
最后更新于:2022-04-01 22:19:44

# 编写语言集成(Language-Integrated)的相关查询 语言集成的相关查询是实验性的,现在暂时只支持scala。 Spark SQL也支持用领域特定语言编写查询。 ~~~ // sc is an existing SparkContext. val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc) // Importing the SQL context gives access to all the public SQL functions and implicit conversions. import sqlContext._ val people: RDD[Person] = ... // An RDD of case class objects, from the first example. // The following is the same as 'SELECT name FROM people WHERE age >= 10 AND age <= 19' val teenagers = people.where('age >= 10).where('age <= 19).select('name) teenagers.map(t => "Name: " + t(0)).collect().foreach(println) ~~~ DSL使用Scala的符号来表示在潜在表(underlying table)中的列,这些列以前缀(')标示。将这些符号隐式转换成由SQL执行引擎计算的表达式。你可以在[ScalaDoc](https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.sql.SchemaRDD)中了解详情。