SmartMag v8.0.5 – News & Magazine WordPress

最后更新于:2022-03-29 02:34:30


SmartMag is a news and magazine website. WordPress is a strong and adaptable WordPress theme that helps modern and successful magazines, newspapers, and blogs succeed.

Since 2014, SmartMag has been tested on websites with millions of visits and has powered tens of thousands of pages. ThemeSphere published Ultimate Version 5.xx after 7 years of significant customer feedback, research, and experience. It’s still as simple to use as it’s ever been, as efficient as it’s ever been, and as versatile as it’s ever been for creating webpages based on your creativity.

Make your material more appealing, appealing, and easy to utilize. SmartMag is available for download now and can be set up in minutes.



Update: A new dark mode with a UI switcher has been added.

Features: SmartMag – News & Magazine WordPress

  • With Enter Demo with One Click, you may access over ten professionally developed demonstrations.
  • Rich snippets for the URL, article schema, and review are all included in the SEO optimization. Improve SEO even further with WordPress SEO by Yoast‘s complete plugin compatibility.
  • Elementor Page Builder is a page builder that uses ThemeSphere’s unique magic to create spectacular pages.
  • Smart Studio: Pre-made blocks, sections, and layouts that can be imported with a single click for a single powerful homepage.
  • A one-of-a-kind Mega Menu with more than three different styles to pick from.
  • Login / Register Modal with Social using the activation link in the headline.
  • Live Customization is extremely adaptable. Thousands of possibilities and instant modifications.
  • To meet the requirements, all components must be responsive on all devices.
  • Create a Great Store Using Industry Standard E-Commerce Platform for WordPress with WooCommerce Fully Integrated.
  • Fully integrated bbPress: Create a stunning forum that appears in your newspaper, blog, or magazine.
  • Dark mode is unique. Dark mode works well. In the header, include a scheme switcher or activate it by default. Colors specific to dark mode can be customized. It’s ideal for sports and game news publications.
  • Multiple layouts: Posts, Pages, and Categories may be set to utilize a full-width layout or a right-sidebar layout (Custom Sidebar Sidebar plugins are also supported).
  • Colors and fonts may be customized in an infinite number of ways.
  • There are over 900 Google Web Fonts and thousands of Adobe Fonts to choose from.
  • All theme visuals scale wonderfully on high resolution displays and are Retina Ready (HD).
  • RTL (right-to-left) (right to left) When WordPress is set to utilize the RTL language, it is supported and instantly active.
  • The translation is complete and WPML compatible.
  • Many preset places, such as header top/bottom, footer top/bottom, single post before/after, and after X paragraphs, can be used for ads and custom codes. For bespoke locations, you may utilize widgets and the page builder.
  • List layout with 7+ categories and archives
  • Multiple homepage blocks: There are several blocks with limitless permutations, including the most versatile and powerful block system of any WordPress theme.
  • Header can be customized To make your own header, use the customizer:
    • There are more than 9 aspects to consider while creating your title.
    • Smart Sticky Header will show the title bar of your choosing, with the goal of detecting scrolling to the top.
    • With only one click, you may access over ten pre-made titles.
    • Colors, typefaces, and layouts may all be changed.
    • Create your own own mobile header.
  • Integration of social media Use of Social Media:
    • Social sharing that is either fixed or floating.
    • Share the above article on social media.
    • Below the post is a social sharing box.
    • Include social media icons in the header, footer, and sidebar.
    • With the Counter Widget, you can track how many people are following you on social media.
    • Official widgets like Facebook Like box are supported.
  • (GUI criteria / review creator) Integrated rating system
    • An illustration of a percentage rating
    • Example of a Point Rating
    • An illustration of a star rating
    • User feedback is encouraged.
  • There are several different types of posts: standard, image, gallery, audio, and video.
  • Chrome, Safari, and Firefox are all cross-browser compatible.
  • Message blocks and utilities:
    • Mailchimp integration is available.
    • Other suppliers’ custom codes can be combined with their official codes.
    • There are several style choices and variants available.
    • Available for widgets in the sidebar and footer, as well as in the page builder.
  • 12+ Premium Custom Widgets with a plethora of options Default widgets are also widely supported.
  • Support for Google AMP includes a fully working interface that includes a main page and an off-canvas navigation.
  • Features of the advanced catalog include: (in Customizer and per category)
    • Set the color of the category for the menu and category labels.
    • Set the background picture for a certain category (for boxed layout).
    • Choose from one of the seven listing styles.
    • To highlight posts, enable the highlighted area grid.
    • Enable the right sidebar or go with a full-width design.
    • Infinite scrolling, Load More, or number paging are all options.
  • Gutenberg (new WordPress editor) is fully supported with ThemeSphere’s unique styling. Quotes, double quotes, and delimiters are all unique style variants for Gutenberg blocks.
  • Aspect ratio of an image All blocks and lists may be customized to display the picture in whatever ratio you want: 4:3, 16:9 Wide, Super Wide, Tall, or your own custom ratio.
  • There are three different types of pagination: infinite scroll, load More, and Numbers. AJAX-enabled number blocks paginate to show without reloading.
  • Off-canvas Menu customization for mobile may also be enabled on the desktop.
    Multiple layouts and style adjustments are available in the flexible footer style.
  • A nice-looking UI overlay with Direct Search, which displays results soon as you type.
  • Use the most recent Javascript and CSS speed enhancements.
  • The following are some of the unique performance features that come with the free performance guide.
    • Lazyload images are built-in.
    • Code that is highly optimized.
    • Preload and conditional loading are ThemeSphere-only optimizations.
  • Post with many pages The slide is a one-of-a-kind post type from ThemeSphere that can be used with AJAX or a regular next page load.
  • Next post will auto-load on a Google Ads and Google Analytics-friendly publishing page.
  • There are six pre-made article styles to choose from, each with numerous modifications.
  • There are a lot of Page Templates.
  • For headlines, there’s a built-in trending news markup.
  • For more sophisticated adjustments, child themes are available.
  • And there’s more.

