
最后更新于:2021-11-27 06:40:16

image_resize( string$file, int$max_w, int$max_h, bool$crop=false, string$suffix=null, string$dest_path=null, int$jpeg_quality=90)

Scale down an image to fit a particular size and save a new copy of the image.



(string) (Required) Image file path.


(int) (Required) Maximum width to resize to.


(int) (Required) Maximum height to resize to.


(bool) (Optional) Whether to crop image or resize.

Default value: false


(string) (Optional) File suffix.

Default value: null


(string) (Optional) New image file path.

Default value: null


(int) (Optional) Image quality percentage.

Default value: 90


(mixed) GC_Error on failure. String with new destination path.


文件: gc-includes/deprecated.php

function image_resize( $file, $max_w, $max_h, $crop = false, $suffix = null, $dest_path = null, $jpeg_quality = 90 ) {
	_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.5.0', 'gc_get_image_editor()' );

	$editor = gc_get_image_editor( $file );
	if ( is_gc_error( $editor ) )
		return $editor;
	$editor->set_quality( $jpeg_quality );

	$resized = $editor->resize( $max_w, $max_h, $crop );
	if ( is_gc_error( $resized ) )
		return $resized;

	$dest_file = $editor->generate_filename( $suffix, $dest_path );
	$saved = $editor->save( $dest_file );

	if ( is_gc_error( $saved ) )
		return $saved;

	return $dest_file;