YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium v4.5.0
最后更新于:2022-03-29 00:00:58
YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium allows you to set different navigation filters that will help your customers find the products they are interested in in seconds.
You will improve WooCommerce usability by simplifying the advanced search for your products, especially if there are a lot of them in the category. You’ll increase conversions by making product searches easier and more relevant to your customers.
Let your users filter products according to their needs and in seconds they will find exactly what they want to buy: simple and a powerful tool to reach your customers with the ideal product them, speeding up the buying process and improving conversions. Rate your online store.
The ability to filter products in a store is so common that it has become not only efficient, but essential. Users are used to relying on this tool and not providing it can be extremely harmful to your store.
Thanks to YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium, you can avoid this risk and increase the conversion rate in your store.
YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium allows your customers to quickly find the right products: a powerful and important tool, especially if your WooCommerce offers a huge product catalog.
Studies show that 75% of users leave a website if they can’t find what they’re looking for in 15 seconds. Facilitate the product search and selection process, and YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium will become essential for ensuring customer loyalty and sales support.
演示: https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-ajax-product-filter/
Thanks to the YITH plugin, your customers will be able to filter products – instantly, thanks to Ajax technology – choosing among the options available for each individual product: size, color, type, price both, etc
But there’s one more thing: you can also choose different filters (e.g. show all products with the same color, size and price) and filter products by publication date, rating, quantity sold…in fact, there’s no limit to the filter options you can offer!
The effectiveness of this plugin is explained by its continuous improvement: YITH recently introduced the ability to filter products in alphabetical order and two new layouts to show the filter used.
YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium is an ideal product for all types of stores, especially those that offer a large number of products and risk confusing customers and losing some sales. important.
Lead your potential customers to your products efficiently and remember: you only have 15 seconds to do it!
⭐Learn more about the full YITH WooCommerce Plugin here!
YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium Features

- All features of the free version
- Two additional layouts for YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter widget (BiColor, Tags)
- 100% compatible with YITH WooCommerce Brands plugin
- Customizable reset button (in YITH WooCommerce Ajax Reset Filter widget)
- Search filter for products with specific price range with YITH WooCommerce Ajax List Price Filter widget
- Search filter for sold/available products
- Ajax sort for products displayed in the page (by rate, price, popularity, most recent)
- Filter products by category
- Upload an icon as a custom loader
- Customize WooCommerce Price Filter widget
- Enable/disable indexing of URLs generated in search engines for plugin filter options
- WooCommerce Price Filter in ajax with slider selection
- Visually filter by alphabetical order or by the number of products contained
- Two layouts for displaying filters
变更日志 YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Nulled Free
4.7.0 - Released on 09 February 2022 New: support for WooCommerce 6.2 Tweak: reload location on popstate, to work with browser navigation Tweak: improved history handling Tweak: hide SEO url option, when Ajax filtering is disabled Update: YITH Plugin Framework Dev: added yith_wcan_filter_tax_is_term_hidden filter 4.6.0 - Released on 03 January 2022 New: support for WooCommerce 6.1 New: support for WordPress 5.9 Tweak: close modal on mobile after clicking on Active filter label to disable filter Tweak: minor improvments to js code, to avoid duplicated handlers applied to same elements Update: YITH Plugin Framework Fix: terms sorting when retrieving terms arary indexed by term id Fix: undefined wp_query Dev: added yith_wcan_query_vars_to_merge filter 4.5.0 - Released on 01 December 2021 New: support for WooCommerce 6.0 New: removed usage of _register_controls deprecated method from Elementor integration Tweak: offered support for Elementor < 2.9.0 Tweak: update originalSearch after filters Update: YITH Plugin Framework Fix: Terms options not showing on first load on preset edit page Fix: leave default query vars intact when not using permalink structure Fix: fallback method to make Active Labels work even when no preset is shown in the page Fix: deprecated elementor method _content_template and remove the phpcs:ignore Fix: Avoid Term Boxes with default values on Preset edit Fix: prevent warning when $_GET contains non-scalar values 4.4.0 - RELEASED ON 11 NOVEMBER 2021 New: support for WooCommerce 5.9 Tweak: improved terms handling when use all terms option is enabled Update: YITH Plugin Framework Fix: filter clone button icon Fix: checkbox not being correctly initialized after Load More action in admin Fix: wrong description in option panel Fix: children terms order, when Terms Order option is selected Fix: active price range issue with zero value Fix: retrive session during rquest parsing, and merge its query-vars to global $wp query-vars Fix: prevent notices when no session is set 4.3.0 - RELEASED ON 10 OCTOBER 2021 New: support for WooCommerce 5.8 Tweak: init custom fields inside dropdown too Update: YITH Plugin Framework Dev: added yith_wcan_is_filtered filter 4.2.1 - RELEASED ON 27 SEPTEMBER 2021 Update: YITH Plugin Framework Fix: debug info feature removed for all logged in users 4.2.0 - RELEASED ON 24 SEPTEMBER 2021 New: support for WooCommerce 5.7 Update: YITH plugin framework Tweak: improved plugin's internal cache management Tweak: improved integration with YITH WooCommerce Color & Label Variations, when showing variations on loop Tweak: price slider is considered active even if min/max are out of range, to keep customer's selected values across multiple filtering operations Tweak: improved