Ultimate Member Private Messages Addon v2.3.2
最后更新于:2022-03-28 19:11:11
Ultimate Member Private Messages Addon – Allow users to privately message one other by adding a private messaging system to your site. Perfect for websites that require one-on-one interaction.
Demo: https://ultimatemember.com/extensions/private-messages/

Features: Ultimate Member Private Messages Addon
- Allows users to send each other private messages.
- Users can send a private message to another user using the messaging modal by adding a message button to their profile.
- Each user’s profile now has a messages area where they can browse all chats and read/send private messages.
- Private messages are automatically refreshed.
- The ability to simply add emoticons to each private communication
- Option to limit the number of characters that may be used in each discussion reply.
- Adds a setting to the user account page that allows users to choose whether or not they wish to receive private messages.
- When someone starts a new chat with them, it sends an email notice to the users.
- Users may now switch on/off getting e-mail notifications for new chats on their user account page.
- Control which user roles are allowed to send and receive private messages.
- You may choose which user roles are allowed to send and receive private messages.
- Limit how many new chats a user role may start in a certain amount of time.
- Includes a block function that allows users to prevent certain users from texting them, as well as a means to unblock persons via the account page.
- Plain text is supported in messages, with urls automatically transformed to links (No other HTML is accepted in messages)
- Using the new messages tag, you can quickly display the number of unread messages in your menu.
Other extensions’ integrations
- Ultimate Member Followers Addon – Users have the option of allowing just those who follow them to message them.
- Ultimate Member Real-time Notifications Addon – When someone starts a new chat with them, users might be notified.
- Ultimate Member Online Users Addon – When the individual is online, a green dot appears next to their name.
变更日志: Ultimate Member Private Messages Addon
= v2.3.2: February 9, 2022 = * Added: 'Hide a "下载 Chats History" link' setting. * Fixed: setCaretPosition when paste emoji in the message textarea * Fixed: Extension settings structure * Deprecated: user_id attribute for [ultimatemember_messages] shortcode. Messaging conversations list is displayed only for the current logged in user = v2.3.1: December 20, 2021 = * Added: Filter `um_messaging_get_messages_limit` for getting more than 1000 messages in 1 conversation via customization * Added: Restriction settings for role who can start conversation/reply. There is possible to everyone or selected roles. * Fixed: Multisite installation and tables creating when the plugin is active on the single site or network = 2.2.8: August 11, 2020 = * Added: The default value for attribute "user_id" of the shortcode [ultimatemember_message_button] * Added: *.pot translations file * Added: CSS for messages button at the profile page * Added: 3rd party integrations hook in settings section * Fixed: Security vulnerability with getting conversations content * Fixed: Modal Login form with reCAPTCHA * Fixed: Modal windows links * Fixed: URLs with # symbol * Tweak: apply_shortcodes() function support = 2.2.7: April 1, 2020 = * Tweak: Optimized UM:Notifications integration * Fixed: Old script breaks reCAPTCHA handler, so user can't login using the modal login form * Fixed: Modal Login for not logged-in user who starts a chat = v2.2.6 - January 13, 2020 = Fixed: A bug with message tab if a user role disabled for private messages Changed: Account notifications layout = v2.2.5: November 11, 2019 = * Tweak: Compatibility with 2.1.0 UM core Version 2.2.3 * Fixed: JS SimpleBar errors Version 2.2.2 Added: Templates for all HTML layouts in plugin Fixed: AJAX conversation update Fixed: Timestamp for saving the message Fixed: Uninstall process when delete options checked Version 2.2.1 * Fixed: Return empty content for undefined User ID Version 2.2.0 Added: Confirmation before block user Fixed: Scrolling at mobile devices ( simplebar library for scrolling is included ) Fixed: GDPR chats downloading Fixed: Cursor position after insert emoji Version 2.1.9 * Fixed: Vulnerability with Chat History Version 2.1.8 Fixed: CSS style via wp_inline_add_script Fixed: Insert emojii in the message box Fixed: Show first conversation on load page Fixed: Email reminder about unread messages v2.1.7 * Optimized: JS template for conversations list v2.1.5 * Added: Filter for the displaying Start Conversation button
⭐另请参考: Summary of Ultimate Member Plugins to support continuous updates
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