
最后更新于:2021-11-27 23:36:39

rest_get_combining_operation_error( array$value, string$param, array$errors)

Gets the error of combining operation.



(array) (Required) The value to validate.


(string) (Required) The parameter name, used in error messages.


(array) (Required) The errors array, to search for possible error.


(GC_Error) The combining operation error.


文件: gc-includes/rest-api.php

function rest_get_combining_operation_error( $value, $param, $errors ) {
	// If there is only one error, simply return it.
	if ( 1 === count( $errors ) ) {
		return rest_format_combining_operation_error( $param, $errors[0] );

	// Filter out all errors related to type validation.
	$filtered_errors = array();
	foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
		$error_code = $error['error_object']->get_error_code();
		$error_data = $error['error_object']->get_error_data();

		if ( 'rest_invalid_type' !== $error_code || ( isset( $error_data['param'] ) && $param !== $error_data['param'] ) ) {
			$filtered_errors[] = $error;

	// If there is only one error left, simply return it.
	if ( 1 === count( $filtered_errors ) ) {
		return rest_format_combining_operation_error( $param, $filtered_errors[0] );

	// If there are only errors related to object validation, try choosing the most appropriate one.
	if ( count( $filtered_errors ) > 1 && 'object' === $filtered_errors[0]['schema']['type'] ) {
		$result = null;
		$number = 0;

		foreach ( $filtered_errors as $error ) {
			if ( isset( $error['schema']['properties'] ) ) {
				$n = count( array_intersect_key( $error['schema']['properties'], $value ) );
				if ( $n > $number ) {
					$result = $error;
					$number = $n;

		if ( null !== $result ) {
			return rest_format_combining_operation_error( $param, $result );

	// If each schema has a title, include those titles in the error message.
	$schema_titles = array();
	foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
		if ( isset( $error['schema']['title'] ) ) {
			$schema_titles[] = $error['schema']['title'];

	if ( count( $schema_titles ) === count( $errors ) ) {
		/* translators: 1: Parameter, 2: Schema titles. */
		return new GC_Error( 'rest_no_matching_schema', gc_sprintf( __( '%1$s is not a valid %2$l.' ), $param, $schema_titles ) );

	/* translators: %s: Parameter. */
	return new GC_Error( 'rest_no_matching_schema', sprintf( __( '%s does not match any of the expected formats.' ), $param ) );