Zeen v4.2.2 | Next Generation Magazine WordPress Theme

最后更新于:2022-03-29 00:06:13


Zeen is a cutting-edge WordPress news and magazine theme. You’ve never seen or used a theme that looks or functions quite like this. Users of any skill level can quickly master Zeen. Create a stunning, silky-smooth, and extremely original magazine, personal blog, newspaper, reviews site, or even a full-fledged WooCommerce shop by putting your creative ideas to work. Ideal for a variety of genres, such as travel, viral, food, and news.

Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/zeen-next-generation-magazine-wordpress-theme/22709856

Everything in Zeen was designed from the ground up. This strategy allowed the theme to embrace the most cutting-edge technologies available, conduct in-depth design explorations, and rethink the status quo. As a result, Zeen has a phenomenal performance and is most likely the quickest theme of its sort ever created. On GTMetrix, certain Zeen demos get a flawless 100/100 score (links to reports are lower down), while the remainder get in the mid to high 90s. The theme is incredibly adaptable, user-friendly, and customizable. The best part is that you can construct practically any magazine layout you can think of without writing a single line of code. Users may quickly become pro users, and it’s so adaptable that even the most savvy visitors won’t be able to identify what theme is being used just by glancing at the site.

Zeen was created by an expert designer, written by an experienced coder, and optimized by an experienced SEO professional, all for the purpose of creating an outstanding solution that can help you take your site to the next level. Customer service is also polite and helpful at Codetipi. It’s no surprise that Codetipi is Themeforest’s top-rated Power Elite author.

Magazines, personal blogs, newspapers, and review sites can all benefit from Zeen.

Zeen’s innovative design, versatility, and low learning curve make it ideal for sites of all sizes, from the largest to the tiniest. Zeen is the perfect WordPress theme for any magazine, blog, newspaper, personal diary, photo-stories site, or even full-fledged WooCommerce businesses. Because of all the affiliate choices and functionality included, it may also be utilized as a full-fledged affiliate theme.

Features: Zeen – Next Generation Magazine WordPress Theme

  • Ajax Live Search in two modes for lightning quick results: Dropdown or full-screen modal
  • The Dark Skin Design And Logo On The Login Screen
  • Compatible with the most recent PHP versions, such as PHP 7.3.
  • Tipi Font comes includes a slew of custom, one-of-a-kind icons (Included Free)
  • Tipi Builder Blocks can be used to display any picture shape, including landscape, portrait, and square images.
  • “See also” block built-in in the middle of the content
  • Images with Automatic Retina
  • Schema Integration in the Modern Era
  • A logo can be added to the main menu in a variety of styles, including one that hangs off the side for a trendy appearance.
  • You can choose any width for your site.
  • Template for a blank page is included (no Header or footer loaded) for sophisticated users that wish to create something from scratch
  • Modern, simple, and powerful fully-frontend theme options that let you to see every change you make before publishing it.
  • Changes to the theme settings can be saved as drafts or scheduled for publication at a later date.
  • Design that is extremely responsive. It looks fantastic on every size and type of screen.
  • Extra-clean, ultra-modern, and dynamically unrivaled design
  • A distinct logo may be displayed in the main navigation bar as an option.
  • Breadcrumb with rich snippet data integrated
  • Hover zoom effects on sliders and grids can be turned on or off.
  • By Line can be turned off completely or only some parts of it can be disabled (Author, Date, Category, Comments)
  • Background Ads (site background that can be clicked on from the sides/above) system to improve the amount of money that can be made
  • Retina-ready to the nth degree (HD theme)
  • Zeen is WPML compatible and ready for translation. It includes.mo/.po files that can be simply translated into any language. The following languages have already been translated and included: Spanish, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian (Bokml), Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, and French.
  • RTL is available. If you utilize an RTL language on your site, the theme will automatically change to RTL.
  • Every major block has both boxed and full-width variants.
  • A one-of-a-kind mega menu system with a variety of choices for customizing each menu
  • With Ajax integration and beautiful aesthetics, you can log in.
  • Tipi Builder, which is only available in the United States, is included.
  • Gutenberg styling is pre-installed.
  • Designs for the top button options
  • To show which posts your visitors enjoy the most, use the Post Like (Heart) system. Optional.
  • Set up to three typefaces and choose one for each of the site’s elements (Limit of 3 different fonts is set for performance reasons, as more than that can make your site really slow)
  • http://www.google.com/fonts/all-google-fonts/all-google-fonts/all-google-fonts/all-go
  • Typekit typefaces are available at https://typekit.com/.
  • Custom/self-hosted fonts are also an option.
  • In theme options, you can turn off the About The Author box, and you can override it in individual posts.
  • Related posts are integrated with different design possibilities.
  • Every purchase comes with all demos, which you can quickly import and experiment with.
  • Tooltip with many options has been integrated as a lightweight tooltip.
  • Stylish lightbox built-in
  • Posts and pages with pagination
  • SEO-Ready. Everything is set up correctly because the theme was coded by an SEO specialist.
  • On the official W3 Validation Tool, there are no errors.
  • Exceptional performance, with many Zeen demos receiving a perfect 100/100 rating.
  • Sidebars for your categories, tags, custom taxonomies, articles, pages, and homepage are all customizable.
  • Rich Snippet Microdata Schema Review
  • Schema Author Rich Snippet Microdata
  • Detailed documentation that will be updated as new questions are raised by users.

