YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor Premium v3.7.10

最后更新于:2022-03-26 22:12:37


YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor Premium – This is a new idea of an e-commerce platform that is becoming more and more popular on the Internet, just think of sites like Etsy, Amazon and Ali Express creating a new trend for online shopping.

This offers customers a larger number of products from different suppliers and, therefore, a wider selection. It allows vendors (sellers) to register on your website, create a product, manage the sale of their products, earn profits and pay commissions.

演示: https://yitheme.com/theme/plugins/yith-wo…e-multi-vendor/

Features YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor Premium

Features YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor Premium
  • All features of the free version
  • Customize vendor pages with additional information (contact information, social networks, etc.)
  • Set default vendor store header image
  • Name one or more admins for your store
  • Edit commission rates for a supplier and for a product
  • Compatible with WooCommerce Costs of Goods: you can include or exclude the cost of manufacturing your products in the commission calculation
  • Publish products for sale without admin permission (custom per-vendor)
  • Advanced reporting for vendor stores: orders, stock and commission management
  • Advanced reporting for admins: registered suppliers and sales reports for each supplier
  • Search commissions by order ID
  • Pay commissions with mass actions
  • Paying commissions manually
  • Automatic commission payment with YITH Stripe Connect for WooCommerce (premium version)
  • Notification of commission payment via email
  • Processing coupons: super admin can decide to include coupons in commission calculation or not
  • Show summary of all commissions and filter them with advanced filters (product, user, date, etc.)
  • The link to the supplier’s page is shown below the product
  • Decide the location for the “Vendors” tab in the single product page
  • Product list: show supplier’s products in store page or not
  • Use shortcodes to display products by vendor ID (requires WooCommerce 3.2.X or higher)
  • Use shortcodes to display products of a specific category or all product categories
  • Add or remove supplier store links in general store pages, in single product pages, and in category pages
  • Advanced management of related products
  • Display Google Map store for each supplier thanks to YITH Vendor Store Location widget
  • Add a contact form to the sidebars of the product and supplier detail pages: messages are sent directly to the supplier
  • Hide the “Quick Info” widget for unregistered users
  • Customize the title of the vendor’s shop page
  • Manage your suppliers with bulk actions
  • Register a new provider from the user interface
  • “Become a Provider” page: to allow your registered users to become your website provider
  • Notice board for admin for each new provider registration
  • Auto-accept vendor registration, bypass admin manual approval
  • Set the maximum number of products each vendor can sell
  • Each vendor can create its own coupon
  • Each supplier can manage their own product reviews
  • Allow users to send messages about store products to admin
  • Resend email notifications to suppliers for a new or canceled order
  • Admin can set a minimum commission threshold by which to prevent payment
  • Allow or block vendors from placing one or more products as featured
  • Displays the sales quantity of each product associated with a supplier
  • Show the number of products sold for each supplier in the related details page
  • Use the shortcode to add a complete list of all the store’s vendors
  • Freely send the admin a copy of the email sent with the contact form of the “Quick Info” widget
  • Admin can allow vendors to close their stores during the holidays for a specific number of days and enable/disable product sales and display
  • Users trying to register as a supplier must add their VAT number
  • Refund management system available for vendors
  • Change supplier classification slug
  • Hide vendor logos in their page or allow them to choose if to show or not
  • Remove the “supplier” tab from the product detail page
  • Possibility to hide the “customer” section from providers in the details page
  • Advanced editing of store descriptions, vendor side
  • Admin can rename the Vendors tab
  • “Legal Notes” field for suppliers
  • IBAN / BIC fields in vendor personal information
  • Admin can disable payment information in “Order Details” page for suppliers
  • The “Terms and Conditions” fields for providers in the Sign Up and “Become a Provider” pages
  • Vendors can manage media through the WordPress gallery
  • Create a WordPress menu with a list of all providers
  • Admin can assign more products to unique vendors in a big way
  • Admin can access vendor dashboard through user switch
  • Thanks to shipping modules, suppliers can:
    • create their shipping zones and apply related shipping methods
    • Shipping costs apply
    • apply an additional cost for each new product added to the cart
    • Show return and shipping policy
    • Set the country where the product is shipped
  • Compatible with Aelia Currency Switcher: all amounts are automatically converted.

