Classiads v5.10.4 – Classified Ads WordPress Theme

最后更新于:2022-03-29 01:32:29


The ClassiAds WordPress Theme is Themeforest’s all-time #1 Premium Classified Ads WordPress Theme. We are confident that it is the best option for your company. 100 percent responsive design, very versatile, rich with features, drag and drop system with page builder, and top payment gateways (try resizing your browser). HTML5 and CSS3 were used to create this site. ClassiAds was created with a lot of thought and care, making it a pleasure to use.

This theme was painstakingly handcrafted with a heavy emphasis on typography, usability, and overall user experience. It’s really simple to set up and customize. You’ll enjoy it.


Features: Classiads – Classified Ads WordPress Theme

  • Any sort of website may benefit from a clean, modern design.
  • Completely Responsive
  • Fields that can be customized
  • HTML5 and CSS3 were used to create this site.
  • Colors are limitless.
  • Integration with Visual Composer
  • Integration with Woocomerce 3X
  • Mobile Menu on Its Own
  • Header that may be completely customized
  • Social Network Option in the Header/Header Toolbar
  • Header/Header Option to Login/Register
  • Option for Header/Header Toolbar Listing Button
  • Optional Contact Information for Header/Header Toolbar
  • Custom Menu Option for Header/Header Toolbar
  • Option for Header/Header Toolbar Logo Placement
  • Header/Header Toolbar wpml option Option
  • Optional Header Search Form
  • Toolbar for Header/Headers Option for Woocomerce Cart
  • Header Toolbar can be turned on or off.
  • Manage the backgrounds of your headers and pages.
  • Manage the layout of a single blog page
  • Manage the Woocomerce design
  • Skin and typography should be managed.
  • Control Page Speed
  • Several Calls to Action
  • Layout of the footer is completely customizable.
  • On/Off for the top footer area
  • On/Off for the main footer section
  • On/Off for the sub-footer section
  • 4 Subscription Form Styles in the Footer
  • Option for Social Networking in the Footer
  • Option for a logo in the sub-footer or top-footer
  • 4 kinds of back-to-top buttons
  • Skins for the footer that may be customized
  • Visual Composer Elements (100+)
  • Each page’s title may be customized.
  • Each page should have its own sidebar.
  • Create as many dynamic sidebar spaces as you like.
  • Google Fonts is a collection of fonts created by Google
  • Dynamic Styles Minify Automatically
  • There are seven different navigation menus available.
  • Client-Specific Post Type
  • Testimonials is a type of custom post.
  • Custom Post Type for Employees
  • Custom Post Type for Listings
  • Library of Icons
  • System with Multiple Directories
  • Listings with their own category taxonomy
  • There are almost ten different categories to choose from.
  • Category style and typography are completely configurable.
  • Option for a category slider
  • Custom Taxonomy for Locations
  • Location levels are limitless.
  • Drag and drop to create an address structure.
  • Addresses for single listings and grid/list views are different.
  • Archive Pages may be styled in an infinite number of ways.
  • Side Layout for Archive Pages
  • On archive pages, you may manage your listings.
  • On archive pages, change the default listing view.
  • On archive pages, you can add/remove maps.
  • Widget information
  • Widget for a Custom Menu
  • a social media widget
  • Widget for Recent Posts
  • a well-liked widget
  • Widget for Flickr
  • Widget for video
  • Widget for images
  • Widget for authors
  • Provides a widget
  • Widget for categorizing
  • Widget for locations
  • Widget for searching
  • Widget for subscriptions
  • a social media widget
  • Widget for mapping
  • Compatible with Relevancy Search
  • Filter for Ajax Search Listings
  • Category-based search
  • Use the Location or Address form to find what you’re looking for.
  • GeoLocation Search
  • Radius-based search
  • Price-based search
  • Option min – max in the Price Search field
  • Exact Value Option in the Price Search Field
  • Price Range Slider Option in the Price Search Field
  • Any Custom Content Field Can Be Used To Perform A Search
  • Option for a directory-based search form
  • Option for a Search Form Based on a Pricing Plan
  • Option for a location-based search form
  • Option for a category-based search form
  • Suggestions for KeyWords in the KeyWord Field
  • Option for a Default KeyWord
  • Optional Default Address
  • Radius Option by Default
  • Location Field Nested Level Up To 3 In A Search Form
  • Up to 3 levels of nested fields in a search form
  • Connect a Search Form to any other shortcode, such as a Map or a Listings page.
  • Customize the look and feel of each search form.
  • For each search form, choose custom fields.
  • Section of Advanced Search
  • Custom Fields to Display in the Advanced Search Section
  • Organize the typography for the search form
  • On submission, choose the Pending for review option.
  • On the edit screen, there is a Pending for review option.
  • Make a claim to your listing.
  • Option for Claim Approval
  • After a claim has been approved, you have the option of changing your status.
  • System of bidding
  • Status (Online/Offline)
  • Import/Export csv
  • Icons in the SVG category
  • Icons is a category of images.
  • Icons is a font category.
  • Badges were given out.
  • mechanism for author verification
  • placing of adverts on the front end
  • publishing advertisements from the backend
  • The user menu is located in the header.
  • System of Invoices
  • Notification through email
  • Pay-per-post model
  • History of billing
  • Personalized Banner
  • +20 Pre-Configured Layouts
  • Supported by RTL
  • Integrated with MailChimp
  • Styles for Google Maps
  • ReduxFramework
  • 3rd edition of the Bootstrap framework
  • Supported Child Theme
  • bbPress is a blogging platform (Forum)
  • Sliders are touch-swipe friendly.
