YITH WooCommerce Points And Rewards Premium v3.7.0

最后更新于:2022-03-29 00:13:33


Loyalty to your customers with loyalty programs based on points and rewards

YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards Premium has studied the market to prove that if someone receives a gift, they almost feel like they are in debt. This way, you will create customer loyalty, without them even realizing it.

This is what all loyalty programs take advantage of: rewards in exchange for loyalty.

So why not include something like that in your store as well? It’s easy with YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards Premium, a plugin explicitly developed to manage points and rewards collections with your customers.

For each purchase, for each action in your store, the customer will collect points that are aggregated together, which will turn into a discount code for a new purchase.

But for customers who can’t even get the first bonus, instant rewards are the best option: instant gratification, because it’s optional, is very effective at retaining customer

⭐Similar Suggestions: SUMO Reward Points – WooCommerce Rewards System

演示: https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-points-and-rewards/

Features YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards Premium Plugin
Features YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards Premium Plugin

Features YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards Premium Plugin

  • All features of the free version
  • Users can benefit from a discount calculated according to their points balance or choose how many points to use and change the discount amount accordingly
  • You can set a maximum amount of discount (customizable per category and per product)
  • Assign a specific number of points to each simple or variable product for users to purchase on your store
  • You can set an expiration date for the points collected
  • You can decide to round points or round points
  • You can override product and level awarding rules
  • Send email reminder a few days before points expire
  • You can clear the points specified for orders that are later canceled or refunded
  • You can also assign points to customers who purchased before the plugin was installed
  • You can assign points to a new registered user if there are previous orders with the same email as the payment email
  • You can customize score assignment according to WordPress user role
  • You can assign extra points when the following conditions occur:
    • register at the store
    • First order
    • Product evaluation
    • reaching a specific spending threshold
    • specific number of points to be collected
    • user’s birthday
    • Total Checkout Threshold (increasing with total Checkout)
  • You can manually assign or remove points from a customer’s balance and add a description (visible to customers) to drive this action
  • Insert the link “My points” into the customer’s account page
  • Show points in detailed order in My Account and in order confirmation emails
  • You can edit all the labels and messages visible to the user
  • You can allow users to email each time their credit score is updated
  • You can enable messaging to notify users about:
    • points for purchasing the selected product
    • Discounts in the shopping cart are available according to the points collected so far
  • Dashboard widget to allow admins to see users who have collected more points to date and who have used discounts
  • The ‘YITH YWPAR Points Rewards’ widget shows users their current points balance
  • Shortcode allows to display the score history to the user
  • Ability to set percentage discount based on product price
  • Ability to set a minimum discount at which a user cannot redeem their points
  • Reset points history for all users registered to the store or only for some of them
  • Ban/unblock all users or some of them so they may or may not benefit from your Points bonus program
  • History of importing points from WooCommerce Points and Rewards
  • Import or export scores from or to a CSV file
  • Allows store managers to edit user scores
  • Limited ability to redeem points only to specific user roles
  • Limited ability to earn points only for specific user roles
  • See how many points each product award on archive pages
  • Free shipping is allowed if purchased through points
  • Only assign points when the order has a specific status: Order Completed, Payment Completed, Order Processing
  • Integration with WooCommerce Multilingual
  • Integration with WooCommerce Currency Switcher

变更日志 YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards Nulled Free

Version 3.7.0 - Released on 24 February 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.3
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: removed expiration process if the assignment of points is manual
Fix: fixed issue with full discount obtained using points and the option to reduce the points earned if a discount is applied
Fix: show order id on history when extra points are earned after an order creation

Version 3.6.0 - Released on 9 February 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.2
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: fixed issue with points assignment if redeeming is disabled
Fix: fixed issue with YITH Multi Currency Switcher for WooCommerce and redeeming points on the cart
Fix: fixed issue with removing points on totally refund

Version 3.5.3 - Released on 27 January 2022
Fix: fixed issue with WooCommerce Multilingual plugin

Version 3.5.2 - Released on 26 January 2022
Fix: fixed issue with PHP 7.x

Version 3.5.1 - Released on 25 January 2022
Fix: fixed issue with upload images for Levels and Banners
Fix: fixed issue points message in single product page for variable product

Version 3.5.0 - Released on 19 January 2022
New: support for WordPress 5.9
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: Fixed issue with expired points and shared coupons used
Fix: Fixed issue with wp cache
Fix: Fixed issue to display banners on the "My Account" page with WPML
Fix: fixed copy to clipboard style for Manage Points tab on on the "My Account" page

Version 3.4.0 - Released on 4 January 2022
New: support for WooCommerce 6.1
Tweak: added "Points collected" and "Rank" information on settings panel
Fix: assign points for referrals even if the order is placed by guests
Fix: default value for expiration points option
Fix: fixed issue with deleted products on get points with reviews banner

Version 3.3.4 - Released on 23 December 2021
Fix: fixed issues with cache plugins
Dev: new filter 'ywpar_force_add_points_to_previous_orders' to force the assigment points to old orders during the bulk actions

Version 3.3.3 - Released on 20 December 2021
Fix: fixed WPML issue with referral link, now the link url changes based on current language
Fix: fixed wrong value when remove points in backend
Fix: fixed issue with Minimum cart amount to redeem points
Fix: fix shortcode that shows the single product points message

