YITH WooCommerce Booking and Appointment Premium v3.0.2

最后更新于:2022-03-27 01:32:40


Are you tired of losing customers due to a complex and ineffective booking system? Would you like to receive a bigger number of bookings and optimize your ability?
YITH Booking for WooCommerce is the plugin you are looking for!
Built under direct request by our many customers, YITH Booking for WooCommerce integrates a regular e-commerce store built using WooCommerce with a simple booking system which can be used by both customers and vendors: this is ideal for all of those professionals who cannot base their business on sales alone.

YITH Booking for WooCommerce is a plugin developed for estate agencies and travel agencies, but not just for them! Hairdressers, doctors, business consultants and all of those who can benefit from a booking system for travels, items or dates should try it out!

YITH WooCommerce Booking also allows you to perform targeted searches on your website, using advanced search filters such as data, number of bookings, location, and services. You will have a clear and effective view of the bookings in your website and have the chance to arrange your requests using a number of filters such as date, period, checkout date, name, family name and much more! You will also be able to export the bookings in your website in CSV, ICS, or PDF and see the full schedule of your work!

变更日志 YITH WooCommerce Booking

New: support for WooCommerce 6.0
New: 'Booking form' Gutenberg block
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Tweak: improved service quantity style
Tweak: added 'counters' in statuses shown in Bookings' List
Tweak: avoid issues due to line separator when parsing iCal files
Tweak: fixed time-zone issue with time shown in Booking details on admin side
Dev: added 'yith_wcbk_admin_booking_status_actions_show_complete_action_if_paid' filter, to allow showing the 'complete' action button when the booking is paid in Bookings' List

3.0.2 - RELEASED ON 24 NOVEMBER 2021
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: order search when creating booking on admin side
Fix: issue when selecting service quantity and duration in mobile, using the bookable product form widget
Fix: availability calculation when using default availability in combination with availability rules
Fix: price conversion in search form results in combination with YITH Multi Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
Tweak: fixed redirection after confirming/rejecting booking through actions in emails
Tweak: fixed calendar redirection in Vendor's calendar in combination with YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor
Tweak: fixed dates set by default after clicking on search form results
Tweak: improved link in search form results to include parameters also when dates are not selected
Tweak: fixed date-picker initialization when adding a new date range to Availability rules

3.0.1 - RELEASED ON 10 NOVEMBER 2021
Update: language files
Tweak: prevent widget issues on mobile with different themes using z-index in sidebar
Tweak: improved date-picker style
Dev: added filter 'yith_wcbk_product_form_widget_mobile_move_to_footer', to allow disabling the feature that moves the 'Bookable product form' widget to the footer in mobile

