Rein v2.0.0 – Minimal Lightweight Dark Theme for WordPress

最后更新于:2022-03-27 01:27:42


Rein is a modern blog focused on speed and dark colors. Because of the great contrast, the theme works well for any type of site, especially lifestyle, photography, personal, or coding blogs. It is really light, and this quick theme was created using a variety of strategies to obtain high Google rankings, as well as code quality and SEO considerations. It’s simple to use and personalize. To make administration easier, it comes with 11 bespoke widgets and a robust theme settings panel. Rein supports RTL and is multilingual, with support for Turkish, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and English.

⭐另请参考: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily


Features: Rein – Minimal Lightweight Dark Theme for WordPress

  • The design is very light and modern.
  • Lightweight and highly optimized (just 1.5mb size).
  • Updated often.
  • ready for translation (English, Turkish, French, Portuguese and Spanish included).
  • Code has been optimized and minified.
  • ACF Pro is included in the package (save $29).
  • Updates with a single click.
  • Included is RTL.
  • Support for Open Graph.
  • Pre-compiled with Prepos 6 and built with SCSS (Windows and Mac compatible).
  • Section devoted to advertising (below header, before and after post content, custom advertise to place anywhere).
  • Between grid posts, there is an advertising space.
  • Supports an icon-based menu.
  • Posts have a sticky sidebar.
  • Lists with a Slow Load (home pages, archives, categories, etc).
  • For post material, use Lazy Load.
  • For embedding (iframes like Youtube/Vimeo/Soundcloud), use Lazy Load.
  • HTML5 and CSS3 are supported.
  • 3 dispositions for single posts
  • Fullwidth: a cover for photographs with a lot of pixels.
  • Image inside the article is standard.
  • No sidebar (classic)
  • For posts and pages, there is no sidebar style.
  • Page for Custom Tags
  • Page dedicated to a certain author
  • 404 Page with Your Own Design
  • Widget with information about myself.
  • Tag Cloud Widget that you may customize.
  • Galleries made to order.
  • Sections dedicated to advertisements.
  • Support for Disqus and Facebook.
  • Completely adaptable.
  • Video Assistance (Vimeo, Youtube, etc).
  • Ready for a Retina Display.
  • Icons created with Font Awesome.
  • It’s compatible with Android, iPad, and iPhone.
  • The documentation is also provided.
  • The design is simple and elegant.
  • Well-programmed.
  • Menu of options.

变更日志: Rein – Minimal Lightweight Dark Theme for WordPress

v2.2.5 - 04 September 2020
- Fixed: Overlay color not applied from Theme options -> styling section.
- Fixed: Caption not visible on Gutenberg Galleries when linked to media files.
- Fixed: Open Graph meta, is not visible if a custom page is assigned as front-page.
- Fixed: Header height overlap when entering in Fullscreen mode events, for example: Youtube.
- Improved: Latest tweets widget, now the amount of tweets is more accurated.
- Improved: Caption on Gutenberg Galleries is not a selectable element anymore.
- Improved: How lightbox is applied to Gutenberg Galleries.
- Improved: Now Gutenberg Galleries and Single Gutenberg image will display caption on Lightbox.
- Improved: How SCSS files are generated (developer friendly).
- Improved: Update Notification layout for WP 5.5
- Improved: Gravatar cache policies warning.
- Improved: Now if Lazy load is enabled, it will be applied to Gravatar (comments section).
- Improved: If no menu is assigned to header, the mobile menu icon will not appear.
- Improved: Mobile input fields size to 16px (google warning).
- Removed: Transparent color for Footer, now the default color is the same as the main website background.
- Added: New option to exclude replies on Latest Tweets widget.

