Reco v4.7.0 – Minimal Theme for Freebies
最后更新于:2022-03-27 01:27:22
Reco is a multi-purpose theme that works well for magazines, blogs, digital freebies, mockups, and more. It is extremely light and was created using a variety of strategies in order to obtain high Google rankings, as well as code quality and SEO considerations. This quick theme is simple to set up and tweak. To make administration easier, it comes with 9 bespoke widgets and a robust theme settings panel. Reco is multilingual and supports AMP and RTL. It supports Turkish, Russian, French, Spanish, and English.
⭐另请参考: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily

Features: Reco – Minimal Theme for Freebies
- The design is super light and trendy.
- Support for AMP (Transitional Mode) Look at the AMP Home and Single Post pages.
- Updated often.
- Compatible with Woocommerce 3.5.0 and above.
- ready for translation (English, Spanish, Russian, Turkish and French included).
- Code has been optimized and minified.
- ACF Pro is included in the package (save $29).
- RTL was put in the mix (Feedback appreciated).
- Pre-compiled with Prepos 6 and built with SCSS (Windows and Mac compatible).
- Support for Open Graph is now available.
- section devoted to advertising (below header, before and after post content, custom advertise to place anywhere).
- Between grid posts, there is an advertising space.
- Icons on the menu
- Posts have a sticky sidebar.
- Lists with a Slow Load (home pages, archives, categories, etc).
- For post material, use Lazy Load.
- For embedding (iframes like Youtube/Vimeo/Soundcloud), use Lazy Load.
- More pagination is loaded using Ajax.
- Breadcrumbs that work with Yoast SEO and NavXT.
- Updates with a single click
- HTML5 and CSS3 are supported.
- 3 dispositions for single posts
- Fullwidth: a cover for photographs with a lot of pixels.
- Image inside the article is standard.
- There are no sidebars.
- For posts and pages, there is no sidebar style.
- Page for Custom Tags
- Page dedicated to a certain author
- 404 Page with Your Own Design
- Widget for searching.
- Galleries made to order.
- Sections dedicated to advertisements.
- Support for Disqus.
- Completely adaptable.
- Video Assistance (Vimeo, Youtube, etc).
- Ready for a Retina Display.
- Icons created with Font Awesome.
- It’s compatible with Android, iPad, and iPhone.
- The documentation is also provided.
- The design is simple and elegant.
- Well-programmed.
- Menu of options.
变更日志: Reco – Minimal Theme for Freebies
v4.7.0 - 5 October 2021 - Fixed: AMP Validation error. - Fixed: Incorrect alignment of Gallery Block on Gutenberg editor. - Fixed: Incorrect color for CF7 success message. - Fixed: Share Post on Linkedin always display homepage instead of Post url. - Fixed: Breadcrumb not clickable when featured image is disabled globally. - Fixed: Icon shortcode size not applied properly. - Improved: Tested Theme compatibility up to WP 5.8 - Improved: Breadcrumb HTML. - Improved: WooCommerce compatibility up to 5.7 - Improved: CSS styles for Gutenberg Tag cloud. - Added: Rank Math breadcrumb compatibility. - Added: Now Sticky Share buttons will appear on Product page (only if this option is enabled for pages). - Added: wp_body_open PHP action. - Added: New field custom script on , on Theme options -> adv settings. - Added: Legacy Search box widget (only for customer who are using WP 5.8 and want the old search box style). - Added: New option "offset" for articles modules (grid, sidebar, classic). v4.6.1 - 8 February 2021 - Fixed: FullBackground image not working on some server configurations (bug from v4.6.1). - Fixed: Custom CSS from Theme options -> adv settings not working on some server configurations (bug from v4.6.1). v4.6.1 - 16 January 2021 - Fixed: Gallery Post not working properly when ajax pagination is selected. - Fixed: Some colors not applied properly when using lowercase colors from theme options. - Fixed: Incorrect alignment for Blockquotes on Gutenberg editor. - Improved: Sticky posts will no longer appear on widgets, this will prevent incorrect amount of posts. - Added: Social Icons (Gutenberg block) compatibility. v4.6.0 - 21 December 2020 - Fixed: Shortcodes Generator not working on WP 5.6 - Fixed: Pagination not working properly on AMP pages (page nº 2 and greater was not redirected properly if custom home is being used), this issue is only related to AMP plugin v2.0 and greater. - Fixed: some AMP warnings for AMP v2.0 and greater. - Fixed: Filters box (before post) not removed if is "OFF" from Theme Options, this issue appears only on Search and Archives pages. - Fixed: Global Counter not removed if is "OFF" from Theme Options, this issue appears only on Search and Archives pages. - Fixed: Incorrect icon on buttons group from latest version of Redux Theme Options. - Fixed: Incorrect alignment on Unordered list (back-end). - Fixed: Disqus console error if comments are not open. - Improved: AMP layouts will match the non AMP home, archives and search pages. - Improved: Javascript compability for future releases (WP 5.7) of jQuery - Improved: Highly Optimized CSS usage on AMP pages (aprox 30 to 50% of total CSS usage). - Added: "Go to comments" button on AMP posts/pages. - Added: HTML 5 validation for email field on comments section. - Added: * Now when hovering the date it will display the published date and the modified date on a Tooltip. - Added: * New option to