最后更新于:2022-04-01 10:52:08
## 问题
## 方法
class TextSaver
constructor: (@filename, @options) ->
save: (data) ->
class CloudSaver extends TextSaver
constructor: (@filename, @options) ->
super @filename, @options
save: (data) ->
# Assuming jQuery
# Note the fat arrows
$( =>
$.post "#{@options.url}/#{@filename}", data, =>
alert "Saved '#{data}' to #{@filename} at #{@options.url}."
class FileSaver extends TextSaver
constructor: (@filename, @options) ->
super @filename, @options
@fs = require 'fs'
save: (data) ->
@fs.writeFile @filename, data, (err) => # Note the fat arrow
if err? then console.log err
else console.log "Saved '#{data}' to #{@filename} in #{@options.directory}."
filename = "temp.txt"
data = "Example data"
saver = if window?
new CloudSaver filename, url: 'http://localhost' # => Saved "Example data" to temp.txt at http://localhost
else if root?
new FileSaver filename, directory: './' # => Saved "Example data" to temp.txt in ./
saver.save data
## 详解
桥接模式帮助你把特殊实现的代码从眼前移走,可以让你把注意力放在你程序中更重要的代码中。在上面的例子中,你程序的其他地方可以调用`saver.save data`,无需考虑文件最终会放到哪里。