Bimber v9.2.1 – Viral Magazine WordPress Theme

最后更新于:2022-03-28 09:47:40


Bimber is a viral magazine theme that allows you to launch a fully functional Viral website in no more than 24 hours.

Bimber Theme comes with powerful share buttons; Popular listings, hot, trending and many advertising locations. Everything in a lightweight and easy-to-use package. Just get started now and go Viral today!

⭐另请参考: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily


Features Bimber – Viral Magazine WordPress Theme

  • 100% responsive design
  • Retina display support
  • Compatibility with all browsers
  • SEO Optimized Code
  • Compatibility with SEO optimization plugins: Yoast SEO, All In One SEO, SEOPress
  • Optimize for Google PageSpeed
  • Microdata (, support for rich snippets Support
  • Translation, Full RTL Support, WPML Multilanguage
  • Support for multi-page posts
  • Compatible with caching plugins (WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache, WP Rocket)
  • Facebook Custom Widget

变更日志 Bimber – Viral Magazine WordPress Theme Nulled Free

v9.2.1 – minor update – 4 January 2022
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Personality quiz type broken
# Fixed - Snax plugin: empty quiz settings not saved

v9.2 – major update – 31 December 2021
# NEW - WordPress 5.9 compatibility
# NEW - Snax plugin: quiz explanations
# NEW - Snax plugin: quiz global settings
# NEW - Snax plugin: scroll to the next question
# NEW - WP Rocket integration (for Critical CSS)

# Improved - Snax plugin: filters added to allow changing report mail title/body
# Improved - Mailchimp For WordPress plugin integration: new filter to turn off form sending via ajax
# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version
# Improved - Documentation updated

# Fixed - Home Filters don't work if Front Page is set to A static page
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: Vignette ad slot for AdSense
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: wrong sort order (compared as strings)
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: guest voting
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: wrong scores when up/down scores hidden
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: GIFs picker obscured by other elements
# Fixed - 下载 Monitor plugin integration: logo is missing on the 下载 page
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Sticky widget has wrong offset on a quiz using "Let's Start" button
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Teaser widget styles in prefooter/footer
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: review avatar misaligned
# Fixed - Missing translations
# Fixed - Minor template warnings
# Fixed - PHP 8.x incompatibilities
# Fixed - Minor PHP fixes

VERSION 9.1.1 – minor update – 13 August 2021
# NEW - WordPress 5.8 compatibility (phase 1)
# Improved - Snax plugin: edit/delete simple formats (image, embed, etc.)
# Improved - WP Bakery plugin latest version
# Improved - What's Your Reaction plugin: filter to override taxonomy
# Improved - filter to override Timeago script locale
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: all comments loaded in BP > Comments > Voted if a user has no votes
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: wrong labels
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: minor js fixes
# Fixed - Snax plugin: insufficient scripts dependency for Link format
# Fixed - Snax plugin: not all questions loaded with the "Shuffle questions" option
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction plugin: show only on chosen post types
# Fixed - WPML plugin integration: logo translation
# Fixed - Minor PHP fixes
# Fixed - Minor template warnings

= v9.1 – major update – 24 May 2021 =
# NEW - AdsMania demo
# NEW - AdAce plugin: Ad Free module
# NEW - AdAce plugin: New ad slot "Full Screen Vignette"
# NEW - AdAce plugin: New ad slot "Before pagination"
# NEW - AdAce plugin: New ad slot "After pagination"
# NEW - AdAce plugin: Custom Ad, Link field predefined URLs
# Improved - CommentAce plugin: GIPHY attribution as a logo
# Improved - AdAce plugin integration: background color option for the Before the Header Theme Area Slot
# Improved - Mailchimp plugin integration: form submission without reloading
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Broken Audio/Video item upload form
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Referral link edition on the backend
# Fixed - Spacing between category labels
# Fixed - Gutenberg Large Quote: no size change

= v9.0.3 – minor update – 22 April 2021 =
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: the Register page has got some rendering glitches
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: outdated translations
# Fixed - BuddyPress Followers Widget: display only one member
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: too few arguments for the comment_text filter
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: default featured image
# Fixed - Snax plugin: media dialog not opening for Link/External Product, when auto-fetching fails
# Fixed - PHP 8.x incompatibilities

= v9.0.2 – minor update – 15 April 2021 =
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: v5.2.0 template compatibility
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: cart totals rendering glitch
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: CSS fixes
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: Recent Comments now works on BuddyPress Single Member Profile
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: voting with empty score
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: when guest voting is off, the login popup breaks
# Fixed - Snax plugin: wrong number of all questions when shuffle on
# Fixed - Snax plugin: media dialog not opening for quiz/poll, on the frontend
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction plugin: minor css fix
# Fixed - "Invalid Post Type" error, on the second search try for posts, on the backend
# Fixed - Minor template warnings

