Ultimate POS v4.7.6 – Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application

最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:36:55


Our 10+ years of expertise in the industry has made Ultimate POS a serious and comprehensive investment. We’ve been adding and enhancing it for over three years, with over 200 releases and 1000 features. This product will never cost $19, $29, or $39; it is only for people who are serious about growing their business. When you buy Ultimate POS, you will get a good deal.

演示: https://codecanyon.net/item/ultimate-pos-stock-management-point-of-sale-application/21216332#

Features: Ultimate POS v4.7.6 – Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application

  • Several businesses/stores:
    • In the app, you may create various businesses.
    • There are no limitations on the number of enterprises that can operate.
    • Each firm keeps its inventory and accounting records separately.
    • Add a location, storefronts, or warehouse to your account:
    • Set up several locations for your company or shop.
    • At the same time, manage them all.
    • Stocks, purchases, and sales can all be monitored differently depending on the region.
    • For each site, customize the invoice style and design.
  • Management of Users and Roles:
    • User and role management system with a lot of power
    • Admin and Cashier are two predefined jobs.
    • Create different Roles with varied permissions based on your need.
    • Create an infinite number of users with various responsibilities.
  • Customer and Supplier Contacts:
    • Make a note of whether the contact is a customer, a supplier, or both (customer & Supplier)
    • View transaction details for a specific contact.
    • View your entire credit/debit balance.
    • Set a payment term and receive payment reminders a week before the due date.
  • Products:
    • Manage goods that are both fixed and variable.
    • Sort items into Brands, Categories, and Sub-Categories.
    • Add goods with various unit sizes.
    • Add an SKU number or produce an SKU number with prefixes automatically.
    • Get stock notifications when there’s a shortage.
    • Save time by having the system determine the selling price automatically based on the buy price and profit margin.
    • Instead of typing variations over and over again, construct a variation template and utilize it whenever you need to produce variable goods.
  • Purchases:
    • Purchases may be easily added.
    • Purchases for various locations can be included.
    • Organize your paid and overdue purchases.
    • Purchases that are past due will be notified a week before the due date.
    • Discounts and taxes should be included in.
  • Sell:
    • The interface for selling things has been simplified.
    • Default Walk-In-Customer is a type of customer that is automatically introduced to a business.
    • From the POS screen, create a new client.
    • Save time by using an Ajax-based selling screen.
    • Make a note of whether the invoice is a draft or a final version.
    • Payment choices are varied.
    • Make changes to the invoice layout and style.
  • Expense Control:
    • Add business costs quickly and easily.
    • Organize your spending into categories.
    • With a costs report, you may analyze spending by category and business location.
  • Reports:
    • Report on Purchases and Sales
    • Report on Taxes
    • Reports on Contacts
    • Stock Market Reports
    • Report on Expenses
    • Drill down by Brands, Category, Sub-category, Units, and Date Ranges to see what’s trending.
    • Reports on Expenses
    • Report on the Cash Register
    • Report on a Sales Representative
  • Another beneficial attribute is:
    • Set a business’s currency, timezone, financial year, and profit margin.
    • The translation is complete.
    • Barcode sticker settings that have been pre-programmed.
    • Make your barcode sticker configuration.
    • Manage your brands, tax rates and tax groups, units, categories, and subcategories.
    • Installation is simple and just takes three steps.
    • Documentation in great detail
    • Stock Revision
    • Checkout in a hurry
    • Report on Offline Work.

变更日志: Ultimate POS – Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application

Patch for version 4.7.6 – Feb 17, 2022
Fix the issue with saving customer & supplier not working in some cases.