变更日志: SmartMag – Responsive & Retina WordPress Magazine

v8.0.5 MARCH 27, 2022
Categories query / pagination issue.
Large and Larger font size in latest Gutenberg version.
Full-width Gutenberg blocks in tablet+ devices not going full viewport.
Scrollbars on mobile view with 3rd party elements.

v7.1.1 - January 28, 2022
- Improved: UX of Sidebar Width option and applying correct when both px and % set.
- Fixed: Sidebar Gap setting not working properly.
- Fixed: WordPress 5.9 Yoast SEO conflict & metaboxes not saving.

v7.1.0 - January 26, 2022
- WordPress 5.9 compatibility and improvements.
- Fixed: "By" string for post meta now can be searched in Loco Translate.
- Fixed: Post Editor issues on WordPress 5.9.
- Fixed: Sort Days for Jetpack Views sort.
- Improved: Debloat plugin rules for dark mode if all scripts delayed.
- Improved: Exclude dark switcher from Debloat delay load.
- Improved: Usage of bunyad_meta_boxes filter in SmartMag core & example for CPTs.

Version 6.0.0 - August 23, 2021
- Massive Speed Improvements on mobile for Core Web Vitals using our updated performance guide and Debloat plugin integration with Remove Unused CSS, Delay Load and so on.
- Smarter task scheduling in the theme JS for performance.
- Preload icon fonts for further CLS improvements.
- Added: 3 New importable Homepage in Smart Studio.
- Added: 3 new importable Header presets.
- Added: Image roundness feature for all blocks.
- Added: Small titles typography options for News Focus / Focus Grid block.
- Added: Several dev filters/hooks for theme templates.
- Added: Vertical centered content option to List blocks.
- Added: Option to specify minimum comments before shown in meta.
- Added: Search modal overlay color customization.
- Added: Force disable all Google fonts option for theme and Elementor.
- Added: 5 new importable blocks/sections in Smart Studio.
- Improved: Gutenberg Separator block colors support.
- Improved: Custom sidebar width support in px.
- Improved: Review box verdict design with longer text support.
- Improved: Featured grids image selection for grid-b on 1x devices.
- Improved: Post Cover layout support for post formats.
- Improved: WPML string definitions for 2 missing customizer texts.
- Improved: Compatibility with custom Elementor Pro layouts.
- Improved: Points can now be used in overall rating of review posts.
- Fixed: Featured grids meta removal via Elementor when also set via customizer.
- Fixed: Custom code feature for footer.
- Fixed: Offset incorrectly applied in heading filters.
- Fixed: Non-breaking JS error on a few elementor widgets.
- Fixed: Taxonomies with CPT and custom IDs in Elementor widgets.
- Fixed: WhatsApp icon in header social icons.
- Fixed: Small Title typography settings Featured grid block.
- Several new Customizer and Elementor options.
- Compatibility testing/updates for plugins such as WooCommerce 5.6.

v5.5.0 - July 20, 2021
- WordPress 5.8+ compatibility improvements.
- Added: Option to add AMP only head codes in Custom Codes.
- Improved: Backend editor styling for latest Gutenberg.
- Improved: Mobile logo height consistency on AMP and responsive.
- Improved: AMP ad code without accompanying normal code is allowed now.
- Fixed: Lazyload compatibility with 3rd party plugins like MetaSlider.
- Fixed: Classic Editor JS issue when using WP older than v5.6.
- Bunyad AMP: Path suffix /amp/ support option for URLs.
- Bunyad AMP: Now includes hero image CLS optimizations.
- Bunyad AMP: Updated to latest official specs.

v5.4.0 - July 12, 2021
- New Design/演示: Social Life.
- Added: Option to exclude tags in blocks and widgets.
- Added: New importable Homepage in Smart Studio.
- Added: Option for default WooCommerce page layouts.
- Added: Feature to select text or badge style for categories in single meta.
- Added: Hide or Show last item / title in breadcrumbs on single pages.
- Added: WPRocket plugin delay JS compatibility with Autoload next post.
- Added: 2 new importable sections in Smart Studio.
- Added: New preset header option: Colored Mix.
- Improved: Further optimized images lazyloading performance.
- Improved: Widget About social icons drag/drop reorder.
- Improved: Sticky sidebar subpixel rendering on 1x screens.
- Improved: Preset headers settings apply consistency.
- Fixed: Autoload next post JS conditional load.
- Fixed: Tabbed Recent widget for more than 4 posts.
- Fixed: Pagination for blocks in Elementor Plugin page templates.
- Fixed: sub/sup HTML element positioning and font sizes.
- Fixed: Multiple "Hide On" settings for Custom Codes / Ads.
- 8 other minor CSS and design improvements.

v5.3.0 - June 20, 2021
- 2 New Designs: PrimeMag and Financial.
- Added: Border weight option for heading style C and variants.
- Added: Options to adjust sidebar gap/spacing.
- Added: Custom sidebar width options in percent or pixels.
- Added: Telegram to Social Sharing services.
- Added: 2 new Header presets in Customizer.
- Added: 2 new importable Homepages in Smart Studio.
- Added: TikTok, Twitch, Telegram, Discord to social links.
- Added: 6+ social networks to Social Follow widget.
- Added: Option to enable Yoast Primary Category support (in Misc).
- Added: Several customization options for single social top.
- Improved: 1x image quality for Featured Grid A style.
- Improved: Script enqueue order for some performance plugins.
- Improved: SmartMag About widget has all social icons now.
- Improved: Customization options for header trending ticker.
- Fixed: Reset options not clearing cache.
- Fixed: Recent tabs number of posts option.
- Fixed: Classic footer long links list not wrapping on mobile.
- Updated: Google fonts options with latest fonts.

