Zephyr v8.6.1 – Material Design Theme

最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:55:14


Zephyr Theme is a fantastic website design with excellent attention to detail, based on the most recent design trends (Material Design) on WordPress.

8 appearance animations for columns and photos on any page, easy to set up and use, rapid setup and demo import, pre-drawn image builder, 2 pre-made slide import files, 6 predefined color styles, and much more.

⭐另请参考: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily

演示: https://themeforest.net/search/9865647

Features Zephyr Theme – Material Design Theme

Features Zephyr Theme
  • Awe-inspiring design with meticulous attention to detail
    • According to the most recent design trend (Material Design)
    • Authentic motions, responsive interaction, and hierarchical timings are all features of this game.
    • Graphics that are Retina-Ready and Ultra-High Resolution
    • Fully responsive, with the option to disable it.
    • Typography, usability, and user experience are all important considerations.
    • Backgrounds with a Parallax Effect
    • There are eight different appearance animations for columns and images on any page.
  • Before you buy, take a test drive.
    • Test the theme with your favorite plugins and your content with ease (via themetest)
  • Simple to set up and utilize
    • Importing Demo Content & Quick Installation
    • Drag’n’drop Visual Composer ($34 value) built-in
    • Theme Updater That Updates Itself
  • Exceptional Customer Service
    • Updates are always free.
    • A concise booklet that answers all of the frequently asked questions
    • Custom Requests have their own Support Forum.
  • Inside are some fantastic sliders.
    • Slider Revolution ($19 value) is included.
    • 2 import files for Slider Revolution that have already been built
    • Fotorama is included in the package for picture sliders.
    • Slick Slider is included in the package for the carousel of client logos.
  • Colors in an infinite number of combinations
    • There are six color schemes to choose from.
    • In the theme settings, there are 40 different color groupings to choose from (even more with CSS)
  • Options for Advanced Portfolios
    • For each of your portfolio pieces, create a unique URL slug.
    • 5 incredible hover effects
    • two to five columns
    • 3 different title alignments
    • 5 proportions of tiles
    • Ajax load / pagination
    • Filters by category
  • Options for Advanced Blogs
    • There are three different layout options (Small Image, Large Image, Masonry Grid)
    • Any post meta element (date, author, comments, categories, tags, and “Read More” button) can be shown or hidden.
    • Ajax load / pagination
    • There are three types of excerpts.
  • Optional Advanced Typography
    • Use Google Fonts or a combination of web-safe fonts.
    • On desktop and mobile, set different font sizes for nine element groups.
  • Prepared for translation
    • Optimized for WPML
    • Theme settings can be used to create custom language switcher links.
  • Customizations to the nth degree are possible.
    • Quick CSS has its own theme options field.
    • Custom HTML has its own theme settings field.
    • Compatible with child themes — contains a simple child theme.
  • Accordion & Toggles, ActionBox, Button, Contact Form, Counter, IconBox, Image Gallery, Image Slider, Google Map, Message Box, Portfolio Grid, Responsive Columns, Separator, Social Links, Tabs & Timeline, Team Member, Testimonial, Video Player are some of the easy-to-use elements.
  • Other Interesting Features
    • Contact Form 7 plugin is fully compatible.
    • 519 FontAwesome icons + 754 Material Design icons make up the total of 1273 icons.
    • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) best practices were used to create the code.

