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# Mybatis使用之参数传递 ### 一:简介             主要记录Mybatis是如何映射传递的参数的。分四种来记录:1、java基本类型的传递、2、Java对象形式传递 3、多参数传递4、集合类型参数传递 ### 二:具体方式 ###       2.1 java基本类型       以整形为例、映射文件: ~~~ <select id="getAuthorById" parameterType="int" resultType="org.alien.mybatis.samples.model.Author"> SELECT * FROM author WHERE id = #{id} </select> ~~~       映射方法: ~~~ Author getAuthorById(int id); ~~~       测试代码: ~~~ private AuthorMapper authorMapper; public AuthorMapperTest() { authorMapper = MybatisUtil.getSqlSession().getMapper(AuthorMapper.class); } @Test public void testGetAuthorById() throws Exception { Author author = authorMapper.getAuthorById(1); Assert.assertNotNull(author); } ~~~ ###       2.2. java对象             以Author类为例、映射文件: ~~~ <select id="getAuthorWithValidate" parameterType="org.alien.mybatis.samples.model.Author" resultType="org.alien.mybatis.samples.model.Author"> SELECT * FROM author WHERE username = #{username} AND password = #{password} </select> ~~~       映射方法: ~~~ Author getAuthorWithValidate(Author author); ~~~       测试方法: ~~~ @Test public void testGetAuthorWithValidate() throws Exception { Author author = authorMapper.getAuthorWithValidate(new Author("star_year", "alien")); Assert.assertNotNull(author); } ~~~ ###       2.3 多参数       多参数分为两种:1、将参数放在Map中。 2、使用Mybatis的注解@Param来指定。       Map类型映射文件: ~~~ <select id="getAuthorByMultiCondition" parameterType="hashMap" resultType="author"> SELECT * FROM ( SELECT A.*, ROWNUM RN FROM (SELECT * FROM author WHERE username LIKE '%' || #{username} || '%') A WHERE ROWNUM <= #{endRecord} ) WHERE RN >= #{startRecord} </select> ~~~       Map类型映射方法: ~~~ List<Author> getAuthorByMultiCondition(Map<String, Object> map); ~~~       Map类型测试方法: ~~~ @Test public void testGetAuthorByMultiCondition() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("startRecord", 0); map.put("endRecord", 10); map.put("username", "star_year"); List<Author> authors = authorMapper.getAuthorByMultiCondition(map); Assert.assertNotNull(authors); } ~~~       @Param类型映射文件: ~~~ <select id="getAuthorByUsername" resultType="Author"> SELECT * FROM author WHERE username LIKE '%' || #{username} || '%' AND email LIKE '%' || #{email} || '%' </select> ~~~       @Param类型映射方法: ~~~ List<Author> getAuthorByUsername(@Param("username") String username, @Param("email") String email); ~~~       @Param类型测试方法: ~~~ @Test public void testGetAuthorByUsername() throws Exception { List<Author> authorList = authorMapper.getAuthorByUsername("star_year", "46185"); Assert.assertNotNull(authorList); } ~~~ ###       2.4 集合类型参数       常用与根据一系列id来做一些操作。       以Author类为例、映射文件: ~~~ <select id="getAuthorByIdCollection" resultType="author"> select * from author where id in <foreach collection="list" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </select> ~~~       映射方法: ~~~ List<Author> getAuthorByIdCollection(List<Integer> idList); ~~~       测试方法: ~~~ @Test public void testGetAuthorByIdCollection() throws Exception { List<Integer> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(1); idList.add(2); List<Author> authorList = authorMapper.getAuthorByIdCollection(idList); Assert.assertNotNull(authorList); } ~~~ ### 三:${paramName} 与 #{paramName}区别        使用#{parameterName}引用参数的时候,Mybatis会把这个参数认为是一个字符串,例如传入参数是“Smith”,那么在SQL(Select * from emp where name = #{employeeName})使用的时候就会转换为Select * from emp where name = 'Smith';同时在SQL(Select * from emp where name = ${employeeName})使用的时候就会转换为Select * from emp where name = Smith。       再次,从安全性上考虑,能使用#尽量使用#来传参,因为这样可以有效防止SQL注入的问题。 ### 四:补充       更多内容:[Mybatis 目录](        github地址:        源码下载地址:       Author 类: ~~~ public class Author { private int id; private String username; private String password; private String email; private String bio; private String favouriteSection; //getter setter ... } ~~~