最后更新于:2022-04-01 04:04:17
callable(*object*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#callable "Permalink to this definition")
Return whether the object is callable (i.e., some kind of function). Note that classes are callable, as are instances with a __call__() method.
defined(*value*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#defined "Permalink to this definition")
Return true if the variable is defined:
{% if variable is defined %}
value of variable: {{ variable }}
{% else %}
variable is not defined
{% endif %}
See the [default()](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#default "default") filter for a simple way to set undefined variables.
divisibleby(*value*, *num*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#divisibleby "Permalink to this definition")
Check if a variable is divisible by a number.
escaped(*value*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#escaped "Permalink to this definition")
Check if the value is escaped.
even(*value*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#even "Permalink to this definition")
Return true if the variable is even.
iterable(*value*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#iterable "Permalink to this definition")
Check if it’s possible to iterate over an object.
Return true if the variable is lowercased.
mapping(*value*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#mapping "Permalink to this definition")
Return true if the object is a mapping (dict etc.).
New in version 2.6.
none(*value*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#none "Permalink to this definition")
Return true if the variable is none.
number(*value*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#number "Permalink to this definition")
Return true if the variable is a number.
odd(*value*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#odd "Permalink to this definition")
Return true if the variable is odd.
sameas(*value*, *other*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#sameas "Permalink to this definition")
Check if an object points to the same memory address than another object:
{% if foo.attribute is sameas false %}
the foo attribute really is the `False` singleton
{% endif %}
sequence(*value*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#sequence "Permalink to this definition")
Return true if the variable is a sequence. Sequences are variables that are iterable.
Return true if the object is a string.
undefined(*value*)[](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#undefined "Permalink to this definition")
Like [defined()](http://docs.jinkan.org/docs/jinja2/templates.html#defined "defined") but the other way round.
Return true if the variable is uppercased.