Version 3.3.2 - Released on 14 December 2021
Fix: fixed issue with the daily email update points
Fix: limit to use share points and redeem coupon in cart
Fix: fixed birthdate extra points issue
Fix: fixed function to get user roles
Fix: fixed issue with round function

Version 3.3.1 - Released on 10 December 2021
Fix: show cart and checkout messages for guest if option is enabled
Fix: issues in Point rules and Rewards rules
Fix: fixed daily update points emails
Fix: fixed an issue to prevent broken orders during checkout

Version 3.3.0 - Released on 7 December 2021
New: option on Point rules and Rewards rules not it is possible choose all product on sale or all products of specific tags
Fix: reward message issue on checkout page
Fix: max discount calculation with rewards rules

Version 3.2.0 - Released on 3 December 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 6.0
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: issue on checkout message
Fix: issue with manual points assigment and My Account endpoint for Points and Rewards
Dev: added a logger for expiring points

Version 3.1.0 - Released on 29 November 2021
New: integration with YITH Multi Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
Tweak: renamed the sub-tab "Shortcodes" to "Ranking" and added the option to disable the ranking feature
Fix: issue on customer history page when the points are added or removed from the customer
Fix: issue with extra points for users that achieve specific levels settings
Fix: added range of points earned for variation products

Version 3.0.0 - Released on 25 November 2021
New: levels and badges feature to rank and reward your customers
New: shortcodes to show a ranking of the best customers that collected most points
New: banners feature to push users to collect more points on "My Account" page
New: points assignment rules that replace the old settings in product and category editors
New: points redeeming rules that replace the old settings in product and category editors
New: redesign of the admin panel
New: new action "Unban users" inside the Customer Points > Bulk Actions tab
New: Customer Points > Shortcodes tab to copy the plugin shortcodes to show a list of your customers' points
New: option to calculate points considering product price with taxes included or excluded for points assignment and points redeeming
New: extra points for the first daily login to daily reward the users whenever they log in
New: extra points for completed profile to incentivize the users to complete all their profile fields on "My Account" page
New: extra points for referrals to reward the users for every new user registered through their referral link
New: extra points for referrals purchase to reward the users for every purchase made by users that have been referred through their referral link
New: extra points for users who collect the most points in the week or month
New: extra points for users that achieve specific levels
New: "minimum discount users can get" option for the percentage discount reward conversion method
New: integration with YITH WooCommerce Membership plugin
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: Totally refactoring code

Version 2.4.0 - Released on 9 November 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.9
Update: YITH plugin framework

Version 2.3.0 - Released on 13 October 2021
New: support for WooCommerce 5.8
Update: YITH plugin framework

Version 2.2.1 - Released on 27 September 2021
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: debug info feature removed for all logged in users

Version 2.2.0 - Released on 10 September 2021​
New: support for WooCommerce 5.7
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: fixed option to assign different amounts of points based on the user role
Dev: added filter 'ywpar_customers_tab_subtabs' to customize customers sub-tabs
Dev: added filter 'ywpar_apply_points_on_previous_orders_bulk' to exclude some orders during the bulk action

Version 2.1.3 - Released on 9 August 2021​
New: support for WooCommerce 5.6
Tweak: added 'show_worth' attribute inside [yith_points] shortcode
Update: YITH plugin framework

= Version 2.1.2 - Released on 24 June 2021 =
* New: Support for WordPress 5.8
* New: support for WooCommerce 5.5
* Update: YITH plugin framework
* Fix: added currency info to the percentage redeem conversion field
* Fix: fixed points calculations on "My Account" points history
* Fix: fixed style issue in customers tab options
* Dev: added the parameter 'type' to the hook 'ywpar_get_point_earned_price'

= Version 2.0.9 - Released on 11 May 2021 =
New: support for WooCommerce 5.3
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: fixed missing tax in total while removing earned points on order refund
Fix: fixed issue on calculation in customer history view
Fix: fixed duplicated messages on cart on update cart totals and on adding to cart from cart page

= v2.0.7 - Released on 13 April 2021 =
* New: support for WooCommerce 5.2
* Update: YITH plugin framework
* Fix: managed some filter to correctly change the max discount worth value
* Fix: added class to show the points options on gift card product editing page
* Dev: added filters 'ywpar_reward_message_format', 'ywpar_commission_points_for_affiliate' and 'ywpar_product_points_formatted'

= v2.0.6 - Released on 4 March 2021 =
* New: support for WordPress 5.7
* New: support for WooCommerce 5.1
* Update: YITH plugin framework
* Fix: fixed during the order refund
* Fix: fixed issue in threshold message shortcode
* Fix: fixed on discount option in product category
* Fix: fixed points worth calculation
* Dev: added filter 'ywpar_my_account_worth_value'

New: support for WooCommerce 5.0
Tweak: added multi currency support for extra points
Update: YITH plugin framework
Dev: added filter 'ywpar_max_discount_redeem_message' to manage max_discount placeholder in redeem message

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下载 YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards Premium v3.7.0 Nulled: 


Email: docs.gechiui.com/freewp@gmail.com
Secret Key: 79ec684eb95bbd822fa1b06b7a2631b5
License Key: 79EC684E-B95B-BD82-2FA1-B06B7A2631B5

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