
最后更新于:2021-11-27 13:02:24

links_popup_script( string$text=’Links’, int$width=400, int$height=400, string$file=’links.all.php’, bool$count=true)

Show the link to the links popup and the number of links.



(string) (Optional) the text of the link

Default value: ‘Links’


(int) (Optional) the width of the popup window

Default value: 400


(int) (Optional) the height of the popup window

Default value: 400


(string) (Optional) the page to open in the popup window

Default value: ‘links.all.php’


(bool) (Optional) the number of links in the db

Default value: true


文件: gc-includes/deprecated.php

function links_popup_script($text = 'Links', $width=400, $height=400, $file='links.all.php', $count = true) {
	_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.1.0' );