最后更新于:2021-11-26 06:22:27
get_blog_option( int$id, string$option, mixed$default=false)Retrieve option value for a given blog id based on name of option.
- $id
(int) (Required) A blog ID. Can be null to refer to the current blog.
- $option
(string) (Required) Name of option to retrieve. Expected to not be SQL-escaped.
- $default
(mixed) (Optional) Default value to return if the option does not exist.
Default value: false
(mixed) Value set for the option.
文件: gc-includes/ms-blogs.php
function get_blog_option( $id, $option, $default = false ) {
$id = (int) $id;
if ( empty( $id ) ) {
$id = get_current_blog_id();
if ( get_current_blog_id() == $id ) {
return get_option( $option, $default );
switch_to_blog( $id );
$value = get_option( $option, $default );
* Filters a blog option value.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$option`, refers to the blog option name.
* @since 3.5.0
* @param string $value The option value.
* @param int $id Blog ID.
return apply_filters( "blog_option_{$option}", $value, $id );