v2.2.0 - 03 August 2020
- Fixed: Twitch social button do not appear on Header.
- Fixed: Minor script versioning when using Child themes.
- Fixed: PHP Error when the theme is changed and Rein functions plugin is still active. 
- Fixed: Disqus console error if comments are not open.
- Fixed: When title max length is assigned, sometimes missing character appears on Japanese language.
- Fixed: Featured image do not appear on admin -> all articles.
- Fixed: False/Positive for videos on Edge browser (not loading due a block of smart screen).
- Fixed: Passive listener warning from Google Insight.
- Fixed: Pattern Background not working properly.
- Fixed: RTL styles not loaded when Rein Child is active.
- Improved: Full Background image solution for mobile devices.
- Improved: If max title length is assigned and the title is less than the limit, the "..." (dots) will not appear if not needed.
- Improved: Lazy Load for PHP 7.4
- Improved: Now functions/sidebars.php, post-formats.php and theme-functions.php can be used inside the child theme, to override any function of these files.
- Improved: Now Prism JS will be loaded only if needed (speed up improvement).
- Improved: Mobile views and comments counter (for large amounts).
- Improved: Fonts Icons load.
- Improved: Several changes to improve LCP on Single Post Content.
- Improved: Several changes to improve LCP on Articles List and some home modules.
- Improved: Instagram API was deprecated, so the Instagram widget was replaced with a guide.
- Added: Update notification for Core plugin, some customers do not see the update button, this will ensure all is up to date.
- Added: New option to upload mobile image logo.
- Added: New option to change mobile body font size, and mobile single post font size.
- Added: * Fallback license validation method for those FTP who don't allow edit/create files.
- Added: New optimization section (advanced settings).
- Added: New option to select theme font icons method (standard, javascript or in footer), this will improve TTI and reduce a little the LCP from CWB.
- Added: New option to add a delay to the font icons load (only available for Javascript method).
- Added: New option on Optimization -> adv settings, now low priority CSS can use Prefetch, Preload or Standard methods.
- Added: * New Speed Option, Async Scripts inside Theme options -> Optimization -> advanced.

v2.0.6 - 14 April 2020
- Fixed: Minor warning when some colors are empty.
- Fixed: Custom color for Bold texts.
- Fixed: Incorrect redirection after finishing the Wizard on some server configurations.
- Fixed: Hover color for tag button text.
- Improved: description for Child theme.
- Added: Rel nofollow on EP Social Widget.
- Added: Rel nofollow on Social profiles (header).
- Added: Apply_filters to comments fields (this will ensure some plugins can dequeue any form fields, for example website field).
- Added: Tags description and custom background image (same feature as Categories) to improve SEO.

v2.0.5 - 29 January 2020
- Fixed: Error if the license page can't connect to the updates server.
- Fixed: Google font extra request when custom fonts are not selected on Theme Options panel.
- Fixed: Align Center not applied on some Gutenberg elements.
- Fixed: JS error on old browsers (IE 10 - IE 11)
- Fixed: Theme Options URL redirect on some WP installations that are not in English.
- Fixed: EP Social Widget redirect tab.
- Removed: Some CSS and JS .maps files to make the theme lighter.
- Removed: Old webfonts to make the theme lighter.
- Removed: Webfonts on Reco Functions plugin to make the plugin lighter. 
- Improved: Preload on custom Google Fonts from Theme Options.
- Improved: How to get purchase code on theme activation page.
- Improved: How to get username on theme activation page.
- Improved: Now after theme update is succesfully installed, it will display a update plugin button, just to ensure all is up to date.
- Improved: If the update was already downloaded, it will install directly from the license page to avoid more external requests.
- Improved: Iframes fixed height on mobile devices (replaced with responsive embeds).
- Improved: Now SCSS config compilator moved from Prepos v6 to Prepos v7.
- Improved: Prepos configuration to make the compilator faster.
- Improved: Optimized theme usage disk space from 1.4MB to 1.1MB
- Improved: Highly optimized disk space on main Rein Functions plugin from 1.2MB to 178KB
- Improved: Compatibility test up to PHP 7.4.1
- Improved: Styles for changelog (on license page).
- Added: Check connection button on license page.
- Added: nofollow attribute to social buttons on header.
- Added: Responsive embeds.
- Added: New option to disable default Google Fonts on Theme Options -> Typography.
- Added: New external changelog page with the detail of all versions.