Version 5.2.0 - May 6, 2021
- Improved: Blocking time on mobile.
- Improved: CLS and blocking on desktops.
- Improved: Autoload next post load Google Adsense ads.
- Improved: Site Width header styling.
- Improved: Redundant date links removed in post meta.
- Improved: Title tags on image links for accessibility.
- Improved: Added many new dev hooks such as for meta.
- Added: Custom width option for hamburger icon.
- Added: Exclude post by IDs in blocks.
- Fixed: Custom Date format option on header.
- Fixed: Text element on mobile header.
- Fixed: Hamburger icon stretch in "site-width" header rows.
- Fixed: Vimeo in social follow widget.
- Fixed: Pagination in authors page template.

Version 5.1.2 - April 2, 2021
- Improved: PHP8 compatibility.
- Improved: Navigation touch actions on laptops with touchscreen.
- Improved: Adsense responsive auto units dimensions adapt better.
- Improved: Changed heading tag in auth modal.
- Fixed: Unnecessary mobile logo tag.
- Fixed: Settings only import in Demo Importer.

Version 5.0.3 - March 4, 2021
- Improved: Sticky Social behavior with some cache plugins.
- Added: Simple Dark 2 (News) Header Preset.
- Added: News Spotlight in Smart Studio.
- Added: News Homepage in Smart Studio.
- Fixed: Errors on a few Smart Studio imports.
- Fixed: Disable BG images.
- Fixed: Re-added compatibility for old WP galleries.
- Fixed: Comments hidden on AMP too when setting enabled.
- Fixed: Users with non-admin capabilities login issue.
- Fixed: PHP Notice on some block configs with WP_DEBUG.

