Perfex v2.9.3 – Powerful Open Source CRM

最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:03:13


Perfex CRM is a self-hosted Customer Relationship Management system that may be used by practically any business, freelancer, or for a variety of other purposes. Perfex CRM’s clean and modern style may make you appear more professional to your clients while also improving business performance.

CRMs need to focus on customers and Perfex CRM does that with a powerful support system that helps you track and resolve issues quickly via the integrated ticket system and customer reminders. Assign reminders to yourself, one or many staff members and with one click, reminders can be sent to email and in-app notification system. These features and more can take customer satisfaction to the next level.


Features: Perfex v2.9.3 – Powerful Open Source CRM

  • The robust Project Management Feature allows you to manage and invoice projects.
  • Stay organized by linking tasks to numerous Perfex CRM features.
  • Create professional estimates and invoices that look fantastic.
  • Support system with the ability to automatically import tickets.
  • Keep track of how much time you spend on each job and bill your clients accordingly. Ability to assign numerous employees to a task and track timers for each employee.
  • Even if the staff is not a project participant, they can be added as task followers. Without having access to the project, the staff member will be able to follow the task’s progress.
  • Keep track of leads in one spot and watch their growth with ease. Ability to input leads from email, add comments, and build proposals automatically. Organize your leads into stages and effortlessly switch between them using drag and drop.
  • Increase sales by creating attractive proposals for leads or consumers.
  • Keep track of your company/project spending and charge your clients with an auto-conversion to invoice feature.
  • With a robust CRM, you can learn more about your customers.
  • Customer retention may be improved with built-in surveys.
  • Keep track of your sales targets using the Goals Tracking function.
  • Make announcements to your consumers and employees.
  • To lock in existing and future sales, use the Contracts tool.
  • Custom fields may be used to hold additional information for customers, leads, and other entities.
  • Receive payments in many currencies from Paypal and Stripe.
  • There are a plethora of settings to choose from.
  • With the advanced theme styling option, you can customize the CRM to match your company’s logo.
  • Non-admin staff members may operate inside the CRM and manage their uploads and files in a separate media folder.
  • Based on employee permissions, a great-looking calendar for each staff member.
  • Follow-ups, reports, notes, and files are just a few of the options available.

变更日志: Perfex v2.9.3 – Powerful Open Source CRM

Version 2.9.3 – Maintenance
 January 17, 2022  
Fix Mollie payment gateway sometimes not recording payments.
Fix cron not working because of invalid imap namespace.
Fix issue with tags overflowing on mobile.
Update: Show at least 1% progress for invoices awaiting payment

Version 2.9.1
 September 29, 2021 
Add strike through in project discussions
Add badges in leads profile tabs for tasks, proposals, notes, attachments.
Added ability to specify redirect URL after submission for web to lead and estimate request forms.
Add option to set project name when copying the project.
Updated: Task comment WYSIWYG editor will stick while scrolling.
Updated: Ensure tasks modal does not close on outside click when typing comment.
Updated: Uploaded project files will be renamed with unique hash.
Updated: Ticket CC will be remembered when ticket is imported via pipe or IMAP.
Updated: Zoom allowed on mobile devices.
Fix calendar buttons goes out of the container small screens.
Fix tasks not visible on tasks table in client area.
Fix msg91 DLT Template ID.
Fix estimate to project convert task date format causing 500 error.
Fix task change hook not fired when task updated.
Fix statement filename does not contain the extension.
Fix credit applied to draft invoice adds invalid invoice number.
Fix checklist progress bar color when progress is 0%

Version 2.9.2
 January 11, 2022
Add indicator if someone is already replying to a ticket (admin area).
Added ability to configure reminders to be sent for completed but non-billed tasks.
Added ability to merge multiple tickets into one.
Added ability to add batch invoice payments.
Added proposal and contract date created merge fields.
Added ability to specifiy deal name prefix when importing deals via web to lead forms.
Add Twilio Alphanumeric Sender ID option.
Add totals number of records on tasks, proposals, estimates kan bans’s
Add total badges for comments and templates when viewing proposals and contracts.
Add canonical url in knowledge base article for customers area.
Added ability to specifiy milestone start date.
Added “Open in Map” button to customer profile map.
Updated: Stripe subscriptions will load all plans instead of max 100.
Updated: Kanban with better AJAX loading.
Updated: Editing project won’t be possible on signed contracts.
Updated: Expense amount will be hidden from project activity log.
Updated: Prevent closing the task modal if timesheet is being recorded/edited.
Updated: Multiple comas on customer format will be automatically removed.
Updated: Change email template message column to MEDIUMTEXT for longer mails support.
PHP 8.1 compatibilities.
Fix some tasks/milestones not shown on customers area.
Fix credit applied to draft invoice adds invalid invoice number.
Fix convert estimate to project task date format.
Fix project notification being sent to all contacts when few only selected.
Fix hyperlink custom fields not working in leads modal.
Small bugs fixed.