v2.0.0 - 13 January 2020
- Fixed: when title length is assigned, that was affecting menu items (navigation widget).
- Fixed: embeds/iframes incorrect height on mobile devices.
- Fixed: incorrect alignment of sidebar on tablet devices.
- Fixed: incorrect background color for image captions.
- Fixed: blockquotes not changing font family (it should be the same as content titles).
- Fixed: footer copyright not changing font family (it should be the same as content titles).  
- Improved: added a new way to detect the parent theme, this should avoid customers using Child Theme see disappears the Theme Options section after updates.
- Improved: footer copyright now will use wpautop to prevent incorrect behavior on specific plugins (Elementor, Galleries Manager Pro).
- Improved: footer copyright now will use wpautop to prevent incorrect behavior on specific plugins (Elementor, Galleries Manager Pro).
- Improved: title length limit for grid posts will work for grid sidebar layout as well.
- Improved: input and submit buttons appearance on IOS devices.
- Improved: now share buttons will use short url instead, this will improve sharing posts on any language.
- Improved: now whatsapp share button works on Desktop and Mobile.- Improved: now One Click Demo importer plugin is not needed anymore.- Improved: All documentation about how to update the theme.
- Speed Improvement: now when selecting Google Fonts from Theme Options it will be displayed with swap attribute.
- Added: translation strings for Twitter Widget (days ago, hours ago, etc).
- Added: new welcome page with the minimun system requirements and changelog of the theme.
* New Feature: 1 Click Updates, there is a new License page to download updates directly also the theme will  periodically check for new versions.
* New Feature: Theme Wizard, if is your first installation it will appear a new Wizard page to guide new customers accross all required stuff to make the theme working properly. 

v1.4.0 - 13 December 2019
- Fixed: Instagram widget loaded even if the option was disabled (on footer).
- Fixed: meta info (comments and views counter) not displayed on grid sidebar layout.
- Fixed: columns shortcodes not aligned properly when using home text editor module.
- Fixed: lazy load incorrect syntax on Gutenberg Galleries.
- Fixed: EP shortcodes not working on WP 5.3
- Fixed: caption styles not applied on Gutenberg Galleries WP 5.3
- Fixed: incorrect alignment on Gutenberg Galleries WP 5.3
- Fixed: special characters when using share buttons (Twitter, VK, Facebook, etc).
- Improved: How to get Access Token from EP Instagram Widget.
- Improved: now paragraphs can be used on Footer Copyright text.
- Improved: now EP Recent Post Widget will exclude the current post (on single post) to avoid duplication (SEO boost).
- Improved: now EP Posts by Category Widget will exclude the current post (on single post) to avoid duplication (SEO boost).
- Added: rel nofollow to social profiles.
- Added: rel nofollow to custom banners.
- Added: new filter for all main posts modules (grid and classic), now the posts can be ordered by Date, Views (popular) and Title.
- Added: new filter for all main posts modules (grid and classic), now posts can be ordered ASC or DESC.

v1.3.0 - 16 November 2019
- Fixed: When Author box was disabled on Single Post, that was affecting the main author page (archives.php)
- Fixed: titles not disabled properly on pages.
- Fixed: incorrect text domain on Social Widget (not translatables strings).
- Fixed: minor translation text on Spanish.
- Fixed: incorrect background color for comments and views boxes (only on mobile).
- Added: new option to change lightbox background color (main search lightbox and galleries) on Styling -> header.
- Added: new option to limit the title length for grid posts and classic posts lists, this option is located on Theme options -> blog -> global options.
- Added: Instagram Widget.

v1.2.0 - 20 October 2019
- Fixed: Facebook APP ID moderation tool not working for FB comments.
- Fixed: minor fix on fullsize background images on mobile.
- Improved: now ADS will use CSS to hide them on mobile/tablets (just to ensure ADS are removed if cache plugins are installed).
- * Improved: delay of lazy load images on single articles, this should improve Google Insights several points.
- * Improved: srcset problem with lazy load images on mobile devices, this should improve between 2 and 10 points on Google Insights.
- Added: Lazy Load on galleries.
- Added: new option to change the overlay color on fullscreen background on Theme options -> styling -> body background.

⭐Similar Suggestion: Breek – Minimal Lightweight Masonry Theme for WordPress

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