= v9.0.1 – minor update – 9 April 2021 =
# Fixed - Posts widget: sorting by views
# Fixed - BuddyPress Nouveau: CSS fixes
# Fixed - Snax plugin: headers sent
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: script breaks when guest commenting is off

= VERSION 8.6.3 – minor update – 21 January 2021 =
# Improved - Featured Entries support for quizzes and polls
# Improved - AdAce plugin: Date archives support for ad slots
# Improved - Snax plugin: option to hide the info "Browse and Manage your votes"
# Improved - What's Your Reaction plugin: supported post types option added
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version

# Fixed - MediaElement library loaded condition check
# Fixed - GIF player on mobile can't be paused
# Fixed - Snax plugin: History collection broken pagination
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Redirects infinite loop on BP private pages
# Fixed - Snax plugin: do not log activity for guests
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Quiz/Poll activities not logged
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Permalinks structure not applied for BP custom components
# Fixed - G1 Socials plugin: broken links to Documentation

= VERSION 8.6.1 – minor update – 17 December 2020 =
# Improved - myCRED plugin: points (new hook) for the owner for voting on his post/item
# Improved - AdAce plugin: Sponsors taxonomy support for Quizzes and Polls
# Improved - What's Your Reaction plugin: Reactions taxonomy support for Polls
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version

# Fixed - Video (embed) not stripped from post content
# Fixed - Submenu inside the footer causes scrollbars
# Fixed - Misaligned tagline inside the center column
# Fixed - Ads menu available on Dashboard for Snax Author role
# Fixed - Polls menu available on Dashboard for Snax Author role
# Fixed - WPBakery Page Builder plugin integration: responsive videos
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: off-canvas doesn't work on a single product page
# Fixed - Mashshare plugin integration: square brackets in post title breaks the share buttons
# Fixed - Restrict Content Pro plugin integration: missing checkboxes
# Fixed - Snax plugin: quiz accessible on a password protected page
# Fixed - Snax plugin: poll accessible on a password protected page
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Browse Files dialog doesn't work for the item submission form, on a list

v8.6 – major update – 19 November 2020 -

# NEW - WordPress 5.6 compatibility
# NEW - WooCommerce 4.7 compatibility
# NEW - PHP 7.4 compatibility
# NEW - Facebook and Instagram embeds support
# NEW - Snax plugin: option to define the number of quiz questions per page
# NEW - Snax plugin: preloading iconfonts for better speed
# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: preloading iconfonts for better speed

# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version
# Improved - Youzer plugin latest version
# Improved - Snax plugin: keep the current URL after logging in via social networks
# Improved - Documentation: Facebook Social Login
# Improved - Documentation: Google Social Login
# Improved - Documentation: Instagram Social Login
# Improved - Documentation: LinkedIn Social Login

# Fixed - User Nav: redirect to link if drop content not exists
# Fixed - Post Collection: rendering glitches on mobiles
# Fixed - Newsletter Popup: cover image won't load without lazy loading
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: ad slot groups select not loaded when random type selected
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: default expire header removed
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: cropping doesn't work properly
# Fixed - Snax plugin: broken pagination on BuddyPress profile > Collections
# Fixed - Snax plugin: URL var change resets BuddyPress modules
# Fixed - Snax plugin: incorrect repetition cycle for the ad slot "After X Snax Items"
# Fixed - Snax plugin: item navigation loads on the search results page
# Fixed - Snax plugin: reCaptcha rendered on every login popup opening
# Fixed - Snax plugin: BuddyPress components reset on permalinks save
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Collections pagination base omit type param
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction plugin: BuddyPress components reset on permalinks save
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: Edit Profile page has got the wrong spacing
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: social login buttons rendering glitch
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: Profile > Settings > Lost Password link broken
# Fixed - 下载 Monitor plugin integration: download button rendering glitch
# Fixed - myCRED plugin integration: user's points rounded incorrectly in the user nav dropdown

= v8.5.1 =
# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version
# Fixed - Masonry template: rendering glitches on Safari
# Fixed - Search field: unified design of the cancel button
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: not published ads still displayed
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: missing translations
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Browse button inactive for hidden forms
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Collection redirects to 404 after clearing items
# Fixed - Off-canvas background image issue with lazy loading
# Fixed - Dark Mode: social icons color issue
# Fixed - Comments backward compatibility

⭐另请参考: General free premium WordPress Theme, updated daily

下载 Bimber – Viral Magazine WordPress Theme v9.2.1 Nulled

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