基于数组构建字典对象 Creating a dictionary Object from an Array

最后更新于:2022-04-01 10:49:45

## 问题 Problem 你有一个对象数组,例如: You have an Array of Objects, such as: ~~~ cats = [ { name: "Bubbles" age: 1 }, { name: "Sparkle" favoriteFood: "tuna" } ] ~~~ 但是你想像放字典一样访问它,例如`cat["Bubbles"]`。 But you want to access it as a dictionary by key, like`cats["Bubbles"]`. ## 方法 Solution 你需要把数组转化成一个对象,使用reduce来实现。 You need to convert your array into an Object. Use reduce for this. ~~~ # key = The key by which to index the dictionary Array::toDict = (key) -> @reduce ((dict, obj) -> dict[ obj[key] ] = obj if obj[key]?; return dict), {} ~~~ 用法: To use this: ~~~ catsDict = cats.toDict('name') catsDict["Bubbles"] # => { age: 1, name: "Bubbles" } ~~~ ## Discussion Alternatively, you can use an Array comprehension: ~~~ Array::toDict = (key) -> dict = {} dict[obj[key]] = obj for obj in this when obj[key]? dict ~~~ 如果你使用Underscore.js,你可以创建一个mixin: If you use Underscore.js, you can create a mixin: ~~~ _.mixin toDict: (arr, key) -> throw new Error('_.toDict takes an Array') unless _.isArray arr _.reduce arr, ((dict, obj) -> dict[ obj[key] ] = obj if obj[key]?; return dict), {} catsDict = _.toDict(cats, 'name') catsDict["Sparkle"] # => { favoriteFood: "tuna", name: "Sparkle" } ~~~