V4.7.6 -Released Feb 2, 2022
新增: Price group selection option added to print label form
新增: 下载 image from URL implemented in import products
新增: Custom field tags added to notification templates
新增: Location permission check on product list stock added
新增: Out of stock check removed from sales order
新增: Subcategory option in add expense
新增: Import purchase products in xls file
新增: Added option to add date & notes when adding opening stock.
新增: filters added in List Customers & List suppliers
新增: Added units selection option in stock transfer
新增: Location dropdown filter added to dashboard data tables
新增: Commission agent required in add sales option added to settings
新增: duplicate check for the mobile number on add/edit contact form added
新增: invoice font color changed to black
Improvement: Autoupdate pos header DateTime in every minute
Improvement: Qr code removed from draft and quotation
Improvement: sku added to the product name on trending products
FIX: QR code time issue in ZATCA (Fatoora) format
FIX: Commission agent dropdown reset issue on the pos screen
FIX: payment view currency format issue fixed
FIX: external invoice URL issue with location print setting fixed
FIX: Business address not showing issue by disabling business name and locations in some invoice layouts fixed
FIX: Datatable translation issue fixed
FIX: Product view stock not showing issue fixed
FIX: Sales return permission
FIX: Discount issue on import sale
FIX: Combo product issue on cash register
FIX: Combo product issue on profit loss report
FIX: Combo product issue on product sell report
FIX: Fixed discount issue with combo product
FIX: Edit/Delete permission in recent transactions modal in POS screen
FIX: Shipping charge in stock transfer.
NOTE: Update also available below modules. So if you’re using them then update them.
SaaS-Superadmin module
Essential & HRM Module
Manufacturing Module
API Module

V4.7.4 – Released 14 Dec 2021
Fixed issue in 4.7.3
Note: If you’re using V4.7.3 then you must update to 4.7.4

V4.7.3 – Released 8 Dec 2021
QR code fix for Saudi Arabia
Quantity available shown for each item in stock transfer and stock adjustment
Added invoice number in sales return
Invoice heading for quotation fix
Ledger improvements

V4.7.2 – Released 2 Dec 2021
QR code fix for Saudi Arabia
V4.7.1 – Released 28 Nov 2021
NEW – Displayed customer due on selecting customer in add/edit pos & sale
Improved – In add/edit product purchase price auto-calculated when the selling price is entered.
FIX – Export buttons in datatable permission fixes.
FIX – If selected contact enabled contact list will show only the selected contacts.
FIX – Stock report print decimal issue fixed
FIX – Address format in invoices improved
FIX – lang invoice in invoice URL issue fixed
FIX – Stock report not loading issue

V4.7 – Released 18 Nov 2021
NEW – Separate permissions for add, edit and delete for sell and purchase payments
NEW – Edit account opening balance, fund transfer, deposits
NEW – Permissions for edit and delete account transactions
NEW – Footer total added to account book, accounts list, and cashflow
NEW – Sales order heading in invoice layout settings
NEW – Location name added to invoice QR code
NEW – Additional expenses in Sell add/edit/view and in profit loss report
NEW – Permission for export button in datatables added
NEW – Edit account transaction from account book form improvements added, primary account selection in deposit and transfer form
NEW – Added tax summary option in invoice layout
NEW – Size option in labels printing.
IMPROVE – Invoice label improved
IMPROVE – Cashflow date order changed
IMPROVE – Pos screen totals getting hidden on mobile screen fixed
FIX – Edit product price and discount from sales screen permission on sale screen
FIX – Lot number not showing on view stock adjustment
FIX – Product history not showing ingredients used in production
FIX – Account book balance
FIX – Purchase return view modal
FIX – Purchase return contact name not showing
FIX – Trial balance and cash flow debit credit

V4.6 – Released 7 Oct 2021
Added Search by SKU in profit loss by product table
Sell return issue with QRcode fixed
Pending shipments added to dashboard
Add expense permission check added to pos add permission button
Submit button and scroll to top link overlap issue fixed in some forms
Missing location permission checks added to multiple reports, account dropdown location check added
Total expense issue on register details modal fixed
Pay term type dropdown not getting selected on selecting customer issue fixed on sale form
Location permission added to cash flow, balance sheet, trial balance and view all attendance
Location filter added to cash flow, trial balance, balance sheet
Shipping charge added to cash register details grand total
Ledger issue with opening balance payment fixed, Payment type label issue on opening balance fixed
Profit loss report common date filter and location filter added
Register report footer totals added
SMS and WhatsApp notification also added on update sale
On disabling discount shipping button getting hidden issue fixed on the pos screen
Default payment account issue on edit sell fixed, translation issue of purchase order details modal fixed
Customer name not showing in invoice for business type contact issue fixed, submit button overlap with scroll to top link issue fixed
Sales order update success message missing issue fixed
Invoice business address missing comma after landmark fixed

V4.5 – Released 8 Sep 2021
新增: Add expense from pos screen
FIX: Opening balance logic changes in customer/supplier ledger
FIX: Cash register sale total issue when previous sales date is selected.
FIX: Minimum sell price validation added in add sale (now works same as POS sales)
FIX: Import contact business name when customer fixed.
FIX: 409 error on contact update in some servers fixed
FIX: Payment account debit credit sides swapped
FIX: Convert draft to final exception handling issue fixed
FIX: Datatable action dropdown issue fixed
NOTE: If using Repair module or API module or Digital Catalog module, then after updating UltimatePOS to V4.5, also update these modules.