变更日志: Zeen – Next Generation Magazine WordPress Theme

v4.2.2 – 23RD FEBRUARY 2022
Improved: WooCommerce Products with variations that use different images: Quickview layout
Improved: Theme Options: Color pickers changed style due to WordPress 5.9 core styling changes
Fix: Restrict Content Pro: Tipi Builder Pages weren’t following any restrictions
Fix: Sites with custom site width applied had miscalculation with landscape images
Fix: Zeen Timed Popup: Some cache systems were ignoring the “disable timed popup” cookie
Fix: WooCommerce + Zeen Tab Design #2: Clicking on Star Reviews wasn’t scrolling to reviews below

v4.2.1 – 4TH FEBRUARY 2022
Bugfix: WooCommerce Add To Cart on Mobile layout

v4.2.0 – 3RD FEBRUARY 2022
New: Restrict Content Pro deep styling integration and compatibility
New: Theme Options > Performance: Option to tweak Landscape Image Ratios (default is 3/2)
New: Theme Options > Social Network Accounts: Snapchat
New: Theme Options > Posts > Social Share Buttons: Telegram
New: Zeen Social Icons widget: Reddit
New: Tipi Builder > Custom Grid Block: New image hover animations
Improved: Performance: Header logos no longer lazy load
Improved: Performance: Tipi Builder backend on sites with thousands of users
Improved: Zeen’s preload is now compatible with ShortPixel webp images
Improved: WooCommerce Google/Apple Pay buttons
Improved: Desktop Sticky Header: Long “currently reading” post titles appeared over two lines
Fix: Gutenberg Tiktok Video Embeds weren’t appearing
Fix: Zeen Thumbs Up/Down feature: Spammers could spam the buttons to manipulate the thumbs up/down
Fix: WooCommerce Floating Cart button on mobile wasn’t showing slide in cart
Fix: Mobile Separate Site Option Enabled: Progress bar wasn’t visible on mobile devices
Updated: Zeen.pot main translation file
Updated: Plugin: Zeen Engine v2.8.5

v4.1.1 – 23RD DECEMBER 2021
New: New Widgets Area in Appearance > Widgets: Mobile Slide-In Menu Widgets
Improved: Translations updated
Fixed: Extra characters (i.e. P) was showing when middle of ad active but not showing
Fixed: Certain background images were showing color block on top
Fixed: Boxed Footer Designs: Shape Divider was overflowing
Fixed: WooCommerce Pay With Apple/Google Pay: Visual quirk made them be squished and not visible
Updated: Plugin: Let’s Review 3.4.0

v4.1.0 – 8TH DECEMBER 2021
New: Tipi Builder > All Blocks: Anchor ID option
New: Admin Dashboard > All Posts: Sponsored posts now are marked as such
New: Theme Options > WooCommerce > Zeen WooCommerce: Floating Cart option
New: Theme Options > Posts > Middle Of Content Ad: Option to set style (Left float or Full width ad)
New: Apple Podcast icon option everywhere
Improved: Product Pages: Clicking on Review stars will auto-scroll to show reviews tab
Improved: Related Posts > Date Limit option now applies to last “modified” date
Improved: Ads > Middle Of Post Content: Logic improved to detect middle
Improved: Minor performance boost
Fix: Gutenberg Editor: Background color was inheriting main site background instead of content background setting
Fix: Theme Options > WooCommerce > Zeen WooCommerce > Show Variations in Tipi Blocks: Even when off, they still appeared in related products block
Updated Plugin: Zeen Engine v2.8.4

