Ultimate Member Core Plugin v2.3.1
最后更新于:2022-03-28 23:49:53
Ultimate Member is the most popular WordPress user profile and membership plugin. Users may easily sign up and become members of your website with the help of this plugin. The plugin helps you to create complex online communities and membership sites by allowing you to add gorgeous user profiles to your site. Ultimate Member is a lightweight and extensible membership management system that allows you to develop practically any sort of website where people may join and become members with ease.
Demo: https://ultimatemember.com/
Features: Ultimate Member – User Profile, User Registration, Login & Membership Plugin
- User profiles on the front end
- User registration on the front end
- User registration on the front end
- Form fields that are unique to you
- Form fields with conditional logic
- Form builder with drag and drop functionality
- Page for the user’s account
- User roles that can be customized
- Directories of members
- Emails from users
- Restriction on content
- Nav menus with conditions
- On user profiles, display author postings and comments.
- With dozens of functions and filters, it’s ideal for developers.
变更日志: Ultimate Member Core Plugin
= v2.3.1: February 9, 2022 = * Enhancements: - Added: wp-admin notice on the Settings page when settings have been changed (#963) - Added: WP Blocks restriction settings for the blocks (templates/nav-menu) on the FSE pages - Added: UM-specific query_var for UM additional Users_Query on users.php screen in wp-admin. `um_custom_user_query` = true - Added: Ability for dropdown.js to use it inside parent wrapper (not only document.body) - Changed: Using WP Cron schedules. Un-schedule events after plugin deactivation - Removed: `um_check_extensions_licenses` and replaced it to `um_daily_scheduled_events` event * Bugfixes: - Fixed: "Can user edit this field?" fields' option for the file/image upload field-types (#958) - Fixed: Using uppercase symbols in the "Blocked Email Addresses" and "Blacklist Words" blacklists settings (#962) - Fixed: PHP warning related to the Ultimate Member custom fields without type - Fixed: Some typos in the labels (#975) - Fixed: UX issue with wrong text on the admin notice about upgrade - Fixed: UX issue with Blacklist Words and Blocked Email settings labels. Added a small description about per line separation (#962) - Fixed: Sorting the Extensions settings sections 2.2.5: September 22, 2021 Enhancements: Added: Ability to insert SoundCloud track URL instead of Track ID Added: Settings for the password min/max length (Ultimate Member > Settings > Users) Bugfixes: Fixed: Invalid role keys on the role list-table + role edit screen (case when latin symbols used with not UTF-8 symbols) Fixed: Restriction logic and archive lists (+ nav menu bar) with active “Disable pre-queries for restriction content logic” option Fixed: Restriction settings fields conditions on wp-admin screens Fixed: Account user_login field validation removed as redundant. The field is disabled and not used in code flow Fixed: display_name data update after First + Last name fields edition on the Account page Fixed: Password length validation on the Account page and Password Reset page Fixed: Using custom fields from multi-select dropdowns for user’s Display Name. Unserialized custom field’s values = v2.2.4: August 27, 2021 = * Bugfixes: - Fixed: Hiding comments feed for pages with active comments - Fixed: Changing the post title to the restricted value while displaying in the loop that uses direct `post_title` variable - Fixed: PHP errors related to not passed function attributes from 3rd-party plugins or themes when using WP native hooks - Fixed: Handling the login form errors via \WP_Error 2.2.0: July 20, 2021 Enhancements: Added: Sanitizing handlers to the Ultimate Member > Settings forms’ fields Added: Sanitizing handlers to the Ultimate Member > User Role Add/Edit forms’ fields Added: Sanitizing handlers to the Ultimate Member > Forms forms’ fields Added: Sanitizing handlers to the Ultimate Member > Forms > Add Field/Edit Field forms’ fields Added: Sanitizing handlers to the Ultimate Member > User Roles forms’ fields Added: Sanitizing handlers to the Restriction Content forms’ fields in the posts/pages/menus additional fields Added: Sanitizing handlers to the all (Login/Registration/Profile/Account) frontend forms’ fields Added: Custom placeholder setting for the Confirm Password field Bugfixes: Fixed: Content restriction settings using in Avada theme with active page headers Fixed: Content restriction (CPT + Terms). Avoid displaying comments if the post is restricted Fixed: Content restriction (CPT + Terms). Avoid displaying comments and posts feed Fixed: Content restriction (CPT + Terms). Displaying the proper count of the posts. Restricted are excluded Fixed: Saving and displaying settings on the UM > Settings > Access screen Fixed: Saving and displaying default Member Directory settings Fixed: Minor PHP warnings on registration data preview Fixed: Member directory slider filter-type query and results Fixed: Uploader filename displaying Tweaks: WordPress 5.8 compatibility. Widgets screen changes based on the new features with Legacy Widget block Templates required update: members.php password-reset.php Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade v2.1.19 Bugfixes: Fixed: Endless JS loop when filtering on Member Directory page v2.1.17 Enhancements: Added: Activation link expiration setting (#803) Added: ‚Owner and specific roles‘ privacy type for the Profile tabs (#773) Added: Hooks um_before_email_notification_sending and um_after_email_notification_sending regarding #743 pull-request Added: Hooks for integration member directory filters with different conditions for query to DB Bugfixes: Fixed: Editing private profiles capability. Removed the priority for „Can edit other member accounts?“ capability when the account is private. (#805) Fixed: PHP notice when the admin filtering field has the not array default value (e.g. bool) Fixed: The conflict with Disable Blog plugin regarding this issue. download_routing callback has the highest priority now. Fixed: Fields privacy functionality. This function um_can_view_field() has been rewritten (#780) Fixed: Fields privacy + form validation functionality. Skip the field’s validation that aren’t visible on the form based on the privacy settings (#795) Fixed: PHP notice in the confirm password label wp.org thread Fixed: Confirm password placeholder when label is empty Fixed: Permanently deleting form’s field (#786) Fixed: Default value with comma for checkbox field-type (#729) Fixed: Gutenberg blocks conditional settings (#793) Fixed: Getting active Profile tab when some of them are hidden Fixed: Restricted content message is showing twice and removing header, avoid the conflicts with themes that use ‚the_content‘ filter in header or footer (#799) Fixed: „Is required“ validation for the multiselect field-type when it’s empty on submit Fixed: Using ‚wp_login_failed‘ hook, added 2nd parameter required since WordPress 5.4 version (#810) v2.1.16 Enhancements: Added: General and role setting to avoid indexing users’ profiles Added: um_prepare_user_results_array_meta hook and the 2nd argument for um_prepare_user_results_array hook for handle $user_ids based on getting members query Added: Change password email when the password has been reset Added: jQuery v3 compatibility Added: An option “Administrator” in a menu settings to make the menu visible for administrators only Bugfixes: Fixed: Creating and removing usermeta data with password_rst_attempts key, just update if exists for now Fixed: Using ‘edit_users’ capability instead of ‘manage_options’ for approve|reject membership Fixed: Using ‘manage_options’ capability instead of ‘delete_users’ for switching between members Fixed: Using myCRED points metakeys in UM usermeta table Fixed: Empty icons are shown in the popup “Choose from… available icons” Fixed: Member Directory slider filter with NaN or decimal range Fixed: PHP notices and warnings Fixed: Security vulnerability with User Account page and password field Fixed: User creating without username but based on first+last name with not-ASCII symbols Fixed: Password reset hash generating more than 1 time Fixed: Random order type translation string on the member directory Fixed: Resize and compress images when uploading on User Profile images fields or user wall Fixed: Displaying more than 1 UM popups on the same page Fixed: UM dropdown.js position calculation Fixed: Select2 dropdown block position calculation Tweaks: Updated: Select2 to 4.0.13 version
另请参考: Summary of Ultimate Member Plugins to support continuous updates
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