Ultimate Member Verified Users Addon v2.1.3

最后更新于:2022-03-28 23:50:19


Ultimate Member Verified Users Addon add a user verification mechanism to your site so that users may seek verification and site administrators can manually verify them.

Demo: https://ultimatemember.com/extensions/verified-users/

Features: Ultimate Member Verified Users Addon

  • Users can request that their accounts be verified by submitting a request.
  • Verification requests can be canceled by users.
  • Use a shortcode to display a global activity wall anywhere on the site.
  • Provides a verification url that may be added anywhere on the site by the administrator.
  • Admin may manually validate any user without the need for a user request.
  • Adds a sort option to directories, allowing administrators to prioritize confirmed users.
  • Verified users’ profiles and member directories will have a blue verification badge.
  • Once the user’s account has been validated, they will get an email.
  • When a user seeks verification, the administrator will receive an email message.
  • Adds a filter to the admin’s users page so that all users pending verification may be shown.

Integrations with Ultimate Member Notifications Extension

  • When a user’s account has been confirmed, it receives an email notification.

Integrations with Ultimate Member Social Activity Extension

  • When a user is validated, it shows activity.

变更日志: Ultimate Member Verified Users Addon

= v2.1.3: February 9, 2022 =
* Fixed: Extension settings structure

= v2.1.2: December 16, 2021 =
* Fixed: Issue with arguments count in callback

= v2.0.9: December 8, 2020 =
* Added: Ability to make the Gutenberg blocks private only for verified users
* Fixed: The conflict with 3rd-party plugins which use the `status` argument in wp-admin query (changed to `um_status`)

= v2.0.8: August 11, 2020 =

* Added: *.pot translations file
* Added: hook for 3rd-party integrations to the settings section

= v2.0.7: April 1, 2020 =
* Tweak: Optimized UM:Notifications integration
* Fixed: wp-admin Add/Edit user screen UM wrapper

= v2.0.6: January 13, 2020 =
Tweak: Integration with Ultimate Member 2.1.3 and UM metadata table
Added: Email notification when user is verified after profile completed
Fixed: Uninstall process

= v2.0.5: November 11, 2019 =
Tweak: Integration with Ultimate Member 2.1.0
Added: Sanitize functions for request variables
Added: esc_attr functions to avoid XSS vulnerabilities
Added: ability to change templates in theme via universal method UM()->get_template()
Fixed: uninstall process
Fixed: replace placeholders

Version 2.0.4
* Fixed: verify account template
* Fixed: verify process after profile completeness
* Optimized: CSS enqueue

Version 2.0.3
* Optimized: CSS loading
* Fixed: some CSS styles

⭐另请参考: Summary of Ultimate Member Plugins to support continuous updates

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