
最后更新于:2021-11-27 17:58:34

number_format_i18n( float$number, int$decimals)

Convert float number to format based on the locale.



(float) (Required) The number to convert based on locale.


(int) (Optional) Precision of the number of decimal places. Default 0.


(string) Converted number in string format.


文件: gc-includes/functions.php

function number_format_i18n( $number, $decimals = 0 ) {
	global $gc_locale;

	if ( isset( $gc_locale ) ) {
		$formatted = number_format( $number, absint( $decimals ), $gc_locale->number_format['decimal_point'], $gc_locale->number_format['thousands_sep'] );
	} else {
		$formatted = number_format( $number, absint( $decimals ) );

	 * Filters the number formatted based on the locale.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @since 4.9.0 The `$number` and `$decimals` parameters were added.
	 * @param string $formatted Converted number in string format.
	 * @param float  $number    The number to convert based on locale.
	 * @param int    $decimals  Precision of the number of decimal places.
	return apply_filters( 'number_format_i18n', $formatted, $number, $decimals );