display "The modified Date" on Theme Options -> Blog -> Global. - Added: New translations for the modified date tooltip. - Removed: Color validation from styling section (on some server configuration the colors are always sanitized as "#FFFFFF" generating some important color issues). v4.5.8 - 22 November 2020 - Fixed: Safari incorrect styles when Disqus is selected as main comment method. - Removed: Prefetch CSS method (preload will be used as fallback). v4.5.7 - 20 November 2020 - Fixed: Recent Tweets widget not working. - Fixed: Author box incorrect color from Styling section. - Improved: Footer Copyright section now uses full editor (with shortcode generator). - Improved: AMP validations and warnings. - Improved: Custom Scripts (head & footer) will not work anymore on AMP to validate the pages properly, now it is required to use "Custom Code for AMP pages" instead. - Improved: Viewport size on AMP pages. - Improved: Hard rework Woocommerce styles, now WC style will be loaded only if WC plugin is installed and activated, also WC styles are now in a separated CSS file this will improve speed on non WC websites. - Improved: Woocommerce styles are not loaded anymore on AMP pages, this heavily reduce the amount of CSS used in the theme. - Improved: Styles for captions (Gallery and Single image for Gutenberg). - Improved: Reduced LCP for single post image (speed improvement). - Added: New option to disable "tags" below single post (not categories). - Added: Now breadcrumb will appear on all pages (archives, search, etc) except the main homepage. v4.5.5 - 17 August 2020 - Fixed: Some incorrects colors with the latest version of Redux Panel, all colors must be uppercase. - Fixed: The search box should always be displayed on main search page. - Fixed: Search icon on AMP pages not redirecting to the search page. - Fixed: Social Icons disappears on latest Redux Panel update. - Fixed: Incorrect design on author input box (from Woocommerce reviews section). - Improved: Versioning of assets when using Reco Child Theme. - Improved: Import/Export theme options section renamed to Backup. - Improved: If no menu is assigned to header, the mobile menu icon will not appear. - Improved: How SCSS files are generated (developer friendly). - Improved: Tested Theme compatibility up to WP 5.5 - Improved: WooCommerce compatibility up to 4.3.3 - Improved: How lightbox is applied to Gutenberg Galleries. - Improved: Now Gutenberg Galleries and Single Gutenberg image will display caption on Lightbox. - Improved: Latest tweets widget, now the amount of tweets is more accurated. - Added: Notice notification to ensure Core plugin is up to date. - Added: New option to exclude replies on Latest Tweets widget. v4.5.2 - 15 July 2020 - Fixed: Lazy Embeds (iframes) are marked as insecure on Microsoft Edge browser. - Fixed: Subscribe section do not appear if no image is assigned as background. v4.5.1 - 11 July 2020 - Fixed: Back to top button disappears when sticky header is disabled. - Improved: Ajax Load More button with heavy cache plugins. - Added: New option to select URL share method (permalink or shortlink) on Theme options -> blog -> share buttons. v4.5.0 - 29 June 2020 Summary: Core Web Vital (CWB) improvements. TTI: Time to interactive. LCP: Largest Contentful Paint CSL: Cumulative Layout Shift - Improved: Passive listener warning for CWB. - Improved: Image size for grid articles. - Improved: Several changes to improve LCP on Articles list. - Improved: Several changes to improve LCP on Single Post Content. - Improved: Now secondary CSS files, will be loaded with Preload to reduce the priority of not critical CSS files. - Improved: Now fonts icons are loaded in a separated file, to reduce the load of other critical CSS. - Improved: Now Slider scripts will be loaded only if needed on every page. - Improved: Now Code Prettify (prism) will be loaded only if needed on every page. - Improved: Lazy Load function for PHP 7.4 - Improved: Now subscribe background image will use lazy load by default. - Improved: Renamed functions/reco-functions.php to theme-functions.php - Improved: Now functions/sidebars.php, post-formats.php and theme-functions.php can be used inside the child theme, to override any function of these files. - Improved: Now Mobile users can use Zoom (max: 5). - Improved: Now subscribe form will open a new window, this will reduce bounce rate. - Added: Rel noopener and nofollow to several external links (social) and main download button. - Added: New optimization section (advanced settings). - Added: New option to select theme font icons method (standard, javascript or in footer), this will improve TTI and reduce a little the LCP from CWB. - Added: New option to add a delay to the font icons load (only available for Javascript method). - Added: New option on Optimization -> adv settings, now low priority CSS can use Prefetch, Preload or Standard methods. - Added: * New Speed Option, Async Scripts inside Theme options -> Optimization -> advanced. - Added: * AMP Compatibility (Transitional mode) for Posts, Home, Pages and Archives (categories, tags and author), except Woocommerce pages or single. - Added: * AMP Theme Options section. - Added: New how to enable AMP documentation - Added: * New Subscribe extra parameters (this will help to avoid the mailchimp redirection and subscribe visitors inmediatly).
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