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去年写过一篇通过C语言操作SQLite数据库的文章[《SQLITE学习笔记一(打开、操作及关闭数据库,C程序实现)》](,最近在学习python,所以使用ptyhon实现了一下,实现不多描述了,代码中的注释已经非常详细了。直接贴上来。 1. 实现: ~~~ #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #导入日志及SQLite3模块 import logging import logging.config import sqlite3 #日志配置文件名 LOG_FILENAME = 'logging.conf' #日志语句提示信息 LOG_CONTENT_NAME = 'sqlite_log' #SQLite数据库名称 DB_SQLITE_PATH = ".\\db\\sqlite_pytest.db" def log_init(log_config_filename, logname): ''' Function:日志模块初始化函数 Input:log_config_filename:日志配置文件名 lognmae:每条日志前的提示语句 Output: logger author: socrates date:2012-02-11 ''' logging.config.fileConfig(log_config_filename) logger = logging.getLogger(logname) return logger def operate_sqlite3_tbl_product(): ''' Function:操作SQLITE3数据库函数 Input:NONE Output: NONE author: socrates date:2012-02-11 ''' sqlite_logger.debug("operate_sqlite3_tbl_product enter...") #连接数据库 try: sqlite_conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_SQLITE_PATH) except sqlite3.Error, e: print 'conntect sqlite database failed.' sqlite_logger.error("conntect sqlite database failed, ret = %s" % e.args[0]) return"conntect sqlite database(%s) succ." % DB_SQLITE_PATH) #获取游标 sqlite_cursor = sqlite_conn.cursor() #删除表 sql_desc2 = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_product3;" try: sqlite_cursor.execute(sql_desc2) except sqlite3.Error, e: print 'drop table failed' sqlite_logger.error("drop table failed, ret = %s" % e.args[0]) sqlite_cursor.close() sqlite_conn.close() return sqlite_conn.commit()"drop table(tbl_product3) succ.") #建表 sql_desc = '''CREATE TABLE tbl_product3( i_index INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, sv_productname VARCHAR(32) );''' try: sqlite_cursor.execute(sql_desc) except sqlite3.Error, e: print 'drop table failed.' sqlite_logger.error("drop table failed, ret = %s" % e.args[0]) sqlite_cursor.close() sqlite_conn.close() return sqlite_conn.commit()"create table(tbl_product3) succ.") #插入记录 sql_desc = "INSERT INTO tbl_product3(sv_productname) values('apple')" try: sqlite_cursor.execute(sql_desc) except sqlite3.Error, e: print 'insert record failed.' sqlite_logger.error("insert record failed, ret = %s" % e.args[0]) sqlite_cursor.close() sqlite_conn.close() return sqlite_conn.commit()"insert record into table(tbl_product3) succ.") #查询记录 sql_desc = "SELECT * FROM tbl_product3;" sqlite_cursor.execute(sql_desc) for row in sqlite_cursor: print row"%s", row) #关闭游标和数据库句柄 sqlite_cursor.close() sqlite_conn.close() sqlite_logger.debug("operate_sqlite3_tbl_product leaving...") if __name__ == '__main__': #初始化日志系统 sqlite_logger = log_init(LOG_FILENAME, LOG_CONTENT_NAME) #操作数据库 operate_sqlite3_tbl_product() ~~~ 2. 运行后的日志信息: ~~~ [2012-02-12 12:13:52,131 sqlite_log]DEBUG: operate_sqlite3_tbl_product enter... ( [2012-02-12 12:13:52,147 sqlite_log]INFO: conntect sqlite database(.\db\sqlite_pytest.db) succ. ( [2012-02-12 12:13:52,147 sqlite_log]INFO: drop table(tbl_product3) succ. ( [2012-02-12 12:13:52,240 sqlite_log]INFO: create table(tbl_product3) succ. ( [2012-02-12 12:13:52,365 sqlite_log]INFO: insert record into table(tbl_product3) succ. ( [2012-02-12 12:13:52,365 sqlite_log]INFO: (1, u'apple') ( [2012-02-12 12:13:52,365 sqlite_log]DEBUG: operate_sqlite3_tbl_product leaving... ( ~~~ 3.通过命令行查看: ~~~ Microsoft Windows XP [版本 5.1.2600] (C) 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\Documents and Settings\socrates.WINXP-DUANYX>cd /d E:\Study\学习\工作程序\py_ test\src\db E:\Study\学习\工作程序\py_test\src\db>sqlite3.exe sqlite_pytest.db SQLite version 3.7.9 2011-11-01 00:52:41 Enter ".help" for instructions Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";" sqlite> .tables tbl_product3 sqlite> select * from tbl_product3; 1|apple sqlite> .quit E:\Study\学习\工作程序\py_test\src\db> ~~~