Version 5.0.0 - February 24, 2021
IMPORTANT: This a major update, please read before updating:
- Our biggest update yet. Massive number of features, and full rewrite with backward compatibility.
- 5+ New Demos.
- New Supercharged Elementor Pagebuilder with our unique magic.
- 60+ importable blocks/sections via Smart Studio.
- Live Customizer with thousands of settings. Instantly preview customizations.
- Unique Dark Mode with header switcher and color customization options for dark mode.
- Re-designed/polished most elements to be modern.
- Much of legacy JS rewritten for performance.
- Added: 3 new single post styles with countless variations.
- Added: Beautiful Newsletter Subscribe widgets and blocks.
- Added: 9 Smart Flexible base blocks with ability to create countless variations.
- Added: Full Gutenberg / new WordPress Editor integration.
- Added: 7 new Block Heading styles with infinite customization options.
- Added: Autoload Next Post for single page with Google Ads and Analytics support.
- Added: One-click demo import for all demos.
- Added: Smart Studio - Premade homes, sections, and blocks for page builder.
- Added: Unique variations for Gutenberg blocks such as quotes, pullquotes, separator.
- Added: Sticky/Floating social share with 4 design styles.
- Added: Smart Image System that relies on only 3 additional image sizes now.
- Added: Heading styles for sidebar, footer widgets, and single post sections.
- Added: Estimate post read time for post meta - usable in all blocks and listings.
- Added: "Updated Date" in post meta of single posts for SEO benefits.
- Added: Social sharing buttons above the post and new social networks options.
- Added: Login / Register Modal with WordPress Social Login plugin support.
- Added: Flexible Post Meta. Move and enable / disable items as you like.
- Added: Smart Headers - 10 Presets and 9+ elements to build your own main and mobile header.
- Added: 2 new Mega Menu styles.
- Added: Bunyad AMP Plugin. Makes your amp version look the same as non-amp.
- Added: New page layouts and settings.
- Added: Off-canvas menu for desktops and mobiles with widgets support.
- Added: Load more pagination type and updated pagination designs.
- Added: Built-in Lazyload feature for images and iframes.
- Added: 9 Featured Area grids that are customizable and also be used as Slider.
- Added: Image Aspect Ratio selection (or custom) for all blocks and listings.
- Added: A migrator and converter for conversion from older versions.
- Added: New Ads widget with AMP code and devices support.
- Added: Modern Lightbox for galleries and linked images in single posts.
- Added: Full-page overlay modern search with customization options.
- Added: Responsiveness and mobile layout has been redone for modern devices.
- Added: New Bold Footer style.
- Added: Option to enable/disable FontAwesome (not needed anymore).
- Added: Enable/disable legacy theme features.
- Added: Add subtitles to Single Posts.
- Added: Options to customize Single Post
- Added: Option to have a Comments show/hide button toggle. Works great with Autoload next post.
- Added: Customization options for all header elements.
- Added: Mobile header can be customized separately.
- Added: More options for Related Post sources.
- Added: Footer colors and fonts customization options.
- Added: New breadcrumbs style and customization features.
- Added: Ability to show/hide breadcrumbs on archives, pages etc.
- Added: Advertisements and Custom Codes system. Insert ads before/after header, before/after single post content, footer etc.
- Added: Many more Featured Area styles for categories.