变更日志: Zephyr – Material Design Theme

v8.6.1 — March 15, 2022
FIXED bug when it's not possible to install the UpSolution Core plugin on the Addons page

v8.5.1 — February 2, 2022
FIXED bug when Tabs doesn't show the element without content between HTML tags after update to version 8.5
FIXED incorrect work of the "Items Quantity" option in Grid > Terms of selected taxonomy > Product attributes
FIXED bug when Maintenance page header takes settings from the homepage if the Yoast plugin is active
FIXED bug when Accordions can't be opened in the Live Builder preview after update to version 8.5
FIXED bug when the default Checkout page doesn't show notifications after update to version 8.5
FIXED bug when Page Custom CSS isn't working in Content Templates without WPBakery
FIXED bug when the Text Block editor (TinyMCE) ignores custom settings in Live Builder
FIXED issue when Trendy Tabs without sections shows a horizontal line
FIXED case of fatal error with PHP 7.2 and below

v8.4 — November 28, 2021
ADDEDnew SEO Agency and IT Agency demos. You can copy their favorite sections via the side panel or import the demo data on the Demo Import admin page
ADDEDnew 6 styles for Tabs and Vertical Tabs elements
ADDED ability to have "FAQpage" structured data markup for several pages. Now the markup is enabled via the Accordion option only
IMPROVEDLive Builder:
added ability to copy Row/Section inside builder preview
added ability to edit Grid on Search Results preview
improved ability to click Row/Sections panel on hover
fixed issue when Row/Section with the Columns "Custom" value crashes an empty column in the preview area
fixed work of builder preview when WordPress is installed in a subdirectory
fixed appearance of color picker with a gradient in elements settings
fixed case when Contact Form changes aren't saved
fixed ability to add more than one Inner Row
IMPROVEDWP Rocket support – now the "Delay JavaScript execution" option doesn't affect on theme JS files by default
IMPROVEDGrid with no results – now its Page Block can show the other Grid inside. Check the example
IMPROVEDTabs element – added option to align tabs horizontally. Check examples
UPDATED Google Fonts list
UPDATED languages files
FIXED work of "Position" and "Border Style" in Design settings, when Mobiles value isn't overriding Desktops value
FIXED bug when Text element inside a Page Block in header menu always has the "nowrap" value
FIXED Button Style preview (in Theme Options) with an accident huge font-size value, e.g. 20em
FIXED bug when "Design > Hide on" settings aren't working for Popup shown via a page load
FIXED bug when Grid Filter with custom fields is empty on pages with Page Block in content
FIXED bug in Grid with "Manually selected terms" when it's not possible to find some terms
FIXED bug when not possible to scroll Popup content with Tabs or Accordions inside
FIXED bug when animated elements in the first section aren't shown without scroll
FIXED case when newly added Button is not shown after updating a page
FIXED PHP errors when Post Custom Fields uses unsupported ACF types
FIXED accessibility issue with Vertical Header on tablets and mobiles
FIXED bug when Grid Filter isn't showing on the Search Results page
FIXED bug when Headings have extra bottom margin on mobiles
FIXED bug when SEO meta tags didn't apply for Shop page
FIXED some minor issues

Version 8.3.5 — October 28, 2021
UPDATED Google Fonts list
FIXED case when values set for Laptops/Tablets/Mobiles in any element Design settings are reset after saving

Version 8.3.2 — October 18, 2021 #
FIXED work of Video preview in Post Image element after update to version 8.3
FIXED incorrect Headings indents on small screens after update to version 8.3
FIXED incorrect position of "stretched" columns with Vertical Header
FIXED appearance of Gravity Forms submit button on small screens
FIXED work of Shape Divider Height option in Live Builder