V4.4 – Released 19 Aug 2021
NOTE: After updating UltimatePOS to V4.4 please update all other modules also.
[NEW] Payment edit option in edit sale
[NEW] In product sell report added sales by category and brand
[NEW] In dashboard replaced pre-defined date to date range picker.
[NEW] Commission calculation types added: 2 types (Invoice value & Payment received). Related changes in Sales representative report and payroll commission calculation changed
[NEW] Option to display commission agent name in invoice layout.
[NEW] Option to change proforma invoice heading in invoice layout
[NEW] Purchase custom fields added
[NEW] Additional expenses fields added to purchase & purchase order
[NEW] Line discount displayed in invoice. Need to enable from Invoice layout.
[NEW] New layout for ledger as per accounting format.
[Improvement] Many new permissions were added & improved in add/edit roles.
[Improvement] Check added to not allow change admin role if one admin is present in business.
[Improvement] Sku added to stock alert and stock expiry alert on the dashboard
[Improvement] Account book slow loading optimized.
[Improvement] Profit loss report optimized
[Improvement] Account list datatable query optimized
[Improvement] Sell details calculation for dashboard and balance sheet optimized
[Improvement] Cashflow loading optimized
[Improvement] Ajax based contact dropdown implemented on add/edit user form
[Improvement] Contact list filters added
[Improvement] Line taxes added to view sale
[Improvement] Customer supplier report search by business name added
[Improvement]Customer group filter added to product sell report
[Improvement] Item description column added to Items Report
[Improvement] Payment method added to tax report
[Fix]Stock expiry report quantity issue
[Fix] RTL issue in slim2 invoice layout fixed
[Fix] Product expiry related issue fixed
[Fix] Removed – Purchase order getting added in opening-closing stock
[Fix] decimal point issue at some places fixed
[Fix] expense list print number format
[Fix]Cash register report total calculation
[Fix] Currency symbol issue in ledger pdf
[Fix]Import product opening stock fix

V4.3 Released (May 19, 2021)
Fixed blank screen issue
V4.2 Released (May 2, 2021)
新增: Purchase order feature Document
新增: Sales order feature Document
新增: Search product by custom fields in POS & Sales screen.
新增: Separate page for Activity log, only visible to the admin role. (Reports -> Activity Log)
新增: Cash register denominations feature added Document
Improvement: SKU editable in add/edit products
Improvement: Shipping note and shipping related activities added to edit shipping modal
Improvement: Line discount added to invoices
Improvement: Sales representative commmission calculation changes. (Remove tax shipping etc from commission)
Improvement: prefix added for year type invoice scheme
FIX: Customer/Supplier Ledger issue
Fix: Product history not showing purchase return
FIX: Warranty & Expiry date not showing add sales
Fix: double customer name removed from invoices
Fix: multiple permission fixes
Fix: Sell table footer total sell return due

V4.0 Released (March 4, 2021)
Activity log for sell, purchase, shipping, sell return, purchase return, contacts, users, contact, sell transfer, expense, stock adjustment, todos, login, logout, purchase & sales notification, users, contact, sell transfer, expense, stock adjustment, and todos
Internet connection Online/Offline status indicator
Disable ajax call and form submission on offline mode.
Option for proforma invoice
Business name displayed with the contact name in sale/draft list and reports
Show customer address on sales add/edit
Show supplier address on purchase add/edit
Sell custom fields
Permission to delete direct sell
Document upload option in add sales
Custom fields in Shipping
Upload shipping documents in shipping.
Product brochure upload option in add/edit product.
Number to word format in invoice Indian format option
Pay button added to dashboard sell/purchase payment due table
Cron job command for backup clean
Permission for commission agent sell and shipment
4 new custom payments added.
Show price of products in the tooltip in POS screen product suggestion.
Option to set default credit limit while adding customer
Selling price group linked to the customer group
Permission to print invoice added
Discount permission.
Edit combo product issue on edit sell,
Update combo product stock issue
Custom label issue for types of service,
Minimum selling price validation issue on sale form
Edit expense
Profit loss report end date issue
pl report by invoice first-row empty issue fixed
Word break issue on invoice
Account book showing deleted contact pay amount issue
Refresh contact payment on deleting payment implemented
Customer group filter
Autosend notification error suppressed,
Deleting expense refund fixed
Account link from advance payment removed
Product stock history quantity calculation
Gross profit fixed on profit loss report group by invoice