  • Contact form that is in use
  • Support for several browsers
  • Twitter has been incorporated.
  • There’s a lot of emphasis on typography, usability, and the entire user experience.
  • There are over 650 Google fonts to choose from.
  • Icons from social media
  • SEO-friendly
  • Translation Assistance
  • Advanced Theme Options Panel (Unbranded)
  • Compatible with the most recent WordPress version
  • Login to Facebook
  • Login to Twitter
  • 6 Other Ways to Login to Social Media
  • Login to Google Plus
  • Feature to Report Abuse
  • Feature for Sharing Listings
  • Feature of Print Listing
  • Featured PDF 下载
  • Feature Add to Favorites
  • Reviews And Ratings
  • Contact Form for Authors via Email
  • To contact the author, use the Instant Message feature.
  • Author Page on Its Own
  • Directions on the Map
  • Integration with the Twilio SMS Service
  • Integration with Google Maps
  • map markers made to order
  • Login, Registration, and Contact Form Builder
  • Front-end User Interface
  • Customizability of the User Panel
  • From the User Panel, make any listing public or private.
  • Option for All Listings: Note to Admin
  • Report on Listing Views
  • Allow just certain users to access the backend.
  • Require the option of a term and condition.
  • dashboard login page that is unique
  • For listing submission, you can use a custom login page.
  • List tags can be turned on and off.
  • For users, hide the admin bar.
  • Manage user data from the front-end
  • There are four types of pricing plans.
  • Pricing plans that may be customized to the nth degree
  • Any option on the Pricing Plan can be hidden or shown.
  • For Pricing Plans, Manage Styling and Typography
  • Option to ‘Raise UP’ or ‘Bump Up’ a Listing
  • Option to Upgrade Your Listing
  • When your listing is about to expire, you have the option of changing the listing level.
  • Option to draft a listing when it is about to expire
  • Pricing plan-based sticky listing
  • Based on the price plan, a featured listing is created.
  • Based on the Pricing Plan, Display on Map
  • Selling a single listing or a package of listings is an option.
  • Create an unlimited number of pricing plans
  • Each pricing plan can include an unlimited amount of photos.
  • Each pricing plan can include an unlimited number of videos.
  • Each pricing plan can include an unlimited number of locations.
  • Each pricing plan can have an unlimited number of categories.
  • Integration of the Woocomerce Payment Gateway for Listings
  • Integration of the Woocomerce Subscription Addon
  • Integration with the Woocomerce Shop
  • Fields for Customized Content
  • Type of Content Field in SelectBox
  • Type of CheckBox Content Field
  • Type of Radio Content
  • Type of TextArea Content Field
  • Type of Content Field Text String
  • Type of Content on a Website
  • Type of Digital Value Content Field
  • Type of Email Content Field
  • Type of Date-Time Content Field
  • Hours of Operation Type of Content Field
  • Type of Content Field in File Upload
  • Type of Price Content Field
  • On Grid View, you may choose to hide/show only the Field Label/show only the Icon/show both.
  • Show Field in Map Info Window is an option.
  • Show Content Field for Selected Categories is an option.
  • Show Content Field for Selected Locations is an option.
  • Content Field may be shown in grid and list views.
  • On a single listing page, you have the option of displaying the Content Field.
  • Showing the Content Field on the Search Form is an option.
  • Make an unlimited number of Content Fields Groups.
  • For anonymous users, there is an option to conceal the group.
  • 2 Different Grouping Styles
  • Drag and drop to reorder the groups.
  • Content Fields in a Specific Order by dragging and dropping
  • Show Directories-Based Listings
  • Display Listings by Category
  • Display Listings by Location
  • Show Listings According To Pricing Plans
  • Display Listings With Custom Fields
  • There are 16 different grid view styles to choose from.
  • +3 Viewing Styles for Lists
  • For each Listing Shortcode, choose a different listing style.
  • On the Same Page, Display Multiple Listing Shortcodes
  • Choose between a Grid View or a List View for your listing’s default style.
  • 3 Sorting Styles in a List
  • Sorting can be shown or hidden.
  • View Switcher can be shown or hidden.
  • Pagination can be shown or hidden.
  • Show/LoadMore Button Option
  • Optional Masonry Layout
  • Optional 2 Column Responsive Grid
  • All Listings on One Page is an option.
  • Only Display Option Listings That Are Sticky And Featured
  • After the page has loaded, you can choose to load the listing.
  • Setting the number of listings per page is an option.
  • On-Scroll Option to Load More Listings
  • Ordering by date, title, or any content field is an option.
  • Setting the Ordering Direction Option Whether you’re ascending or descending
  • Number of Listings Can Be Hiding/Shown
  • Grid View: Up to +6 Listing Columns
  • Option for Custom Thumbnail Sizing
  • Carousel can be turned on for any section that is still running.
  • Styling, coloring, and typography for listings are all under your control.
  • In Grid View, Sow Custom Content Fields
  • 2 Page Styles for Single Listings
  • On a single listing page, there are related listings.
  • For a single listing page, a complete slider manager is available.
  • On a single listing page, show the map in tabs.
  • On a single listing page, show a map instead of tabs.
  • On a single listing page, show videos in tabs.
  • On a single listing page, show videos from all tabs.
  • On a single listing page, show reviews in tabs.
  • On a single listing page, show reviews from all tabs.
  • On a single listing page, show field groups in tabs.
  • On a single listing page, show field groups outside of tabs.
  • On a single listing page, you may display any custom field.
  • The code is well commented.
  • and a lot more

