最后更新于:2021-11-27 08:28:15
is_category( int|string|int[]|string[]$category=”)Determines whether the query is for an existing category archive page.
- $category
(int|string|int[]|string[]) (Optional) Category ID, name, slug, or array of such to check against.
Default value: ”
(bool) Whether the query is for an existing category archive page.
文件: gc-includes/query.php
function is_category( $category = '' ) {
global $gc_query;
if ( ! isset( $gc_query ) ) {
_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, __( 'Conditional query tags do not work before the query is run. Before then, they always return false.' ), '3.1.0' );
return false;
return $gc_query->is_category( $category );
is_category(); // When any Category archive page is being displayed. is_category( '9' ); // When the archive page for Category 9 is being displayed. is_category( 'Stinky Cheeses' ); // When the archive page for the Category with Name "Stinky Cheeses" is being displayed. is_category( 'blue-cheese' ); // When the archive page for the Category with Category Slug "blue-cheese" is being displayed. is_category( array( 9, 'blue-cheese', 'Stinky Cheeses' ) ); // 响应s true when the category of posts being displayed is either term_ID 9, // or slug "blue-cheese", or name "Stinky Cheeses". // Note: the array ability was added in version 2.5.