最后更新于:2021-11-25 19:43:46
add_users_page( string$page_title, string$menu_title, string$capability, string$menu_slug, callable$function=”, int$position=null)Add submenu page to the Users/Profile main menu.
- $page_title
(string) (Required) The text to be displayed in the title tags of the page when the menu is selected.
- $menu_title
(string) (Required) The text to be used for the menu.
- $capability
(string) (Required) The capability required for this menu to be displayed to the user.
- $menu_slug
(string) (Required) The slug name to refer to this menu by (should be unique for this menu).
- $function
(callable) (Optional) The function to be called to output the content for this page.
Default value: ”
- $position
(int) (Optional) The position in the menu order this item should appear.
Default value: null
(string|false) The resulting page’s hook_suffix, or false if the user does not have the capability required.
文件: gc-admin/includes/plugin.php
function add_users_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function = '', $position = null ) {
if ( current_user_can( 'edit_users' ) ) {
$parent = 'users.php';
} else {
$parent = 'profile.php';
return add_submenu_page( $parent, $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function, $position );
/** * Register a new page under "Users". */ function gcdocs_my_users_menu() { add_users_page( __( 'My Plugin Users', 'textdomain' ), __( 'My Plugin', 'textdomain' ), 'read', 'my-unique-identifier', 'my_plugin_function' ); } add_action('admin_menu', 'gcdocs_my_users_menu');