
最后更新于:2022-04-01 02:17:41

# 下标从1开始 - 在_lua_中,数组下标从1开始计数。 - 官方:Lua lists have a base index of 1 because it was thought to be most friendly for non-programmers, as it makes indices correspond to ordinal element positions. - 在初始化一个数组的时候,若不显式地用键值对方式赋值,则会默认用数字作为下标,从1开始。由于在_lua_内部实际采用哈希表和数组分别保存键值对、普通值,所以不推荐混合使用这两种赋值方式。 ~~~ local color={first="red", "blue", third="green", "yellow"} print(color["first"]) --> output: red print(color[1]) --> output: blue print(color["third"]) --> output: green print(color[2]) --> output: yellow print(color[3]) --> output: nil ~~~