appearance of terms hierarchy when in horizontal mode Tweak: suppress plugin's filters when retrieving in-stock products Tweak: better compatibility with products query (supports queries with more than one post type) Tweak: avoid duplicated ID for select filters Tweak: add filtered body class via JS, immediately after filtering action takes place Tweak: improved terms hierarchy appearance on RTL Tweak: delete plugin transients when C&L configuration changes Fix: apply changes to the query even when it retrieves a product taxonomy Fix: add disabled class on empty price ranges, when adoptive option is set to OR Fix: set correct 'include' parameter when retrieving terms' children Fix: prevent possible notice when handling terms hierarchy with use_all_terms enabled Fix: allow system to retrieve C&L term configuration, when Use all Terms is enabled Fix: prevent notice when filtering by price with 0 as min_price Dev: Reset Filters button now has its own set of filters, distinct from ones used for Apply Filters button Dev: added yith_wcan_filter_tax_label_image_size and yith_wcan_filter_tax_color_image_size filters Dev: added yith_wcan_filter_tax_label_image_attr and yith_wcan_filter_tax_color_image_attr filters Dev: added yith_wcan_supported_filters_parameters trigger Dev: added toggles_open_on_modal param to localize, and allow showing toggles as open on mobile modal Dev: added yith_wcan_doing_filters function to check if system is performing filters Dev: added yith_wcan_suppress_cache filter 4.1.0 – Released on 18 June 2021 New: support for WooCommerce 5.4 New: auto-populate taxonomy filters New: support for YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations New: support for Hello Elementor theme New: automatically use term image, when available New: option to choose where to show term labels in color/label layouts New: added cron to delete transient with the old cache version Update: YITH plugin framework Tweak: changed name of the flag used to suppress filters query processing Tweak: use svg instead of text for x icon in filters Tweak: improved compatibility with Porto theme Fix: issue with query-vars processing, causing orderby option to break Fix: avoid possible JS error Cannot use in operator to search in null Fix: multiple selection for categories, tags and brands does not work on OR mode in old widgets Fix: avoid filters overwriting after new page is loaded (index overriding) Dev: use babel to make scripts work on older browsers/devices Dev: added trigger yith_wcan_preset_initialized Dev: added new yith_wcan_query_post_in filter, to programmatically change products used by our plugin 4.0.4 – Released on 18 May 2021 New: support for WooCommerce 5.3 Update: YITH plugin framework Tweak: improved WPML metabox handling Tweak: added option to skip sanitization of url parameters Fix: pass all slugs to rawurldecode before printing them as HTML Fix: pass all terms coming from query string to sanitize_title Fix: possible error when adding all terms on backend filter Fix: cast both property-to-remove and term-slug to string before comparison, to avoid errors when deactivating filters Dev: added method to retrieve original post in Preset object Dev: added filter yith_wcan_all_filters_label to allow third party code to change All label in select filters Dev: added trigger yith_wcan_filters_parameters Dev: added filter yith_wcan_is_filter_active 4.0.3 – Released on 20 April 2021 New: support for WooCommerce 5.2 Update: YITH plugin framework Update: language files Tweak: better handle multiple filters for the same taxonomy in the same preset Tweak: prevent redirect to product page when filtering a search page and getting a single result Tweak: added base url for filtering operation Tweak: improved performance by optimizing tax_query array Tweak: avoid unnecessary queries to post when just want to list presets Tweak: added new transient yith_wcan_object_in_terms to improve performance Tweak: execute legacy post processing only when old widgets are active Tweak: improved WPML compatibility for presets Tweak: added pagination to preset edit page Fix: possible error with PHP older than 7.x Fix: prevent system from removing original page querystring, when clearing filters Fix: correctly remove taxonomy parameters after disabling filter on frontend Fix: add visibility query to plugins tax_query Dev: added yith_wcan_filter_reset_button_class hook to filter reset button class 4.0.2 – Released on 10 March 2021 New: support for WordPress 5.7 New: support for WooCommerce 5.1 New: Plugin UI/UX restyling New: added filters preset New: added YITH AJAX Filters Preset widget New: added [yith_wcan_filters] shortcode New: added Gutenberg block to display Filters Preset in any page New: added Elementor widget to display Filters Preset in any page New: filters will now work on any page, for any loop of products New: added [yith_wcan_reset_button] shortcode New: added Gutenberg block to display Reset Filters button in any page New: added Elementor widget to display Reset Filters button in any page New: added automatic upgrade procedure from old system to new preset New: full compatibility to all products taxonomies Update: YITH plugin framework Tweak: major code refactoring and optimization 3.11.8 – Released on 11 February 2021 New: support for WooCommerce 5.0 Update: YITH plugin framework 3.11.7 – Released on 22 January 2021 Fix: non-standard hook 3.11.6 – Released on 11 January 2021 New: Support for WooCommerce 4.9 Fix: Dropdown not working for ‘select’ 3.11.5 – Released on 03 December 2020 New: Support for WooCommerce 4.8 New: Support for WordPress 5.6 New: Support for Twenty Twenty-One theme 3.11.4 – Released on 11 November 2020 New: Support for WooCommerce 4.7 New: Possibility to update plugin via WP-CLI New: Possibility to update plugin via ManageWP New: Greek translation Update: plugin framework 3.11.3 – Released on 16 October 2020 New: Support for WooCommerce 4.6 Update: plugin framework 3.11.2 – Released on 14 September 2020 New: Support for WooCommerce 4.5 New: Support for WordPress 5.5 New: Support for YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Update: Plugin framework Fix: Dropdown filter disappear if a filter match with a single product Dev: yith_wcan_filter_label_text hook to filter label text 3.11.1 – Released on 22 June 2020 New: Support for WooCommerce 4.3 Update: plugin framework Fix: Security issues on form submit in admin area
⭐另请参考: Summary of free premium WordPress plugins, updated daily
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