New: plugin restyling
New: speed and performance improvements, especially in stores with several hundreds/thousands of bookings
New: easy way to set default availability for bookable products
New: easy way to set specific time-slots for hourly and per-minute bookable products
New: assign availability rule to more than one date
New: use generic dates in availability rules
New: easy way to set availability rules, including multiple time-slots in the same rule
New: choose if setting the booking as paid when the deposit or the balance order is paid in combination with YITH WooCommerce Deposits and Down Payments
New: choose what to show as name of the synchronized event in Google Calendar
New: added 'attendee' email in Google Calendar sync events, so events will be automatically added to the customer's Google Calendar
New: choose what to show as booking name in the plugin calendar
New: integration with YITH Multi Currency Switcher for WooCommerce (this allows automatic price conversion through Multi Currency exchange rates)
New: choose the time format to be used in "Time Pickers"
New: choose if showing service information (price and descriptions) in a tooltip or inline
New: option to choose which costs will be included in prices shown on the Shop page
New: 'Upcoming' view in bookings list (this allows seeing the future bookings)
New: time to start info in bookings list
New: booking price shown in bookings list (the price is taken from the order)
New: show sold price in booking data on admin side
New: show calculated price in booking data and in bookings' list for pending and confirmed bookings on admin side
New: option to redirect users to checkout after adding a bookable product to the cart
New: option to show a 'booking of' label in Cart and Checkout for bookable products
New: option to show unit in booking prices
New: option to choose how to handle error messages in booking forms
New: possibility to set decimal values for discounts
New: choose if showing totals in Cart and Checkout
New: filter bookings by dates in bookings list
New: option to hide 'Read more' button in shop pages for bookable products
New: 'Bookable Products' Gutenberg block
New: option to use the 'week' formula for booking units that are a multiple of 7 days in prices
New: services selector in search forms
New: horizontal layout for Search Forms
New: set default distance range for 'location' field in Search Forms
New: choose to show or hide distance range for 'location' field in Search Form
New: use date range picker selector in Search Forms
New: use people selector in Search Forms
New: choose colors used by the plugin for frontend styles
New: possibility to set custom messages for each booking email
New: support to YITH Proteo theme with 3 specific skins: Apartments, Hotels, Travel
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: avoid direct add-to-cart for bookable products when using WooCommerce 'All Products' Gutenberg block
Fix: price calculation in search form results if the bookable product has people types and no people type is set in the Search Form
Fix: issue when storing label for 'Search' field in search forms
Fix: fixed displayed prices of services and bookable products when prices include taxes
Tweak: moved duration after dates in booking forms
Tweak: show time field after selecting date
Tweak: disable dates after non-available ones in the date-picker of the End Date
Tweak: improved style of Google Calendar settings
Tweak: improved description style in Google Calendar event description
Tweak: improved 'Logs' tab style
Tweak: improved search form style
Tweak: improved booking form style
Tweak: improved date picker style
Tweak: improved field style in Booking Form and Booking Search Form
Tweak: improved calendar range picker style
Tweak: improved service creation panels
Tweak: improved calendar style
Tweak: improved style of booking details page
Tweak: improved booking emails
Tweak: improved booking calendar on admin side
Tweak: set the previous status when restoring bookings from trash
Tweak: disabled browser autocompletion on bookable product panel fields
Tweak: customize border-radius for search button in Search Forms
Tweak: added Help tab
Dev: data_query param for querying bookings
Dev: added 'yith_wcbk_after_add_to_cart_validation' action, to allow handling actions after add-to-cart valid
Dev: added 'yith_wcbk_booking_product_single_person_type_{cost_type}' filter, to allow filtering person type specific costs
Remove: YITH Booking theme

New: support for WooCommerce 5.9
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: new filter 'yith_wcbk_product_tabs_service_name'

2.3.0 - RELEASED ON 15 OCTOBER 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.8
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: new filter 'yith_wcbk_pdf_font_family'

2.2.1 - Released on 27 September 2021
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: debug info feature removed for all logged in users
Dev: added 'yith_wcbk_shortcode_services_info_html' filter, to allow filtering service info for services shown through booking_services shortcode

2.2.0 - Released on 10 September 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.7
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Dev: added 'yith_wcbk_booking_is_available_data' filter to manipulate is_available check data results

2.1.28 - Released on 9 August 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.6
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: availability issue when requesting confirmation for a booking product in combination with WPML
Tweak: fixed issue with quotes in global rules
Tweak: added responsive style for 'Create booking' page
Tweak: show vendor products only when searching for booking products in calendar in combination with YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor
Tweak: hide booking products when searching for a person type that is not enabled in those products
Tweak: fixed default duration set in daily bookings form after opening it through Search Form results
Dev: new filter yith_wcbk_people_label to customize "People" label

2.1.27 - Released on 1 July 2021
New: support for WordPress 5.8
New: support for WooCommerce 5.5
New: Norwegian (Bokmål) translation
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Tweak: added WPML translation to person types
Tweak: added 'notranslate' class to date-pickers to prevent issues with dates when translating pages through Google Translate
Tweak: improved service description shown in tooltip
Tweak: store Google Maps coordinates retrieved by address in transient to reduce external calls to Google Maps API
Dev: added yith_wcbk_maps_pre_get_location_by_address filter, to allow retrieving coordinates by address
Dev: added yith_wcbk_maps_get_location_by_address_use_transients filter, to allow disabling transients when retrieving coordinates by address through Google Maps
Dev: added yith_wcbk_maps_get_location_by_address_success filter, to allow custom action after retrieving coordinates by Google Maps
Dev: added yith_wcbk_maps_get_location_by_address filter, to allow filtering location coordinates retrieved by Google Maps
Dev: added yith_wcbk_check_for_monthly_discount filter used to apply the monthly discount conditionally
Dev: added yith_wcbk_search_form_submit_label filter used to change the Search Form submit button label