变更日志: Classiads – Classified Ads WordPress Theme

ClassiadsPro 5.10.4
+ Option to remove author photo from frontend profile
+ Option added to hide listing id from single listing page.
+ Author widget coloring added - needs some workaround to fix colorpicker issue.
* Ordering field issues in widget options and wpbackery.
* Status field not creating. causing db error.
* Offer message was sending to site admin instead of author.
* Frontend submit form responsive issue fixed.
* Cover/logo not changing from backend.
* Mobiel view frontend panel toggle button index issue with mobile menu.
* Directory single listing layout was not working if ratting option is turned off.
* Single listing tabs, default tab was not open by default.
* Business hours field issue with 24 hour open option.
* Sub-category was not hiding
* Admin-info modal was not hiding in admin area pages

ClassiadsPro 5.10.3
* minor fixes

ClassiadsPro 5.10.2
* minor fixes

ClassiadsPro 5.10.1
* yoast seo compatibility fixed.
* frontend subission error if payment option disabled.
* theme sttings restructured for better user experience.
* twitter feed vc element removed
* flicker vc element removed
* google map vc element removed
* old contact form vc element removed
* translation updated

ClassiadsPro 5.10.0
* frontend file upload field not working
* author page design issues
* author page links adjustment in listing grid/list
* search keyword example showing digits at the end
* profile update button should be disabled while ajax request
* fantro header check for 1024px - 1170px
* Remeved possibility to delete core fileds
* TOS option was not hiding while turned off from backend
* Loarmore was not working in case of ratting disabled from backend
* Backend listing error in case of Payment Manager pklugin not activated.
* Category page screen option was not working at backend
* Locations page screen option was not working at backend
* Tags page screen option was not working at backend
* Add/Edit listing page screen option was not working at backend
* Language null error with mapbox if browser language is other than English
* Multi Directory page permalinks issues in case of having more than 1 directories.
* Submit listing form responsive issues resolved.
* Home search redirect map issue resolved.
* Tags page layout issue resolved
* Example keywords string showing array glu at the end resolved.
* Restructured core code base.
* Workflow normalized.
* header cart button redesigned,
* Woocomerce pages layout issues resolved.
* Author widget visual improvements
* Listing Grid view styles visual improvements
* Listing List View styles visual improvements
* All categories styles moved to theme
* All locations styles moved to theme
* All listing grid styles moved to theme
* All listing list styles moved to theme
* Default list view style redesigned
* Translation issues resolvd.
* All backend options related to DirectoryPress Frontend Addon moved to relevant plugin
* All backend options related to DirectoryPress Maps Addon moved to relevant plugin
* All backend options related to DirectoryPress Claim Addon moved to relevant plugin
* All backend options related to DirectoryPress Payment Manager Addon moved to relevant plugin
* Pricing Plan styling and option moved to DirectoryPress Payment Manager addon
* Possibility to show address line 1 on grid and list view if pre-made locations not available.
* Review and ratting design issues resolved,
* rtl issues resolved
* user name removed from header user menu to avoid layout issues.
* Author.php removed from theme
* Frontend user panel Menu moved to DirectoryPress Frontend Addon.
* MapBox integration improvements
* Maps Shortcode trasfered to DirectoryPress Maps Plugin.
* Possibility to turn map on/off for specific pages like, single lsiting,archive pages and submit listing form.
* Designinvento Templates plugin replaced with Classiads Templates Plugin.
* Pricing Plans redesigned.
account delete feature (added)
whatsapp and telegram sharing (added)
whatsapp contact option (added)
Author page listing order should be DESC (added)
Option to turn on/off Phone Number added to author widget
Option to turn on/off Phone Number added to author widget
Option to turn on/off Whatsapp Number added to author widget
Option to turn on/off Email ID added to author widget
Option to turn on/off Social Links added to author widget
Option to turn on/off Send Message added to author widget
Option to turn on/off Send Offer added to author widget
Option to turn on/off Contact details for anonymous user added to author widget
Notification for free listing (added)
hours field missing always opened option (added)
add pay link along unpaid tag in user dashboard (added)
add listing id to default and radius single listing (added)
Ajax login feature (added)
Option added to turn On/off published date on single listing page
Option added to turn On/off listing views on single listing page
Option added to turn On/off published date on single listing page
Option added to turn On/off social sharing on single listing page
Option added to turn On/off no-follow attribute in listing permalinks
possibility to add/edit/modify search result page templates from theme
possibility to add/edit/modify tags page templates from theme
possibility to add/edit/modify locations page templates from theme
