1 Nulled
Promote your Brand
This is the Extension for you if you manage websites for clients and want to promote your business without using MainWP!! With this Extension, you can easily modify the branding of the MainWP Child plugin, remove and disable functionalities on the child, and provide your clients with an on-site support contact option! Do you manage numerous brands or want to tailor what each of your clients sees to provide them a more personalized experience? That’s fantastic; the Branding Extension allows you to personalize each option for each of your clients.
Branding Options:
You can customize how the plugin appears on your client’s site under the Branding Options area. In place of the typical MainWP credits and Author information, you may easily display your company’s name, as well as your explanation of what the plugin does. You can even choose not to show the MainWP Child plugin to your clients at all!
- Plugin Name
- Plugin Description
- Plugin URL
- Plugin Author
- Author URL
Remove or Disable Functions
With the MainWP Branding Extension, you may limit your clients’ ability to alter and delete plugins and themes, making their workspace more safe. You can use this to keep clients with less experience from making undesired changes. Not only that, but you may also prohibit people from accessing the WP Admin Settings and WordPress Tools parts of the WordPress dashboard.
- Plugins Menu
- Appearance Menu
- Remove Permalinks Menu
- Settings Menu
- Tools Menu
- MainWP Settings Page
- MainWP Restore Page
WordPress Branding Options
The MainWP Branding Extension lets you simply white-label the entire WordPress admin area, including the admin bar, dashboard, and more.
Everything from changing the WordPress logo with your company logo to totally customizing the admin area, favicons, dashboard, and more is simple and easy with this Extension.

Here are a few examples of what you can do with our add-on:
- Change the logo on the login screen
- Modify the Favicon
- WordPress Dashboard Widgets can be enabled or disabled.
- Add/Remove Content from the Global Footer
- Admin Footer Content can be added or changed.
- Modify the Website Generator
- Customize the Login Screen CSS
- WP-Admin CSS Customization
- Any Text on your child sites should be replaced.
Provide First Class Support
If your clients require assistance, this area will provide them with the quickest means of contacting you. They can use this contact form immediately from the WP Admin interface if they have any questions for you or if your clients require assistance. The contact form will then be delivered to you through email, together with your client’s request and the page they were on when they contacted you, which may help you figure out or even duplicate the problem they’re having.

Maintain control of your company’s image.
Display your company’s name, as well as a brief explanation of what you do.
Hide the remote control.
If you don’t want your clients to know you’re controlling their sites remotely, hide the MainWP Child plugin completely.
Maintain contact with clients.
Your customers can contact you immediately through your email support form with only a few clicks.
Functions can be removed or disabled.
Turn on the Dashboard Sites option to disable all plugin and theme modifications for your client’s website.

变更日志: MainWP Branding Extension
Version 4.1 – 9-28-2021 Added: Progress bar to the progress indicator modal Added: Info messages to each extension page Added: Process response for each indicator icon in the progress modal Added: Tooltips to all settings fields Updated: Extension name changed to MainWP White Label Extension Updated: Renamed page navigation menu items Updated: Reworded error messages Updated: Moved the Save Settings button to left Updated: Form field labels letter capitalization Updated: Moved the “Visually hide the MainWP Child plugin” to the top of the page = v4.0.2.1 - 9-10-2020 = * Updated: MainWP Dashboard 4.1 compatiblity = v4.0.1 - 5-5-2020 = * Fixed: JSON encoding issue = v4.0 - 8-28-2019 = Updated: extension UI/UX redesign Updated: support for the MainWP 4.0
⭐另请参考: summary of all MainWP wordpress manager plugins
下载 MainWP White Label Extension v4.1 Nulled
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