- Added: Full-width header options and styles.
- Added: Customizations for main layout such as Site Width.
- Added: Unique Core performance options such as preload.
- Added: 4 New Social Follow & Counters Widget Styles. And customization options.
- Added: Performance & Speed guide in documentation.
- Added: Unique Section Query feature to use same query for all blocks in a section.
- Added: Column options for footer widgets and improved custom layout.
- Added: Category labels customization and position options.
- Added: Full PHP 7.4+ compatibility.
- Added: New Powerful Latest Posts widget.
- Added: Grid, Highlights and Overlay block as widget.
- Added: Features to select layouts for other archives like author, search.
- Added: Option to add gradients to header background.
- Added: Fully tested compatibility with cache plugins.
- Added: Lightbox compatibility for mobile devices.
- Added: Customization options for all listing styles.
- Added: Enable/disable layout element such as read more on listings.
- Added: Customize text for 404 Pages.
- Added: New Post Format overlay styles in listings with size customization.
- Added: 2 columns support for social followers widget.
- Added: Contrast scheme support for blocks, when using on dark bg.
- Added: Reviews style in listings radial overlay, bars, or stars in meta.
- Added: Over 1000 theme settings options.
- Updated: Reviews schema updated with latest Google specs.
- Updated: CSS generation system with cache for better performance.
- Updated: Options system updated for less memory usage.
- Updated: Infinite scroll rewritten for performance.
- Updated: Google fonts to include many new fonts.
- Updated: New social services added and outdated removed in all areas.
- Updated: Footer copyright is now in Customizer with current year display support.
- Updated: Easy social settings in Customizer now, previously in header widget areas.
- Updated: Sticky header updated with smart scroll intent detection and option to select the row to make sticky.
- Updated: WooCommerce integration and styles for the latest version.
- Updated: bbPress design polished and improved compatibility.
- Countless bugs fixes and design tweaks. Tested and improved for modern browsers.
- Over 2000 hours of work done, and thousands of improvements on this release. This isn't a full list.

Version 3.4.0 - December 10, 2020
- Fixes for compatibility with WordPress v5.6.
- Updated: Bunyad Page Builder to fix styling.
- Fixed: Theme Options typography errors.

Version 3.3.1 - August 12, 2020
- Updated Bunyad Page Builder for WordPress v5.5.
- Added extra fields for review product schema.
- Fixed: Javascript errors in v5.5.

Version 3.3.0 - April 2, 2020
- Added: Feature to enter Schema info for Reviews.
- Fixed: breadcrumb deprecated by Google.
- Fixed: Review schema for the latest Schema requirement.
- Fixed: create_function and other error on PHP 7.2+
- Fixed: Removed Google+ share link.
- Fixed: Twitter social share links.
- Updated: WooCommerce template overrides.
- Updated: RevSlider (now included in "All Files" zip file in "Extra Plugins")

Version 3.2.0
- Added: GDPR Privacy page support.
- Added: Comment consent checkbox for WP v4.9.6+
- Added: Self-Hosted Google Fonts plugin support for GDPR.
- Added: WooCommerce 3.4 compatibility.
- Improved: IP no longer logged for Review Ratings due to GDPR.
- Updated RevSlider to latest version.

⭐另请参考: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily

下载 SmartMag v8.0.5 – Responsive & Retina WordPress Magazine Nulled Free

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