New: Tipi Builder > YouTube Playlist Block: Option to enter channel ID to show latest videos automatically
New: Tipi Builder > Image Block: Option to show caption
New: Tipi Builder > All Post Blocks: Option to filter by Author/s
New: Zeen Social Icons Widget: Flipboard option
New: Theme Options > Typography > Font Sizes: Responsive Blockquote font size
New: Theme Options > Typography > Font Sizes: Responsive Logo text subtitle font size
Improved: Core Web Vitals CLS has been improved further
Improved: Gutenberg Editor: Background color set to site now loads here – useful for sites with dark backgrounds
Improved: Norwegian translation (Thanks to Joakim!)
Updated: Latest Google Fonts
Updated Plugin: Zeen Engine v2.8.3
Fix: webp images weren’t opening in lightbox
Fix: Theme Options > WooCommerce > Redirect To External Link option: The redirect wasn’t working properly

Fix: Tipi Builder > Social Icons Block: PHP warning
Fix: WooCommerce Product Pages: Some designs on mobile weren’t showing slider images
Fix: Theme Options > Mobile Devices > Bottom Screen Sticky Share Block: Hatena wasn’t appearing
Fix: Text Logo: Text Subtitle was only showing for image logos
Updated Plugin: Let’s Review

New: Hatena social icon
New: Itch.io social icon
New: Product Hunt social icon
Improved: Tipi Builder > Block Mix C: Mobile design
Improved: WooCommerce Thankyou page styling
Fix: WooCommerce Thankyou page incompatibility
Fix: Let’s Live Blog: Live updates were blocked by certain cache plugins
Fix: Dark Hero Design: Social icon under title option was invisible
Fix: Tipi Builder > Video Block: Would lazy load even if Zeen lazy load iframe option was disabled
Updated Plugin: Zeen Engine v2.8.2
Updated Plugin: Let’s Live Blog v1.2.1

New: Tipi Builder > Social Icons Block: Discord option
Improved: Mobile Menu: Menu items with sub menus are now clickable to show sub menu (before only the icon next to it did this)
Improved: Footer > Copyright: Now accepts shortcodes (useful for dynamic date shortcodes, etc)
Fix: Category Default Sorter > Top Reviews: Categories with no reviews would no show posts by default
Fix: Tipi Builder Gallery Block: Slider full width option wasn’t applying
Fix: Slide In Promo Box: Cookie was being cached so it kept re-appearing
Fix: Show/Hide Comments button: When comments are closed for a post and there are no comments published, the show/hide button still appeared
Fix: Subscribe Modal: Timer option was being ignored and modal always appeared after 15 seconds
Fix: Tall sticky sidebars quirk on portrait tablets
Fix: Header Video Background was appearing behind fallback image on Safari browsers
Updated Plugin: Let’s Review 3.3.9
Updated Plugin: Let’s Info Up v1.4.7

New: Compatibility with Toolset suite of plugins
Fix: Bylines icons not showing
Fix: One of the megamenu designs was loading incorrect shape
Fix: AMP: Images lazyload issue
Fix: Tipi Builder > Social Icons Block: Color option wasn’t applying
Updated Plugin: Let’s Review 3.3.8

VERSION 4.0.9 – 8TH JUNE 2021
Improved: Compatible with WooCommerce Product Addons plugin
Improved: Styling details
Fix: WooCommerce > Variable products: Individual variable description wasn’t appearing
Fix: Byline Elements Design: If using “With Icons” option and also author avatar enabled, the avatar image wouldn’t appear.

VERSION 4.0.8 – 5TH JUNE 2021
Improved: Gutenberg Backend: Blockquote design to match frontend

VERSION 4.0.7 – 3RD JUNE 2021
New: Theme Options > Performance: Generate Separate Mobile Site. Only enable if your cache (plugin and hosting level) create separate mobile/desktop cache buckets
Improved: CSS total size: 7% reduction
Improved: Performance: Typekit Fonts no longer render blocking.
Improved: Performance: Theme uses latest JavaScript/jQuery code practises. You can disable WordPress’ jquery-migrate file safely (if all your plugins are coded properly too).
Fix: Tipi Builder > Archive Block Title: Background image wasn’t applying
Updated Plugin: Let’s Review 3.3.6
Updated Plugin: Let’s Info Up v1.4.6
Updated Plugin: Zeen Engine v2.8.0

VERSION 4.0.6 – 28TH MAY 2021
New: Theme Options > Typography > Font Sizes: WooCommerce Short Description areas
New: Polish Translation
Improved: Call To Action Buttons: If you set the url to be #subscribe or #lwa or #search the button will open the relevant modal
Improved: Megamenu Background Images: Webp files sizing
Improved: WooCommerce minor styling
Improved: Password protected posts no longer show Emoji Reactions, Let’s Review or Let’s Info Up blocks if password not entered
Improved: Slight performance boost: Core Gutenberg stylesheet files not loaded on Tipi Builder pages
Improved: Giving an Image a custom class called “zeen-lazy-load-skip” will make it ignore the theme’s lazyload feature
Fix: Let’s Review backend options visibility
Fix: Header Video Background Feature: External videos not playing (again)
Fix: WooCommerce Variations now work with webp (It’s an unfixed Core WooCommerce bug)
Updated: Plugin: Let’s Social Count 1.2.0
Updated: Plugin: Let’s Review 3.3.5
Updated: Plugin: Let’s Info Up v1.4.5