2.1.26 - Released on 3 June 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.4
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: date-picker minimum date issue with negative timezone offsets
Fix: re-initialize Search Form fields after filtering products through YITH Ajax Product Filters
Dev: added yith_wcbk_i18n_clear filter
Dev: added yith_wcbk_get_price_based_on_search_param filter
Dev: added yith_wcbk_search param to get_posts params when searching for booking products

2.1.25 - Released on 10 May 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.3
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: support for YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote
Tweak: improved time select field style

2.1.24 - Released on 12 April 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.2
New: translate service description through WPML
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: wrong price amount shown in the search form results when using WooCommerce Multi Lingual and WPML
Tweak: added specific CSS class to add-to-cart button of booking products that require confirmation
Dev: added yith_wcbk_get_minimum_advance_reservation filter
Dev: added yith_wcbk_get_minimum_advance_reservation_unit filter

2.1.23 - Released on 5 March 2021
New: support for WordPress 5.7
New: support for WooCommerce 5.1
Update: YITH plugin framework
Update: language files
Dev: added yith_wcbk_set_buffer filter
Dev: added yith_wcbk_product_booking_tabs filter

= v2.1.22 - Released on 27 January 2021 =
* New: support for WooCommerce 5.0
* New: German translation
* Update: YITH plugin framework
* Update: language files
* Dev: added yith_wcbk_buffer_field_custom_attributes filter
* Dev: added yith_wcbk_product_form_widget_mobile_fixed filter
* Dev: added yith_wcbk_search_form_label_location filter
* Dev: added yith_wcbk_search_form_label_tags filter
* Dev: added yith_wcbk_add_to_cart_for_selected_data action

= v2.1.21 - Released on 30 Dec 2020 =
* New: support for WooCommerce 4.9
* Update: plugin framework
* Update: language files
* Tweak: prevent issues with timezones in date-picker
* Tweak: prevent issue when synchronizing calendars with external services that requires the User-Agent set in the request header
* Dev: added yith_wcbk_is_last_minute_discount_allowed filter

= v2.1.16 - Released on 17 Sep 2020 =
* New: support for WordPress 5.5
* New: support for WooCommerce 4.5
* New: show related booking details in orders
* Update: plugin framework
* Update: language files
* Fix: issue when selecting the 'End Date' and using inline datepickers
* Fix: timezone offset in iCal files when the offset is greater than 9
* Tweak: force updating coordinates (retrieved by location) when saving booking products if they are not set
* Tweak: fixed double arrows shown in selects
* Tweak: disable Request a Quote button if the booking product fields are not filled
* Tweak: prevent notice for trying to get property of non-object
* Tweak: services with min quantity set to zero will be considered as optional if the customer choose set the quantity to zero, so they will be not added to the booking
* Dev: new filter 'yith_wcbk_time_select_edit_booking_minute_step'
* Dev: new filter 'yith_wcbk_plugin_panel_args'

v2.1.15 - RELEASED ON 03 JUL 2020
New: support for WooCommerce 4.3
Update: plugin framework
Update: language files
Fix: issue with Google Calendar sync when creating bookings through the Create Booking page on backend
Tweak: prevent issue when booking product form is shown in products shown in the WP Customizer
Tweak: prevent calendar style issues in combination with some themes
Tweak: localized missing strings in Logs tab
Dev: added yith_wcbk_searched_categories filter
Dev: added yith_wcbk_related_booking_title filter
Dev: added yith_wcbk_totals filter

= v2.1.14 - Released on 18 May 2020 =
* New: support for WooCommerce 4.2
* Update: plugin framework
* Update: language files
* Fix: issue when 'cancelled term' is set to 1 month
* Dev: added yith_wcbk_service_free_text filter

= v2.1.11 - Released on 09 January 2020 =
New: support to YITH WooCommerce Sms Notifications
Fix: issue with YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote when adding to quote hourly booking products
Tweak: prevent issues when calculating service costs

⭐另请参考: List of free Yithemes premium Plugins

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