变更日志 YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor Nulled Free

3.7.13 - RELEASED ON 24 AUGUST 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.6
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: parameters not escaped before outputting them back in admin pages
Fix: empty Polylang translations array
Fix: lost vendor name in orders table if shop owner was changed
Fix: shipping class on variation doesn't work when using "Same as parent" option value
Dev: filter 'yith_wcmv_get_shipping_methods' to manage the available shipping methods

3.7.12 - RELEASED ON 27 JUNE 2021
New: support for WordPress 5.8
New: support for WooCommerce 5.5
Update: YITH plugin framework

3.7.11 - RELEASED ON 10 JUNE 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.4
Update: YITH plugin framework

3.7.10 - RELEASED ON 12 MAY 2021
>New: support for WooCommerce 5.3
>New: send order information when a commission is paid with stripe connect
>Update: YITH plugin framework
>Fix: vendor can't add products on their quotes
>Fix: wrong currency for vendor shipping method
>Dev: action yith_wcmv_add_custom_upload_fields_scritp to use a custom upload script
>Dev: filter yith_wcmv_add_custom_upload_fields_scritp to skip to load the plugin upload script
>Dev: filter yith_wcmv_report_abuse_email to change the report abuse email

3.7.9 - RELEASED ON 19 APRIL 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.2
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: base currency information in vendor shipping panel
Tweak: prevent to add an empty space in vendor store URL
Fix: shipping cost sync from parent order to child order
Fix: remove the underline in vendor store URL
Fix: wrong comments count on vendors' dashboard
Fix: new order email to vendor will be sent for parent order
Fix: filter commissions by vendor are shown on vendor dashboard
Fix: hardcoded strings
Dev: yith_wcmv_get_allowed_countries hook to filter allowed countries in vendor shipping panel
Dev: yith_wcmv_get_continents hook to filter the continents in vendor shipping panel
Dev: yith_wcmv_load_shipping_methods hook to filter the shipping methods in vendor shipping panel
Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_recipient_vendor_quick_info'

3.7.8 - RELEASED ON 09 MARCH 2021
New: support for WordPress 5.7
New: support for WooCommerce 5.1
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: Unable to sync the refunded order status from child-order to parent-order
Fix: Corrected default value in the vendor list shortcode
Fix: Corrected pagination in the vendor list shortcode

3.7.7 - RELEASED ON 09 FEBRUARY 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.0
Update: YITH plugin framework
Tweak: use the global $product object in products by vendor shortcode
Tweak: add SKU in the new order email for vendors
Fix: vendor shipping cost doesn't support [qty] and [cost] shortcode
Remove: google social field

3.7.6 - RELEASED ON 13 JANUARY 2021
New: Support for WooCommerce 4.9
Update: Plugin Framework
Fix: Translation issue on vendor menu
Fix: Wrong format and timezone for the created date in commissions details page and email
Fix: Wrong sales reports link on vendor admin area
Fix: Sales report icon missing on vendor menu
Fix: Coupons icon missing on vendor menu

3.7.5 - RELEASED ON 10 DECEMBER 2020
* New: Support for WooCommerce 4.8
* New: Support for WordPress 5.6
* Update: Plugin Framework
* Fix: Vendors missing menu item after WooCommerce update
* Fix: Vendors see duplicated Order Sales Reports menu item
* Fix: Unable to hide shipping and billing information for vendor in orders list
* Fix: Double orders menu item for website admin
* Fix: Postcode validation fails
* Fix: Prevent error "call method on null" during email generation
* Fix: Wrong status change for shipping commissions
* Fix: Missing publish product capabilities after a shop owner changes their frontpage settings
* Fix: Missing admins after a shop owner change their frontpage settings
* Fix: Wrong currency conversion of the minimum order amount for free shipping with Aelia multi-currency
* Dev: yith_wcmv_process_registration filter to allow third-party plugin process required custom fields

