
最后更新于:2021-11-27 21:29:33

register_block_style_handle( array$metadata, string$field_name)

Finds a style handle for the block metadata field. It detects when a path to file was provided and registers the style under automatically generated handle name. It returns unprocessed style handle otherwise.



(array) (Required) Block metadata.


(string) (Required) Field name to pick from metadata.


(string|false) Style handle provided directly or created through style’s registration, or false on failure.


文件: gc-includes/blocks.php

function register_block_style_handle( $metadata, $field_name ) {
	if ( empty( $metadata[ $field_name ] ) ) {
		return false;
	$is_core_block = isset( $metadata['file'] ) && 0 === strpos( $metadata['file'], ABSPATH . GCINC );
	if ( $is_core_block && ! gc_should_load_separate_core_block_assets() ) {
		return false;

	// Check whether styles should have a ".min" suffix or not.
	$suffix = SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';

	$style_handle = $metadata[ $field_name ];
	$style_path   = remove_block_asset_path_prefix( $metadata[ $field_name ] );

	if ( $style_handle === $style_path && ! $is_core_block ) {
		return $style_handle;

	$style_uri = plugins_url( $style_path, $metadata['file'] );
	if ( $is_core_block ) {
		$style_path = "style$suffix.css";
		$style_uri  = includes_url( 'blocks/' . str_replace( 'core/', '', $metadata['name'] ) . "/style$suffix.css" );

	$style_handle   = generate_block_asset_handle( $metadata['name'], $field_name );
	$block_dir      = dirname( $metadata['file'] );
	$style_file     = realpath( "$block_dir/$style_path" );
	$has_style_file = false !== $style_file;
	$version        = ! $is_core_block && isset( $metadata['version'] ) ? $metadata['version'] : false;
	$style_uri      = $has_style_file ? $style_uri : false;
	$result         = gc_register_style(
	if ( file_exists( str_replace( '.css', '-rtl.css', $style_file ) ) ) {
		gc_style_add_data( $style_handle, 'rtl', 'replace' );
	if ( $has_style_file ) {
		gc_style_add_data( $style_handle, 'path', $style_file );

	$rtl_file = str_replace( "$suffix.css", "-rtl$suffix.css", $style_file );
	if ( is_rtl() && file_exists( $rtl_file ) ) {
		gc_style_add_data( $style_handle, 'path', $rtl_file );

	return $result ? $style_handle : false;