Version 8.3 — October 12, 2021 #
ADDED ability to edit Page Blocks and Content Templates via Live Builder
IMPROVED Live Builder:
added Undo/Redo functionality via the buttons or hotkeys
(Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Shift + Z on Windows, Cmd +Z / Cmd + Shift + Z on Mac)
added visual indication for Page Custom CSS when it's not empty
IMPROVED Typography settings – now all "Font Size" fields have free user input, so you can use CSS functions (calc, min, max, clamp) with any units to apply responsive behavior via a single value
IMPROVED Tabs, Vertical Tabs elements – added option to set a screen width when tabs should transform to Accordion
IMPROVED Post Custom Field element – added options to set HTML tag for "Text before value" and "Text after value"
IMPROVED Grid element – added the ability to show a Page Block when a Grid doesn't have items
IMPROVED Map element – added shortcodes support inside the Marker Text field
UPDATED Font Awesome icons to version 5.15.4. Tripadvisor brand icon was replaced by a "plane" icon due to removing them from the icons set.
UPDATED Google Fonts list
UPDATED languages files
UPDATED Material icons
FIXED bug when the OpenStreetMaps enables the Google Maps checkbox after clicking the "Auto Optimize" button
FIXED bug when the "Hide this element if its value is empty" option isn't working for Images in Post Custom Field
FIXED appearance of Gravity Forms fields, now they correspond to the "Theme Options > Fields Style" settings
FIXED bug when values of ACF select, checkbox, radio fields are ignoring the specified "Return Format"
FIXED bug when the Page Custom CSS added for Content Template is duplicated for each Page Block
FIXED conflicts with some 3rd-party plugins on admin pages because of Font Awesome icons
FIXED bug when Vertical Parallax isn't working in some pages with Content Template applied
FIXED visibility of an extra checkbox inside Grid Filter dropdown when Gutenberg is enabled
FIXED bug when Page Scroller takes into account rows/sections inside a Popup element
FIXED bug when  shortcode breaks all Video Player elements on the same page
FIXED bug when a map is displayed even if the Map Custom Field address is empty
FIXED appearance of Search in a Page Block which is located inside mobile menu
FIXED work of the "Show items of selected taxonomies" option in Grid element
FIXED bug when columns in Live Builder are not stacking properly sometimes
FIXED bug when a Video Player element breaks video inside Slider Revolution
FIXED bug when FileBird PRO plugin is not receiving updates notifications
FIXED bug when smooth scroll to ID isn't working inside a Popup element
FIXED bug when Text element doesn't support the <br> tag in Live Builder
FIXED bug when Row Copy function not copying the background image
FIXED bug when the Page Block CSS doesn't work on the home page
FIXED editing of Custom HTML element with Live Builder
FIXED work of Google Maps and FlipBox in inactive tabs
FIXED bug when Tabs section shows the wrong title
FIXED editing of Map Marker Text with Live Builder
FIXED work of [lang] shortcode inside Link fields
FIXED some minor issues

Version 8.2.1 — September 3, 2021 #
FIXED bug when Video Player element shows only the last Youtube video

Version 8.2 — September 1, 2021 #
ADDED support of custom fields in more theme elements
IMPROVED Live Builder:
Page Custom CSS is now working with the disabled WPBakery plugin
increased builder loading speed on the first load
IMPROVED Map element:
added support of ACF Google Maps field
Google Maps API key added in Theme Options is automatically registered for ACF
added support of using custom fields like {{my_custom_field}} inside the Address field
added support of using custom fields like {{my_custom_field}} inside the Marker Text field, including predefined {{address}}
now marker info text styles are inherited from the Design settings
IMPROVED Image element – added the "Phone 12 Flat" which imitates iPhone 12 mockup. Also, you can change its outline and background colors. Check the examples
IMPROVED Portfolio, Testimonials editing – now by default they have the same permissions as Posts editing
IMPROVED Post Custom Field element:
added <span class="w-post-elm-value"> wrapper for the text value to improve customizations
enabled empty element with "Hide this element if its value is empty" in Live Builder
IMPROVED Person element – added options to change HTML tag and font-size of person's name
IMPROVED Image, Text elements – added Hover settings like in other Grid Layout elements
IMPROVED Tabs, Vertical Tabs elements – added Accordion related settings
IMPROVED Search element – added option to search specific post types
UPDATED Google Fonts list
UPDATED languages files
FIXED bug when enabled "Columns Layout via CSS grid" breaks a custom columns layout, which was set via WPBakery
FIXED bug when custom columns layout applies to all responsive states instead of Desktops only
FIXED bug when a custom link in Grid Layout doesn't disable the "Open link in a new tab" option
FIXED bug when Grid Filter doesn't work on the Search Results page, if it follows after Grid
FIXED Column background overlay position when the "Columns Layout via CSS grid" is off
FIXED bug when empty Image element with description shows the current post content
FIXED appearance of H2 Headings in Product tabs with default WooCommerce layout
FIXED bug when Contact Form strips line breaks from the Text (multiple lines) field
FIXED bug when Grid Filter dropdown falls under the Grid with rounded corners
FIXED bug when "Gap between columns" isn't updating in Live Builder in Safari
FIXED bug when the "Header Initial Position" isn't applied to the Laptops state
FIXED bug when Play button stopped working in Video Player with an overlay
FIXED bug when the "Additional gap" option of Row applies to Inner Row too
FIXED Gap between items in Horizontal Wrapper with the "Right" alignment
FIXED visibility of Gutenberg button in the backend WPBakery Page builder
FIXED bug when Header empty cells are not hiding on some screen width
FIXED conflict with the "WooCommerce Extra Product Options" plugin
FIXED appearance of Tabs inside Tabs (via using inside Page Block)
FIXED work of fullscreen mode of text editor in Live Builder in Safari
FIXED bug when Mobile Menu with animation cuts menu dropdown
FIXED bug when the "Edit Live" button appears on archive pages
FIXED appearance of Sidebar on RTL websites on small screens
FIXED bug when an empty element is too high in Live Builder
FIXED bug when SVG image doesn't appear in Live Builder
FIXED bug when a Vertical Header is not sticky on iPad
FIXED bug when Mobile Menu cuts the Page Block
FIXED bug when Social Links inline style is broken
FIXED some minor issues