3.7.4 - RELEASED ON 12 NOVEMBER 2020
Tweak: Vendor email support for Multibanco
Fix: Wrong status commission change

3.7.3 - RELEASED ON 10 NOVEMBER 2020
New: Support for WooCommerce 4.7
New: Possibility to update plugin via WP-CLI
New: Possibility to update plugin via ManageWP
New: Support for Hello Elementor theme
Tweak: Update plugin framework
Fix: Missing default value for order capabilities
Fix: Unable to complete the order with Stripe Connect direct charges
Fix: Wrong subject for vendor new order email
Fix: Layout issues in edit vendor profile on admin area
Fix: Suborder without customer set
Fix: Unable to set Featured Products management for each vendor
Dev: yith_wcmv_do_404_redirect filter to skip the 404_redirect if vendor haven't selling capabilities
Dev: yith_wcmv_404_redirect action to use an alternative 404 redirect function
Dev: yith_wcmv_is_free_shipping_coupon to filter the FREE shipping coupon

3.7.2 - RELEASED ON 16 OCTOBER 2020
New: Support for WooCommerce 4.6
Fix: Pagination issue on vendors list shortcode
Fix: Orders and Sales Reports menu item disappears in vendor dashboard with WooCommerce 4.5
Fix: Report issues with Aelia multi-currency plugin
Fix: variable $data_last_modified doesn't exists"
Fix: Stripe connect integration

New: Support for WooCommerce 4.5
New: Support for WordPress 5.5
Fix: Issue on vendor's report section
Fix: Options dependencies doesn't work
Fix: Report Abuse doesn't work with the Flatsome theme
Fix: Remove published_products capability from old vendor users
Fix: Unable to show Refund Policy inside the shipping info tab in single product page
Dev: yith_wcmv_set_product_to_orphan_on_vendor_delete to skip set product to draft if a vendor was deleted

3.7.0 - RELEASED ON 22 JULY 2020
New: Support for WooCommerce 4.3
New: Update plugin framework
New: Ability to refund paid commissions with YITH WooCommerce Account Funds Premium (Version 4.0)
New: Privacy policy and Terms and conditions management for vendors
New: Greek language
Tweak: Suppress WordPress notification in admin area for vendors
Tweak: Suppress WooCommerce notification in admin area for vendors
Fix: Multiple emails when changing commissions status via bulk action
Fix: untrashed and clone products don't respect product limit amount
Fix: Screen options for Commissions table doesn't work
Fix: Invalid argument for foreach if used with YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount
Fix: Unable to save customers email in coupons
Fix: Unable to save per_page options in commissions page
Fix: Coupon expiry date doesn't shown for vendor's coupon
Fix: Lost product commission after a vendor saves a product
Fix: Parent Order and Suborder refunds synchronization
Fix: Do not show WooCommerce My Account after vendor registration
Dev: yith_wcmv_show_single_product_commission_tab_capability hook to show product commission tab for all users

3.6.2 - RELEASED ON 27 MAY 2020
New: Support for WooCommerce 4.2
New: Select/Remove all countries in shipping area
Update: Plugin framework
Fix: Item restock two times on order cancelled

3.6.1 - RELEASED ON 04 MAY 2020
New: Support for WordPress 5.4
New: Update plugin framework
New: Category arg in vendor name shortcode
New: Add order notes in new order email for vendors
Fix: Unable to save non-unique line item order meta
Fix: Unable to register as a vendor in Frontend Manager page
Fix: Prevent error of call method of non object in Google Maps widget with Elementor
Fix: Unable to to see and edit orders with WPML
Fix: Unable to use different shipping rules for same country
Fix: Unable to show TinyMCE editor for vendor description for administrator
Fix: Unable to use HTML tag for vendor description with YOAST SEO plugin enabled
Dev: yith_wcmv_show_commission_page to hide the commissions page in admin area
Dev: yith_wcmv_widget_quick_form_email_message to filter the customer message in quick info form
Dev: yith_wcmv_quick_info_form_validation to filter the quick info form validation
Dev: new filter 'yith_wcmv_total_sales_title'

⭐另请参考: List of free Yithemes premium Plugins

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