VERSION 4.0.5 – 19TH MAY 2021
Improved: Remaining tweaks for web vitals (avatars caused minor CLS)
Improved: Dark Mode: Gutenberg blocks with background colors weren’t changing
Improved: Remember Me text in login with ajax now clickable too
Fix: WooCommerce Cart: Subtitles layout
Fix: Header Video Background Feature: External videos not playing
Fix: Theme Options > Let’s Review: Global color override wasn’t applying to widgets
Fix: Let’s Info Up Shortcodes in sidebar widgets now work during Infinite Post Scroll Load
Updated: Plugin: Let’s Info Up v1.4.4
Updated: Plugin: Let’s Review 3.3.4

VERSION 4.0.4 – 15TH MAY 2021
New: Tipi Builder > Post Blocks: Exclude From Global No Duplicates Option
New: Theme Options > WooCommerce > Zeen WooCommerce: External Products Open in new tab option
Improved: CLS Web Vitals tweaks
Improved: Tipi Builder > Image Block: Zeen Lazy load now applies
Improved: Popup, slide in promo box, etc: Background image option is now a responsive tag (not CSS background-image)
Improved: Script logic improved to not load certain scripts if not needed (per page)
Improved: All logos lazy loadable
Improved: WooCommerce Products Page: Certain layout designs that turn into sliders on mobile now also include navigation dots
Improved: Styling in Safari Browser
Fix: Safari-exclusive bug showing link underlines
Fix: Lyfe 演示: Not importing
Fix: Theme Options: Responsive Font options were some times freezing
Fix: Dark mode: Certain elements not changing
Fix: Let’s Info Up and Let’s Live Blog options were not showing
Fix: Custom Taxonomies: Image Shape global base option wasn’t applying
Fix: Mobile Menu: Search was appearing even if disabled
Fix: Category/tag pages > Sort by top rated: Posts with 100/100 scores might not appear first
Fix: Tipi Builder: Changing Device Mode didn’t trigger Lazyload so images were left hidden
Fix: Certain Text Menu Items weren’t changing color in dark mode
Updated: Plugin: Let’s Info Up v1.4.2
Updated: Plugin: Let’s Review 3.3.3
Updated: Plugin: Zeen Engine v2.7.3
Updated: Documentation

VERSION 4.0.3 – 2ND MAY 2021
Improved: Reactions layout when lots of emojis enabled
Improved: Let’s Review score box styling
Improved: Some missing translations have been filled in
Fix: WooCommerce > External/Affiliate products were not opening (were trying to run ajax instead)
Fix: New feature from v4 – Thumbs Up/Down feature was not loading
Fix: Mobile Menu: Parent menu items with a url of # were misaligned
Updated Plugin: Let’s Review 3.3.2

VERSION 4.0.2 – 30TH APRIL 2021
Improved: Zeen Lazyload now also applies to Gravatars everywhere
Improved: Search Input no longer shows previous search term after page reload
Improved: Tipi Builder > Text Block: Responsive font size now only applies to normal paragraph (P) text. Headings inside text blocks will use responsive font size of headings in the theme options.
Improved: Zeen Stylish Comments widget: Post title added
Fix: Dropdown Search feature: Titles were invisible if dark mode activated
Fix: WooCommerce global default product page sidebar option wasn’t applying
Fix: Parse error for old PHP versions (if you saw this error, you should really consider upgrading to PHP 7.3 or newer for better overall performance)
Updated: Zeen Engine v2.7.1
Updated: Let’s Review v3.3.1

VERSION 4.0.1 – 29TH APRIL 2021
New: Filters to add extra exclusions to Zeen’s lazy load for iframes/images for special cases
Improved: All missing new v4 translation strings added to all language files (Not 100% translated yet)
Improved: Minor styling details
Fix: Theme Options > Responsive font sizes were not loading saved values after a page refresh
Fix: Social Network user selections in share buttons were not applying
Fix: Extra check for empty WooCommerce taxonomies (was causing a crash if taxonomy was empty)
Fix: Let’s Info Up Gutenberg Block wasn’t rendering in Gutenberg
Updated: Let’s Info Up v1.4.1
Updated: Zeen Engine v2.7.1

⭐另请参考: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily

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