
最后更新于:2022-04-01 10:48:41

# Authors The following people are totally rad and awesome because they have contributed recipes! * David Brady _ratgeyser@gmail.com_ * John Ford _jwford@gmail.com_ * Steven Reid _steven @ reidnorthwest . com_ * David Moulton _dave@themoultons.net_ * Sebastian Slomski _sebastian@simple-systems.org_ * Aaron Weinberger _aw9994@cs.ship.edu_ * James C. Holder _coffeescriptcookbook.com@thirdtruck.org_ * Jason Giedymin _jasong@apache.org_ * Phil Cohen _github@phlippers.net_ * João Moreno _coffeecb @joaomoreno .com_ * Jeff Pickhardt _pickhardt (at) gmail (dot) com_ * Frederic Hemberger * Mike Hatfield _oakraven13@gmail.com_ * [Anton Rissanen](http://github.com/antris) _hello@anton.fi_ * …You! What are you waiting for? Check out the [contributing](http://island205.com/contributing) section and get cracking! # Developers _The following people are amazingly rad and awesome because they have helped fix the code for the site!_ * David Brady _ratgeyser@gmail.com_ * Mike Moore _mike@blowmage.com_ * Peter Hellberg _peter@c7.se_ * Jamie Gaskins _jgaskins@gmail.com_ * …You! What are you waiting for? Check out the [contributing](http://island205.com/contributing) section and get cracking! # Designers The following people are astonishingly rad and awesome because they did great design for the site! * [Amsul](http://github.com/amsul) reach@amsul.ca * …You! Check out the [contributing](http://island205.com/contributing) section and get cracking!