
最后更新于:2022-04-02 08:24:52

## 金额转大写 >[danger]### 会员接口,仅限会员使用,购买[API会员](https://market.topthink.com/product/210) ![](https://docs.gechiui.com/gc-content/uploads/sites/kancloud/ea/25/ea2582b9de9645da5fe98e3f3436ccb7_128x128.png) > 将小写的阿拉伯数字转为中文大写或英文大写的金额数字,返回结果同时包含中英文大写金额并指定英文结尾的单位。注意,输入的金额为国内习惯,不能有逗号,且金额不得超过1万亿。 ## 接口调用([调用须知](https://docs.topthink.com/think-api/1835086)) ### 请求地址 ``` GET https://api.topthink.com/money/convert ``` ### 请求参数 | 名称 | 必填 | 类型 | 说明 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | appCode| 是| string|用户授权码,参考[API调用](https://docs.topthink.com/think-api/1835086) | | money| 是 | string | 金额阿拉伯数字| ### 返回`data`参数 | 名称 | 类型 | 示例值 | 说明 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | cnresult | string | 陆拾陆万陆仟陆佰陆拾陆元陆角陆分 | 中文大写金额 | | fnresult | string | 666,666.66 | 西式的三位分节法数字 | | enresult | string | SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX THOUSAND AND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX DOLLARS AND SIXTY-SIX CENTS ONLY | 英语大写金额 | ## SDK调用 ``` $client = new Client("YourAppCode"); $result = $client->moneyConvert() ->withMoney('666666.66') ->request(); ``` 返回示例: ~~~ { "code":0, "message": "成功的返回", "data": { "cnresult":"陆拾陆万陆仟陆佰陆拾陆元陆角陆分", "fnresult":"666,666.66", "enresult":"SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX THOUSAND AND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX DOLLARS AND SIXTY-SIX CENTS ONLY" } } ~~~