Version 8.1 — July 30, 2021 #
IMPROVED Live Builder:
added Page Settings panel, which allows changing the page title and "Page Layout", "Custom appearance in Grid", "SEO meta tags" settings. Now you can select the Header, Content template, Footer of your page and see the changes right away.
added preview of the "Additional gap" option for the old columns layout
added support of FileBird plugin
improved "hamburger" menu appearance
IMPROVED Header Builder:
added the fourth responsive state "Laptops", which increases customization of your site header layout
added Custom Breakpoint option, which allows using default global breakpoints from Theme Options > Site Layout
IMPROVED WPBakery compatibility – turned back the Frontend Editor when Live Builder is disabled in Theme Options > Advanced
IMPROVED Grid Layout Builder – added the ability to add an Image element for your grid layouts
IMPROVED Gap between Columns option in new columns layout – added ability to use %
UPDATED Google Fonts list
UPDATED languages files
FIXED incorrect background appearance, when gradient and image are set in Design > Background
FIXED work of "Stretch to the screen edge" option on mobiles for new columns layout
FIXED appearance animation CSS classes to avoid conflict with 3rd party plugins
FIXED bug when "Custom Columns Layout" option isn't applied on the frontend
FIXED work of "Reverse order for columns stacking" for new columns layout
FIXED bug when Grid Filter shows empty categories for On-sale products
FIXED incorrect default alignment of Sharing Buttons with "Fixed" layout
FIXED bug when Column Overlay appears under the background image
FIXED bug when Popup settings were not opening in Header Builder
FIXED bug when "Sticky Column Top Position" option was disabled
FIXED bug when Popup scrolling causes page scrolling on mobiles
FIXED incorrect indents of Tabs and Carousel inside Fullwidth Row
FIXED the fields border preview in Theme Options > Fields Style
FIXED bug when Maintenance Mode isn't working with WPML
FIXED bug when Grid doesn't take Price Filter widget in AJAX
FIXED styling of WooCommerce Products reviews pagination
FIXED bug when Sidebar has an extra side indent on mobiles
FIXED work of the "load more" button in Media Library
FIXED bug when Menu ID isn't applied in Headers
FIXED the "Fade" animation in Carousels
FIXED incorrect position of empty Grids
FIXED aria-label for "Back to top" link
FIXED some minor issues

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