V3.8 (To be released) – BigRelease
Upcoming changes
Option for proforma invoice
Activity log for sell, purchase, shipping, sell return, purchase return, contacts, users, contact, sell transfer, expense, stock adjustment, todos, login, logout, purchase & sales notification, users, contact, sell transfer, expense, stock adjustment, and todos
Business name displayed with the contact name in sale/draft list and reports
Show customer address on sales add/edit
Show supplier address on purchase add/edit
Sell custom fields
Permission to delete direct sell
Document upload option in add sales
Custom fields in Shipping
Upload shipping documents in shipping.
Product brochure upload option in add/edit product.
Number to word format in invoice Indian format option
Pay button added to dashboard sell/purchase payment due table
Cron job command for backup clean
Permission for commission agent sell and shipment
Discount permission.
Edit combo product issue on edit sell,
Update combo product stock issue
Custom label issue for types of service,
Minimum selling price validation issue on sale form
Edit expense
Profit loss report end date issue
pl report by invoice first-row empty issue fixed
Word break issue on invoice
Account book showing deleted contact pay amount issue
Refresh contact payment on deleting payment implemented
Customer group filter
Autosend notification error suppressed,
Deleting expense refund fixed

V3.7 Released (December 21, 2020)
New Big feature: Product History, view details stock history of a product
新增: Added DateTime picker in Add/edit Sales, expenses, purchases payments
新增: Added location dropdown in pos, so the location can be changed from pos directly.
新增: Shipping status filter added to sell list
新增: Location-based tags added to notification templates
新增: Time range filter added to product sell report
IMPROVEMENT: Products description on invoice design improved
FIX: Barcode printing fix
FIX: Profit loss report fixes & improvements
FIX: Modifier quantity issue fixed
FIX: Custom label fixes
FIX: Expense not showing as per selected business location on dashboard issue fixed
FIX: Feature product image not showing issue fixed
FIX: Product add on scan issue
Toaster notification timeout reduced

V3.6.4 Released (November 23, 2020)
Credit limit issue on editing draft
Pos default payment set to cash.
Sell return permission
PHP ini settings added to AppServiceProvider
Contact payment summary removed from view contact
Default Round off label added.
Custom payment type label issue fixed
Sorting brand and category dropdown alphabetically implemented
Stock transfer list sorting improved
POS screen mobile responsive improvements
Leads issue for CRM Module

V3.6.3 Released (November 13, 2020)
Barcode printing style improvement
Permission issue
Edit combo product price issue
Customer edit credit limit issue
Page leave confirmation issue

V3.6.2 Released (November 6, 2020)
API module compatibility fixes.
Removed required business name when adding a contact.

V3.6.1 Released (November 4, 2020)
新增: Permission added for View & Close cash register
新增: New option “For tax group only” added in add/edit tax
新增: Tax with 0% marked as “Exempt” on classic invoice
新增: In invoices, the total amount can be displayed in words. Need to enable it from Invoice Layout.
新增: Print invoice on suspending option added to pos settings
新增: Added company name in add/edit customer
新增: Added 6 more custom fields in customer & suppliers
Improvement: Printing of label improvements to make it print much better.
Improvement: Product description design improved in the invoice to make distinguishable from the product name
Improvement: In invoices, the Packing charge is displayed
Improvement: Search by lot number fixed in the pos screen.
Improvement: Ledger fixes

V3.6 Released (October 19, 2020)
新增: New invoice layout, Slim2
新增: In discount adding options to select multiple products.
新增: Printing of Stock adjustment
新增: Printing of Stock transfer
新增: URL for Quotations
新增: Sending of Quotations notification.
新增: Added 2 different layouts selection option for POS & Add sales in add/edit business location.
Improvement: Slim invoice design improvement
Improvement: Net profit formula changed
Improvement: Ledger improvements & fixes
Improvement: Sending of SMS improved, added setting for headers in SMS configuration
Improvement: https improvements
Improvement: Walk-In-customer default credit set to 0
Fix: Import opening stock

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