Version 2.9.0
 August 17, 2021
Add badges with in the customer profile tabs.
Added automatically contact number calling code prefix feature when creating contact.
Added total number of customer admins badge.
Added option to auto assigne ticket to the first staff who replies to the ticket.
Added copy button on TinyMCE contextmenu.
Added ability to edit timesheet in the task modal.
Added task due date in tasks kan ban card.
Added permissions for timesheets.
Added hide project milestone from customer option.
Added ability to specify task assignees and follower when creating new task.
Added ability to remember the last used CC when creating/replying to a ticket.
Added ability to view and delete queued emails.
Added ability to specificy button background and text color on web to lead and estimate request forms.
Added MSG91 DLT Template ID for each trigger.
Added option to automaticaly stop task timers after specified hours.
Added ability to specify language via URL parameters for ticket external form.
Updated: Contract with signature won’t be fully editable.
Updated PHP Mailer to fix security issue.
Updated: Proposal PDF will include signer details.
Updated: The time step on calendar Event and reminder datepicker will be 30 minutes instead of 1 hour.
Updated: Stripe new regulations for Indian customers.
Updated: Allow Multiple Perfex CRM installations, one Stripe account
Updated: when adding tasks for be billed to an invoice, the already added tasks will be removed from the dropdown.
Update: Added loading spinners on external forms submit buttons (ticket, estimate request, web to lead).
Updated: Allow task creator to assign user to checklist item.
Updated: Payments chart dashboard widget with ability to choose weekly or monthly chart.
Updated: Modals header background color.
Fixed hyperlink custom field create.
Fix hyperlink custom field cannot be opened when imported as direct url.
Fixed task creator not updated properly when copying task.
Fixed statement balances incorrect when when credit note refunds beyond the selected date exist.
Fixed view logged in when Bitly short SMS url is generated.
Fixed duplicate Stripe webhook can be created.
Fixed expenses default order.
Fixed cannot save ticket settings when no name is available.
Fixed translation key issue for PHP 8.
Fixed Mollie payment not recorded.
Fixed estimate report dropdown duplicate year.
Fixed non-admin cannot bulk assign to leads.
Fixed goals visibility on dashboard.
Fixed cannot search tables with underscore.
Fixed tickets not visible on customers area when allowed for the contact.
Fix ticket convert to task attachments not transfered.
Fix inline attachments no imported via pipe.php

Add ability to set a custom field default value
Added permissions for projects milestones
Added ability to specify which contacts can receive project-related notifications, per project
Added bulk actions for expenses table
Added option to show estimate request link in customers area navigation
Added ability to convert estimate to project
Added ability to specify database backup hour
Added ability for ticket form, web to lead form, and estimate request form, to show a logo by providing ?with_logo=1 parameter in the URL
Update: When a contract is signed, the name, email, and IP address will be displayed on PDF and HTML.
Added ability for ticket form, web to lead form, and estimate request form to provide ?styled=1 parameter in the URL for more convenient design on direct link sharing
Update Mollie payment gateway to v2 to support multiple currencies
Updated Fullcalendar version to v5
Update the Datatables library to the latest version.
Updated the footer in the customers area to not be fixed
Removed option for scroll responsive tables, the tables will be always scroll responsive
Fix no space after discount word on PDF.
Fix invoice overdue cron task failing on MySQL 8
Fix convert estimate request
Fix wrong spelling of Philippines country name
Fix project setting upload task attachment on customers area.

Fixed issue with calendar loading.

Version 2.8.2
 March 18, 2021 
Added ability to add an assignee to task checklist item.
Added ability to hide/show completed task checklist items.
Improvements in staff delete data transfer.
Fixed timesheets overview report.
Fixed project discussion new comment.
Fixed incorrect ticket attachment in ticket public view.