possibility to add/edit/modify categories page templates from theme
possibility to add/edit/modify listing details page templates from theme
New action directorypress_listing_grid_thumbnail added to listing grid view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_listview_thumbnail added to listing list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_thumbnail added to listing list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_featured_tag added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_status_tag added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_author added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_category added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_category_icon added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_title added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_inline_fields added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_block_fields added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_tooltip_fields added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_summary_field added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_address added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_price_field added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_ratting added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_bookmark added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
New action directorypress_listing_grid_views added to listing grid/list view templates (added)
Possibility to Assign custom register page for default login form.
Possibility to Assign custom reset password page for default login form.
New field type [status] added to advanced fields addon
Claim listing feature moved to new addon (addon)
Some custom Fields moved to new addon (addon)
New Feature for WCFM integration added with addon plugin.
Author Profile page template is added to DirectoryPress plugin
Login Form added to send message and send offer modal for better work flow.
Admin documentation modal added to submit listing form with each field to help admin for easy setup.
ClassiadsPro Version 5.5
+ Multi Directory System
+ MapBox integration
+ Twilio sms service integration
+ Mobile OTP
+ New custom reset password form
+ New Grid Listing Styles
+ New List view style
+ New Sorting styles
+ Option to select a separate style for each listing section
+ Option to show directory based listing
+ Option to create a separate single listing page for each directory
+ Typography and styling option for listings
+ Each section have a masonry option
+ Each section has a featured tag option
+ Custom fields are now available in ultra style, fantro style, and zee style as well
+ Option to load more listings on scroll
+ Grid option expanded to 6 columns for certain styles.
+ Show listings based on locations, categories, radius, pricing plans, or content fields.
+ Related listing option on the single listing page
+ Typography and styling option for pricing plans
+ New Pricing plan Styles
+ New option to show or hide certain features from pricing plans
+ New archive pages layouts
+ Dynamic menu names according to the current page
+ Dynamic page titles on archive pages
+ New category Styles
+ Option to show directory-based categories
+ Each category section can have a separate design
+ SVG image upload option for categories
+ Typography and styling option for categories
+ category each section can have SVG or image or font icons
Search form
+ Option to create a separate search form for each directory
+ More flexibility added to search form
+ Typography and styling option for search form
+ Custom styling option for search form in visual composer elements
+ Search form Address + Location + GeoLocation Field
+ Search form ajax scroll to the listing option
+ Keyword suggestion option for keyword search
+ default keyword option for the keyword field
+ Option to show only keyword field
+ Option to show only category field
+ Option to show keyword + Category in a single field
+ Option to set certain categories for search form
+ Option to set category nested level in search up to 3
+ category icons added in the search field
+ listing filter added in the keyword search
+ Option to show only address field
+ Option to show only locations field
+ Option to show Location + Address in a single field
+ Option to set location nested level in search up to 3
+ location icon added in the location search field
+ Default address option for address filed in the search form
+ Option to set certain locations in the search form
+ Option to select certain content fields in the search form
+ Option to select certain content fields in the advanced search section
+ Option to show field label for default search fields
+ Radius search tooltip option
+ New Location Styles 
+ Typography and styling option for locations
Content fields
+ option to show listing count for select, radio and checkbox fields on search form
+ added phone number validation in text string field
+ option to show icon or icon plug label or only label or hide label from grids listings
+ option to hide or show field label on search form
+ option to make custom field block or inline on grid listing

⭐另请参考: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily

下载 Classiads v5.10.4 Nulled – Classified Ads WordPress Theme

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