习题 20: 函式和档案

最后更新于:2022-04-01 05:39:26

回憶一下函式的要點,然後一邊做這節練習,一邊注意一下函式和檔案是如何一起協作發揮作用的。 ~~~ input_file = ARGV[0] def print_all(f) puts f.read() end def rewind(f) f.seek(0, IO::SEEK_SET) end def print_a_line(line_count, f) puts "#{line_count} #{f.readline()}" end current_file = File.open(input_file) puts "First let's print the whole file:" puts # a blank line print_all(current_file) puts "Now let's rewind, kind of like a tape." rewind(current_file) puts "Let's print three lines:" current_line = 1 print_a_line(current_line, current_file) current_line = current_line + 1 print_a_line(current_line, current_file) current_line = current_line + 1 print_a_line(current_line, current_file) ~~~ 特別注意一下,每次運行 `print_a_line` 時,我們是怎樣傳遞當前的行號資訊的。 ## 你應該看到的結果 ~~~ $ ruby ex20.rb test.txt First let's print the whole file: To all the people out there. I say I don't like my hair. I need to shave it off. Now let's rewind, kind of like a tape. Let's print three lines: 1 To all the people out there. 2 I say I don't like my hair. 3 I need to shave it off. $ ~~~ ## 加分習題 1. 通讀腳本,在每行之前加上註解,以理解腳本裡發生的事情。 2. 每次 `print_a_line` 運行時,你都傳遞了一個叫 `current_line`的變數。在每次呼叫函數時,印出 `current_line` 的值,跟踪一下它在 `print_a_line` 中是怎樣變成 `line_count` 的。 3. 找出腳本中每一個用到函式的地方。檢查 `def` 一行,確認參數沒有用錯。 4. 上網研究一下 file 中的 `seek` 函數是做什麼用的。試著運行 `ri file` 看看能不能從 `rdoc` 中學到更多。 5. 研究一下 `+=` 這個簡寫操作符號的作用,寫一個腳本,把這個操作符號用在裡邊試一下。