策略模式 Strategy Pattern
最后更新于:2022-04-01 10:51:57
## 问题 Problem
You have more than one way to solve a problem but you need to choose (or even switch) between these methods at run time.
## 方法 Solution
Encapsulate your algorithms inside of Strategy objects.
Given an unsorted list, for example, we can change the sorting algorithm under different circumstances.
### 基类 The base class:
class StringSorter
sort: (list) -> @algorithm list
### 策略 The strategies:
bubbleSort = (list) ->
anySwaps = false
swapPass = ->
for r in [0..list.length-2]
if list[r] > list[r+1]
anySwaps = true
[list[r], list[r+1]] = [list[r+1], list[r]]
while anySwaps
anySwaps = false
reverseBubbleSort = (list) ->
anySwaps = false
swapPass = ->
for r in [list.length-1..1]
if list[r] < list[r-1]
anySwaps = true
[list[r], list[r-1]] = [list[r-1], list[r]]
while anySwaps
anySwaps = false
### 使用策略 Using the strategies:
sorter = new StringSorter bubbleSort
unsortedList = ['e', 'b', 'd', 'c', 'x', 'a']
sorter.sort unsortedList
# => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'x']
unsortedList.push 'w'
# => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'x', 'w']
sorter.algorithm = reverseBubbleSort
sorter.sort unsortedList
# => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'w', 'x']
## 讨论 Discussion
“No plan survives first contact with the enemy”, nor users, but we can use the knowledge gained from changing circumstances to adapt. Near the end of the example, for instance, the newest item in the array now lies out of order. Knowing that detail, we can then speed the sort up by switching to an algorithm optimized for that exact scenario with nothing but a simple reassignment.
### 练习 Exercises
* 把`StringSorter`扩展成一个`AlwaysSortedArray`类,实现原生数组的所有功能,而且有通过插入方法新项时能够自动地排序(例如,`push`和`shift`)。
* Expand `StringSorter` into an `AlwaysSortedArray` class that implements all of the functionality of a regular array but which automatically sorts new items based on the method of insertion (e.g. `push` vs. `shift`).