(十二)— redis-check-dump本地数据库检测

最后更新于:2022-04-01 20:20:38

     这个文件我在今天分析学习的时候,一直有种似懂非懂的感觉,代码量700+的代码,最后开放给系统的就是一个process()方法。这里说的说的数据库检测,是针对key的检测,会用到,下面提到的结构体: ~~~ /* Data type to hold opcode with optional key name an success status */ /* 用于key的检测时使用,后续检测操作都用到了entry结构体 */ typedef struct { //key的名字 char* key; //类型 int type; //是否是成功状态 char success; } entry; ~~~ 后续所涉及到的很多API都是与这个结构体相关,此代码最终检测的其实是一个叫dump.rdb的文件,在检测的后面还会加上循环冗余校验CRC64。下面亮出API: ~~~ int checkType(unsigned char t) /* 每当添加一个新的obj类型时,都要检测这个类型是否合理 */ int readBytes(void *target, long num) /* 在当前文件偏移量位置往后读取num个字节位置 */ int processHeader(void) /* 读取快照文件的头部,检测头部名称或版本号是否正确 */ int loadType(entry *e) /* 为entry赋上obj的Type */ int peekType() /* 弹出版本号 */ int processTime(int type) /* 去除用来表示时间的字节 */ uint32_t loadLength(int *isencoded) /* 分type读取长度 */ char *loadIntegerObject(int enctype) /* 根据当前整型的编码方式,获取数值,以字符形式返回 */ char* loadLzfStringObject() /* 获得解压后的字符串 */ char* loadStringObject() /* 获取当前文件信息字符串对象 */ int processStringObject(char**store) /* 将字符串对象赋给所传入的参数 */ double* loadDoubleValue() /* 文件中读取double类型值 */ int processDoubleValue(double**store) /* 对double类型进行赋予给参数 */ int loadPair(entry *e) /* 读取键值对 */ entry loadEntry() /* 获取entry的key结构体 */ void printCentered(int indent, int width, char* body) /* 输出界面对称的信息 */ void printValid(uint64_t ops, uint64_t bytes) /* 输出有效信息 */ void printSkipped(uint64_t bytes, uint64_t offset) /* 输出Skipped跳过bytes字节信息 */ void printErrorStack(entry *e) /* 输出错误栈的信息 */ void process(void) /* process方法是执行检测的主要方法 */ ~~~ 方法里面好多loadXXX()方法,这几个load方法的确比较有用,在这个检测文件中,编写者又很人性化的构造了error的结构体,用于模拟错误信息栈的输出。 ~~~ /* Hold a stack of errors */ /* 错误信息结构体 */ typedef struct { //具体的错误信息字符串 char error[16][1024]; //内部偏移量 size_t offset[16]; //错误信息等级 size_t level; } errors_t; static errors_t errors; ~~~ 不同的level等级对应不同的出错信息。在API里有个比较关键的方法,loadEntry,获取key相关的结构体; ~~~ /* 获取entry的key结构体 */ entry loadEntry() { entry e = { NULL, -1, 0 }; uint32_t length, offset[4]; /* reset error container */ errors.level = 0; offset[0] = CURR_OFFSET; //此处赋值type if (!loadType(&e)) { return e; } offset[1] = CURR_OFFSET; if (e.type == REDIS_SELECTDB) { if ((length = loadLength(NULL)) == REDIS_RDB_LENERR) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset[1], "Error reading database number"); return e; } if (length > 63) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset[1], "Database number out of range (%d)", length); return e; } } else if (e.type == REDIS_EOF) { if (positions[level].offset < positions[level].size) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset[0], "Unexpected EOF"); } else { e.success = 1; } return e; } else { /* optionally consume expire */ if (e.type == REDIS_EXPIRETIME || e.type == REDIS_EXPIRETIME_MS) { if (!processTime(e.type)) return e; if (!loadType(&e)) return e; } offset[1] = CURR_OFFSET; //调用loadPair为Entry赋值key if (!loadPair(&e)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset[1], "Error for type %s", types[e.type]); return e; } } /* all entries are followed by a valid type: * e.g. a new entry, SELECTDB, EXPIRE, EOF */ offset[2] = CURR_OFFSET; if (peekType() == -1) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset[2], "Followed by invalid type"); SHIFT_ERROR(offset[0], "Error for type %s", types[e.type]); e.success = 0; } else { e.success = 1; } return e; } ~~~ 其中里面的关键的赋值key,value在loadPair()方法: ~~~ /* 读取键值对 */ int loadPair(entry *e) { uint32_t offset = CURR_OFFSET; uint32_t i; /* read key first */ //首先从文件中读取key值 char *key; if (processStringObject(&key)) { e->key = key; } else { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading entry key"); return 0; } uint32_t length = 0; if (e->type == REDIS_LIST || e->type == REDIS_SET || e->type == REDIS_ZSET || e->type == REDIS_HASH) { if ((length = loadLength(NULL)) == REDIS_RDB_LENERR) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading %s length", types[e->type]); return 0; } } //读取key值后面跟着的value值 switch(e->type) { case REDIS_STRING: case REDIS_HASH_ZIPMAP: case REDIS_LIST_ZIPLIST: case REDIS_SET_INTSET: case REDIS_ZSET_ZIPLIST: case REDIS_HASH_ZIPLIST: //因为类似ziplist,zipmap等结构体其实是一个个结点连接而成的超级字符串,所以是直接读取 if (!processStringObject(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading entry value"); return 0; } break; case REDIS_LIST: case REDIS_SET: //而上面这2种是传统的结构,要分结点读取 for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { offset = CURR_OFFSET; if (!processStringObject(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading element at index %d (length: %d)", i, length); return 0; } } break; case REDIS_ZSET: for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { offset = CURR_OFFSET; if (!processStringObject(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading element key at index %d (length: %d)", i, length); return 0; } offset = CURR_OFFSET; if (!processDoubleValue(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading element value at index %d (length: %d)", i, length); return 0; } } break; case REDIS_HASH: for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { offset = CURR_OFFSET; if (!processStringObject(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading element key at index %d (length: %d)", i, length); return 0; } offset = CURR_OFFSET; if (!processStringObject(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading element value at index %d (length: %d)", i, length); return 0; } } break; default: SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Type not implemented"); return 0; } /* because we're done, we assume success */ //只要执行过了,我们就认定为成功 e->success = 1; return 1; } ~~~ 如果e-success=1则说明这个key的检测就过关了。为什么这么说呢,我们来看主检测方法process()方法: ~~~ /* process方法是执行检测的主要方法 */ void process(void) { uint64_t num_errors = 0, num_valid_ops = 0, num_valid_bytes = 0; entry entry; //读取文件头部获取快照文件版本号 int dump_version = processHeader(); /* Exclude the final checksum for RDB >= 5. Will be checked at the end. */ if (dump_version >= 5) { if (positions[0].size < 8) { printf("RDB version >= 5 but no room for checksum.\n"); exit(1); } positions[0].size -= 8; } level = 1; while(positions[0].offset < positions[0].size) { positions[1] = positions[0]; entry = loadEntry(); if (!entry.success) { //如果Entry不为成功状态 printValid(num_valid_ops, num_valid_bytes); printErrorStack(&entry); num_errors++; num_valid_ops = 0; num_valid_bytes = 0; /* search for next valid entry */ uint64_t offset = positions[0].offset + 1; int i = 0; //接着寻找后面3个有效entries while (!entry.success && offset < positions[0].size) { positions[1].offset = offset; /* find 3 consecutive valid entries */ //寻找3个有效的entries for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { entry = loadEntry(); if (!entry.success) break; } /* check if we found 3 consecutive valid entries */ if (i < 3) { offset++; } } /* print how many bytes we have skipped to find a new valid opcode */ if (offset < positions[0].size) { printSkipped(offset - positions[0].offset, offset); } positions[0].offset = offset; } else { num_valid_ops++; num_valid_bytes += positions[1].offset - positions[0].offset; /* advance position */ positions[0] = positions[1]; } free(entry.key); } /* because there is another potential error, * print how many valid ops we have processed */ printValid(num_valid_ops, num_valid_bytes); /* expect an eof */ if (entry.type != REDIS_EOF) { /* last byte should be EOF, add error */ errors.level = 0; SHIFT_ERROR(positions[0].offset, "Expected EOF, got %s", types[entry.type]); /* this is an EOF error so reset type */ entry.type = -1; printErrorStack(&entry); num_errors++; } /* Verify checksum */ //版本号>=5的时候,需要检验校验和 if (dump_version >= 5) { uint64_t crc = crc64(0,positions[0].data,positions[0].size); uint64_t crc2; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)positions[0].data+positions[0].size; crc2 = ((uint64_t)p[0] << 0) | ((uint64_t)p[1] << 8) | ((uint64_t)p[2] << 16) | ((uint64_t)p[3] << 24) | ((uint64_t)p[4] << 32) | ((uint64_t)p[5] << 40) | ((uint64_t)p[6] << 48) | ((uint64_t)p[7] << 56); if (crc != crc2) { SHIFT_ERROR(positions[0].offset, "RDB CRC64 does not match."); } else { printf("CRC64 checksum is OK\n"); } } /* print summary on errors */ if (num_errors) { printf("\n"); printf("Total unprocessable opcodes: %llu\n", (unsigned long long) num_errors); } } ~~~ 如果想了解检测的详细原理,事先了解dump.rdb的文件内容结构也许会对我们又很大帮助。