Version 2.8.1 – Maintenance
 March 12, 2021 
Fixed cannot edit staff profile.
Fixed class missing causes 500 error.

Version 2.8.0
 March 12, 2021  
Add option to auto attach an invoice to the payment receipt email
Add new feature create estimate request forms
Add copy item feature
Add bulk update the billable field for tasks
Added ability to filter expenses by payment mode on expenses table and detailed report
Add ability to bulk export expenses
Add total leads and total value in leads kanban
Added ability user to select multiple files on web to lead form file field.
Ability to send invoice due reminders before the invoice is overdue.
Allow zero with decimals in credit note refund
Changed: Staff can manage followers/assignees only if creator
Changed: Draft invoices will be always sorted on top
Fix multiple merge fields in URL placeholder
Fix cannot save currency with blank thousand separator
Fix shorturl wrong link when using for SMS.
Fix tasks modal on close description not saved
Fix project export alignment
Fixed an issue where an item is not added in the invoice after item removal.
Fix image size via editor not applied
Fix language loaded after custom fields translate
Fixed typo in subscription
Fix surveys mail lists import
Fixed only staff with permission can delete leads
Project copy milestone due date improvements

Version 2.7.3
 December 11, 2020
Added short URL merge field for SMS links (via Bitly API)
PHP 8 fixes and compatibilities
Updated: Allow links in piped tickets
Fixed incorrect invoice number when sending/creating invoice.
Added after project copied hook (dev)
Added user widget hooks (dev)

Version 2.7.2
 December 3, 2020 
Fixed conflict from not compatible modules widgets in the dashboard cases white screen.
Fixed an issue where leads email integration folder cannot be selected
Fixed subscription date shows invalid date after subscribe
PHP 8 compatibility and enhancements.

Version 2.7.1
 November 27, 2020 
Added mention feature for task comments
Added mention feature for project discussions
Added ability to choose ticket department folder
Added ability to choose leads email integration folder
Updated: Allow creating credit note with the same number for a different year
Added 2Checkout Payment gateway
Added message with total overdue days on invoice HTML if the invoice is overdue
Added total overdue days email template merge field for invoices.
Added ability to create contract and proposal templates via the UI. (not needed to do via files).
Added ability contact to choose a language on register
Added ability to round timesheets on timesheets reports and when billing the timesheet
Added register form required fields indicators
Updated: Archived prices inside the Stripe dashboard, should not show up in the drop-down when creating/editing subscription
Fix invoice items table not using currency separators
Updated: Stripe subscription plans will use the product name instead of plan name.
Fix get users that can access task does not receive a notification on new comments.
Fixed issues with auto importing tickets/leads
Fixed staff cannot create a task when stopping the timer
Fixed draft invoice number not updated when updating payment
Fixed subscription internal display.
Fixed duplicate menu items from modules.
Fixed contracts widget order not applied
Fixed task reminder URL
Fixed project discussion update

Version 2.7.0
 August 17, 2020 
Added ability to specify tasks cron job automation hours.
Added ability to create a task while stopping the timer without a task.
Added {project_name} merge field in email templates for invoices, estimates, contracts, subscriptions, and tickets.
Added “下载 All” lead attachments in .zip option.
Added task-related name and link on kan-ban and border based on the task priority.
Added ability on customers area contact to select language on the login page.
Billed tasks created from the client, won’t be editable in the customers area.
Added ability primary contact to create and edit other customer contacts in the customers area.
Changed: Draft invoice won’t have a number assigned until it’s sent to the customer.
Added new hotkey to toggle sidebar Shift+F.
Added “Save and send later” feature for estimates.
Removed the deprecated 2Checkout and Authorize AIM and SIM gateways.
Updated milestones kan-ban in customers area to have horizontal scroll instead of stacking the milestones columns.
Fully replaced the IMAP library for reading emails.
Fixed expenses detailed report not loading sometimes.
Fixed sometimes Gantt date update clears task dates.
Fixed hard-coded table name in Dashboard mode.
Fixed pre tags in task comments go outside the specific width.
Fixed non-admin users can change leads to statuses colors from kan-ban view.
Fixed customer subscribed to subscription email sent multiple times.

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